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I’m a cat owner, and I’ve learned that there are things about cat ownership that only other cat owners understand. This is a list of those things:
You can’t leave a glass of water out
You can’t leave a glass of water out.
Cats are attracted to the sound of running water, so they’ll often drink from any available source, including your kitchen sink and bathtub spigots. If you have an open bottle or can of soda in the fridge, chances are one of your cats will get thirsty enough to drink it all down overnight—and if that happens at night when no one’s around? They’re going to be in for a rude awakening when they wake up with a tummy ache and a headache.
You are very aware of what catnip does
You’re familiar with the plant catnip, because you’ve been to a cat party at least once. Catnip is an herb that can make your kitty go crazy. It’s harmless and all of the symptoms are just temporary, but it’s still pretty funny to watch.
Catnip is an herb that cats love — it makes them act very silly! The effects of catnip last for about 10 minutes and then wear off for a few hours before repeating again the next time your cat sniffs some fresh leaves (yup, they sniff). Kittens tend to respond more than adult cats do, so if you own one of those little cuties who’s always running around like crazy when there’s a new toy in sight or something strange happening on TV…then chances are he’ll have an extra strong reaction when exposed to this herbal treat!
You have a special relationship with your vet
You have a special relationship with your vet.
Vets are the primary source of information about your cat’s health, and their office is where you go when you have concerns or questions. Your vet probably knows more about your cat than anyone else in the world, so they’re also one of your biggest sources of support and advice on other cat-related issues.
Your friends and family know you’re crazy
- Your friends and family know you’re crazy.
They know this because:
- You spend so much time talking about them. (One might even say too much.)
- You spend so much time taking photos of them, videos of them and/or videos about them (with or without sound).
You may think that they don’t care, but in reality they’d just rather not hear about your cat for the zillionth time today.
There’s no such thing as a little bit of cat hair
You don’t have to have a cat for very long before you realize that there is no such thing as a little bit of cat hair. It’s everywhere—on your clothes, in the carpet, on the couch, on the bed and even in your mouth if you’re not careful when going to brush your teeth or use deodorant (which also sticks to everything). Cat hair has a way of finding its way into all corners of one’s life and it is an unavoidable part of being a cat owner.
People want to know if you’re a dog person or a cat person
You’ll find that people are curious about your relationship with cats. They want to know if you’re a cat person or a dog person, because they feel that it’s important to know whether or not they can trust you with their pup during playtime.
If you’re close friends with someone who owns both a cat and dog, chances are good that they’ll ask which one is your favorite—and then proceed to tell them how much better the other species is than theirs. If this happens often enough, it can lead to some heated arguments between both parties!
The truth is that these two types of pets have different strengths and weaknesses: cats tend to be more independent and affectionate than dogs; dogs tend to be more social and playful than cats. This means there won’t be any winners when comparing them! It all depends on what kind of lifestyle suits you best!
You’ve got one too many photos of your cat on your phone
If you’ve ever owned a cat, chances are high that you have a lot of photos of them on your phone. It’s an easy way to show people just how cute and adorable they are.
However, it’s important to remember that cat owners don’t only want to show their friends how cute their pets are—they also want to tell the world how much they love them! And while having pictures of your pet is one way of showing this love, there are other ways too (like sharing videos or gifs). It’s also important not to let these pictures get out of hand: after all, Apple has limited storage space on iPhones!
You haven’t eaten all day, but you remember to feed the cats first
You haven’t eaten all day, but you remember to feed the cats first.
You may have had a brutal day at work and need to decompress with a glass of wine or two before bed, but your cat is still more important than sleep.
Your family will be over in an hour for dinner, but it’s not even noon yet and there are two pounds of dry food left for the cats who need it most—so you set out their bowls and make sure they’re full before you start cooking anything else.
Your friends are texting asking how their favorite football team did this weekend or what new show on Netflix is worth checking out next week, but when they call you back because they’re free now and want to talk about it—and then again when they actually show up at your place—you put them off because Blackie needs his litter box cleaned out right away (and because he’s waiting by the door).
Your idea of a good time is coming home to your cat
If you have a cat, then you know that coming home to your beautiful furry friend can be the highlight of your day. Whether she’s sitting on top of her food bowl waiting for a treat or just hanging out on the couch with you while you watch TV, there is nothing better than being in their company.
It’s not just because they’re cute either (although they definitely are). Cats are naturally very social animals who love to spend time with people and are very intelligent. They also like to play games and indulge in activities just as much as we do!
Sometimes, when you’re alone, you’ll meow back at the cats just because it makes them happy
Sometimes, when you’re alone and a bit bored, you’ll meow back at the cats. It’s not really necessary—like most cats, yours know exactly what to do in order to get attention from you. But sometimes it helps them to feel like they’ve got their owner right there with them and that everything’s okay when they’re by themselves. They may look confused or bewildered by your strange behavior, but they’ll come running anyway because they know that even though they might be confused by this strange behavior of yours, it means something good for them: playtime. You might feel a little crazy and question your sanity as you make these noises, but I promise that it will make your cat happy (and not just because he gets treats).
If your cat wants something, you’ll do everything in your power to get it for them. You’ll literally move mountains for them. They’re family, after all.
As a cat owner, you’ll do anything for your cats. You’ll move mountains for them. They’re family, after all.
You’ll get them the best food and toys, because you want them to be happy and content. You just want to make sure that they’re taken care of and comfortable in their home environment.
As you can see, this is a very important topic. It’s not just about the experience of being a cat owner, but also the relationship between people and their cats. I hope this article has helped you understand what it’s like to have a furry friend who loves you unconditionally!