10 Interesting Facts About Gerbils


Gerbils are small rodents with soft, velvety fur. They’re social and inquisitive, so they make great pets for people who like animals that like to be active and playful.

Gerbils are native to dry regions in Africa and Asia. They can live for four to five years, but some have been known to live for up to 10 years. Their tails can be as long as their bodies!

Gerbils are native to dry regions in Africa and Asia.

Gerbils are native to dry regions in Africa and Asia. They can also be found in the Middle East and parts of Europe. Gerbils are nocturnal animals, meaning they’re active at night. Despite their small size, they’re quite strong enough to dig burrows up to 9 m (30 ft) long with up to 4 entrances!

Gerbils can live for four to five years, but some have been known to live for up to 10 years.

Gerbils can live up to 10 years, but most gerbils live for four to five years. Gerbils are social animals and need to be placed in pairs or groups of three or more. They are inquisitive and gentle animals that require a wheel for exercise (and this is one reason why you should always have at least two gerbils).

Gerbils are social animals and live in large groups called clans.

Gerbils are social animals and live in large groups called clans. These clans can have up to 100 members, with a dominant male leading the clan. Gerbil clans are territorial and will fight other clans for territory. They usually consist of family groups that stay together for many generations.

A gerbil’s tail can be as long as its body.

Did you know that a gerbil’s tail can be as long as its body? The tails of gerbils are often as long as their bodies, and they use them for balance and communication. If a male gerbil gets separated from his group, he’ll hunch over and tuck his chin in to make himself look smaller so that predators won’t think he’s worth chasing down. He’ll also wag his tail back and forth quickly while he walks around so the other members of the group will notice him more easily when they come back together again.

The majority of your pet’s fur is grayish-brown with some darker splotches on the back end. Their belly fur is lighter than their backs, with white markings near their feet which give them traction when climbing up walls or running on hard surfaces like concrete floors (which can be painful for paws without proper traction).

Gerbils are inquisitive, gentle animals that rarely bite.

Gerbils are inquisitive and enjoy exploring, which makes them fun pets for children. They also like to interact with their owners and may become comfortable enough with you to bite if they feel threatened. Gerbils generally do not bite often, but it’s still important to know how to handle them so that you don’t hurt their feelings when you pet them (or vice versa).

When kept as pets, gerbils prefer large cages so they have room to run around and burrow and need a wheel for exercise.

When kept as pets, gerbils prefer large cages so they have room to run around and burrow. A minimum of a 10-gallon tank is recommended for one gerbil whereas two or three gerbils can be housed in a 20-gallon tank. The cage should be kept at least 18 inches off the floor with plenty of toys, such as cardboard tubes and wooden chew sticks, as well as some nesting material (like shredded paper).

Gerbils need exercise wheels for exercise, mental stimulation and health reasons. A running wheel should be one inch in diameter with a surface area approximately equal to the animal’s body length; this allows them to move more quickly without causing injury so they can run up to 3 mph!

As with all rodents, gerbils’ teeth grow continuously throughout their lives and must be worn down by gnawing or they will become overgrown.

As with all rodents, gerbils’ teeth grow continuously throughout their lives and must be worn down by gnawing or they will become overgrown. This is why it’s important for gerbils to have plenty of chew toys so that they can wear down their teeth as needed.

Gerbil teeth grow based on a cyclical pattern, which means that you’ll need to replace your current chew toys every three months or so. Fortunately, this is fairly easy to do—just keep an eye out for signs that the toys are becoming too small for your pet (for example: if he’s able to fit his whole head inside) or if he doesn’t seem interested in it anymore (he might play with it once in awhile but not with any real enthusiasm). If either of these things happen, consider replacing it!

Gerbils groom themselves using their paws and the long hairs on their bellies.

Gerbils are very clean animals. They use their paws and the long hairs on their bellies to clean themselves.

Gerbils are cute, fun pets who have many interesting characteristics.

Gerbils are cute, fun pets who have many interesting characteristics.

They’re social animals and very inquisitive. They enjoy exploring and will happily run up and down their cage, stopping to examine every nook and cranny along the way. These gentle little mammals are native to dry regions in Africa and Asia, so they do well in dry environments like deserts or semi-arid grasslands. Gerbils don’t require a lot of space but they do need room on the floor of their cage so they can run around freely.


Gerbils are cute, fun pets who have many interesting characteristics. They make great companions and are very entertaining to watch when they play. You can learn more about their behavior by reading the following article: “10 Interesting Facts About Gerbils”, which is available on our blog.

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