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You know what’s just as great as cats? Dogs. You know what’s even better than both cats and dogs? Watching funny dog videos. Here are some of my favorites:
This dog is hilariously good at fetch.
A dog is playing fetch with his owner. The owner throws the ball and the dog runs after it. The dog picks up the ball and brings it back to his owner, who throws it again. This continues until they are both tired and need a break.
Dog gets angry that owner is not paying attention to them.
A dog is not happy and wants attention from their owner. The dog is sad, angry and frustrated that the owner is ignoring them.
This dog and cat are sharing a bed!
You’ve probably seen a lot of cat videos on the internet, but this dog and cat are in cahoots! They’re not just sharing a bed; they’re sharing each other’s company. The two were brought together by their owners, who wanted them both to feel comfortable and happy in their new home. Apparently, cats can get along with dogs if there are sufficient treats involved!
I love that these two animals have found friendship and comfort in each other—and it looks like they have no plans of being apart anytime soon!
This dog doesn’t want to play his own games.
This dog doesn’t want to play his own games.
He’s not alone, either: you’ve probably been irritated by a game or activity that your friend or family member wanted you to do and then when you did it, they still didn’t seem happy with their decision. That’s because a game is not meant solely for the benefit of the player; it’s also supposed to be fun for everyone involved!
If this sounds like something that has happened in your life before, then we have some good news: there are plenty more funny videos like this one on our list of funny dog videos that will keep you laughing all day long (and maybe even make you want another pet).
Puppy playing with the leaves
What could be better than watching a puppy play with leaves? The answer is nothing. Nothing could be better than watching a puppy play with leaves.
The video shows the pooch jumping around and chasing the falling leaves, though it seems like he’s more interested in shaking them from the tree than actually catching them. Still, that makes for one adorable dog video to brighten your day!
This dog really wants to play with you but you’re on the phone.
This dog really wants to play with you but you’re on the phone.
Dog: Hey, what’s up? How are things going? You want to play some fetch? Or maybe a game of tug-of-war? Maybe we could run around the yard and chase each other for a little bit? What about just sitting here next to me for a few minutes while I tell you about my day, that’d be nice too.
Human: Sorry, can’t do it right now, I’m on the phone (mentions something about work).
Dog: Oh come on! Don’t be like this…
Dog won’t stop shaking after bath
This dog won’t stop shaking after bath. What is making this dog shake?
Dog shaking after bath and why it happens
It’s normal for your pooch to shake when they get out of the water, but if your dog is still going strong after a few minutes, there could be something more serious going on.
You can help your pup calm down by getting them dried off as soon as possible and avoiding putting any warm clothes on them until their body temperature returns to normal. If you think it may be too cold outside or that they’re feeling too hot inside, wrap them in a towel and sit with them until they stop shaking (which usually only takes 1-2 minutes).
French Bulldog puppy really loves popcorn!
Please enjoy this video of a French bulldog puppy eating popcorn. It is the best thing to watch on the internet, so I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
Dog can’t decide what they want to eat.
This is one of those videos where you just want to give the dog a hug. They’re so cute and fluffy and confused! But then again, he *is* laughing at them, so maybe not. Either way, this is certainly a video you won’t forget anytime soon.
When your alarm goes off, and it’s still Saturday.
- When your alarm goes off, and it’s still Saturday
- When they’re bored, but they have to pretend they aren’t
- When you ask them if they want to go for a walk, but all the sudden the TV is more interesting than you
- When you’re trying to take a cute picture of them… again
- Any time they see something new or interesting in their environment
You should get a dog or watch one on the internet!
If you don’t have a dog, maybe you should get one. Dogs are great! They make people happy, they’re fun to play with, and they can even help your physical health. In fact, studies show that owning a dog can decrease stress levels and increase overall happiness in life. So if you’re having trouble finding your purpose in life or feeling bogged down by the stresses of modern living—or if the idea of getting up from your computer screen sounds like too much work—get yourself some furry companionship!
If you enjoyed these funny dog videos, then check out our Top 10 Dog Videos! There are some really good ones in there and the video quality is very high so you won’t be disappointed.