10 Reasons Why You Should Love Ugly Dogs


If you’re like me and have a special place in your heart for ugly dogs, then this article is for you! While the idea of an “ugly dog” may seem silly to some, there are many reasons why we think these unique dogs are among the cutest. In fact, I believe that anyone who hasn’t yet adopted one of these endearing creatures into their life should do so immediately! Here are 10 reasons why you should love ugly dogs:

They don’t require weekly grooming

Let’s face it: ugly dogs are low maintenance. They don’t require weekly grooming, daily brushing, and they don’t need to be bathed as often as other dogs. They also don’t need to be clipped as often either.

They are great listeners.

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A stern look is no match for those big eyes.

While it’s true that some ugly dogs are very mean-looking, the majority of them are just as sweet as their beautiful counterparts. Even if your dog doesn’t have the traditional beauty of a Labrador Retriever or a Golden Retriever, there’s still no reason to deny yourself this cute creature’s companionship. Trust me—you’ll be glad you did!

The unexpected ugly dog kiss.

Ugly Dog Kisses are the best kisses. The most adorable kisses. And, yes, the most unexpected kisses. They’re really that good—the cutest and most adorable kissers ever to grace the presence of an ugly dog owner (and their entire extended family).

You see, when you live with an ugly dog and you’re not expecting to get kissed by your dog at all, Ugly Dog Kisses are a real treat. You’ll often find yourself saying “Oh my gosh” or “What was that?” as if they were something that just happened out of nowhere and were totally unexpected but also extremely welcome!

And it’s true: when Ugly Dogs give kisses, they do so with such joyous abandon that it can be hard not to love them even more than before!

You can take them anywhere!

  • Hiking – Ugly dogs love to hike! They are great companions on the trail.
  • Camping – When it’s time to go camping, uglier dogs can carry their own pack and won’t complain much about carrying your stuff too.
  • Swimming – If you’re planning on spending some time at the beach or just want to cool off after a long walk in the hot summer sun, ugly dogs love water and will happily splash around in it with you!
  • Road trips – Rides in cars are always more fun when you have an ugly dog riding shotgun (or even sitting behind). They’ll keep you company during the trip and keep an eye out for upcoming exits so that you don’t miss your turn.
  • The Beach – The sand is no match for ugly dogs’ fur! They’ll be happy rolling around in all of its smoothness, making new friends along the way.

They are low-maintenance.

While you may think that a dog with a fancy hairstyle or custom-made sweater is the most adorable, ugly dogs can be just as cute if you give them the right amount of attention. Most ugly dogs don’t require much in the way of grooming and they are happy to go for a walk, or sit on the couch and watch TV! They aren’t high-maintenance like some other breeds.

For some reason, they seem to produce the best personalities.

More importantly, they’re more likely to have a better home life.

For some reason, they seem to produce the best personalities. Maybe it’s because ugly dogs are more likely to be adopted and rescued. Maybe it’s because their owners are more likely to love them unconditionally (and no hidden motives). Or maybe it’s just that ugly dogs are less concerned with their outward appearance than beautiful ones, so they’re better equipped for a happy life full of cuddles and belly rubs and treats for being such good boys/girls!

People pay attention to ugly dogs; they’re a conversation starter!

Not only are ugly dogs the best conversation starters, but they are also a great way to meet new people. When you’re out in public with your dog, you’ll notice that people will stop and ask you questions about your pet. This is a great way to get to know someone! So if you want to make friends, or even find romance, bring along your ugly dog!

If there’s one thing I’ve learned from living in the world of ugly dogs it’s this: ugliness brings people together.

It’s okay to spoil them with treats…they almost never gain weight!

If you’re worried about spoiling your dog with treats, don’t be. These dogs are so easygoing that they aren’t food obsessed like other breeds, which means they won’t stuff themselves silly and end up getting fat. Also, their tendency toward leanness makes them less likely to develop health problems related to being overweight.

You can dress them up in their cutest outfits and look adorable!

There is a reason why ugly dogs are the most popular pet. They make great models! You can dress them up in their cutest outfits and look adorable, which makes for a great photo shoot or even an advertising campaign.

Ugly dogs make the best pets!

Ugly dogs make the best pets!

  • They are loyal.
  • They are smart.
  • They are funny.
  • They’re great listeners who will always let you vent about your day, no matter how long it takes for you to get through all of your problems (and if they really care about you, they might even offer up some advice).
  • Ugly dogs require very little maintenance—they don’t need walkies every day, their fur doesn’t shed everywhere, and they don’t require expensive toys or grooming appointments at the dog salon every week (though we still recommend brushing them once in a while).
  • And bonus: Ugly dogs love to be dressed up just as much as their good-looking counterparts!


We hope these reasons have inspired you to adopt a dog in need and make their life better. It’s never too late to start over! If you didn’t find your perfect match yet, don’t worry; we have plenty of other dogs who need homes. You can see them on our website or come visit us at our shelter in person!

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