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If you’re looking for a dog, you’ve probably thought about getting a puppy. But there’s another option: Adopting an adult dog from a shelter or rescue. It’s not just for people who don’t have time to train puppies, either — I adopted an adult dog (my first dog ever) from the local Humane Society when I was in college because I wanted to save her life and give her a better one. Here are some reasons why adopting an adult is the best choice:
You’ll be saving a life.
You are saving a life. You are giving the dog that you adopt a new lease of life and giving them the opportunity to grow into an adult dog that has been spared from being euthanized in an animal shelter. This is because many shelters do not have the resources to provide care for every animal they receive. Many dogs end up being put down after they arrive at these shelters, but if they were adopted out by someone else, then those animals could live on and make significant contributions to society.
The number of unwanted dogs that are bred only so their owners can make money off them is also likely increasing due to puppy mills and unlicensed breeders who treat these animals like cash cows instead of living beings with feelings. By adopting instead of purchasing a puppy directly from breeders or pet shops, we’re helping stop this cycle from happening again!
You’ll cut costs.
- Cost savings. If you’ve ever considered adopting a pet, but were deterred by the high cost of ownership, it’s time to reconsider. Adopting a dog is actually one of the most economical ways to own one! You’ll save money on food and grooming costs because many shelter dogs are already spayed or neutered (and may have been fixed by the shelter itself). You can also save on vet bills since rescue dogs tend to be healthier than animals from breeders or pet stores. And when it comes to training expenses, well-socialized rescue dogs tend not only come with pre-existing behavioral training but also with less need for specific types of training as well as less likelihood of behavior problems later in life. Finally, since most shelters offer discounts for adopting multiple pets at once (as well as other incentives), adopting two or more dogs at once might actually wind up saving you even more money over time!
If this sounds too good to be true—a free homecoming party thrown by your new pup every year? A lifetime membership at Doggy Day Spa? No vet bill ever again?—well then consider that there are still plenty of ways that adopting a dog could end up costing more than just buying one at PetSmart:
- If you adopt an older animal instead of getting one from a breeder, who knows how long they’ve been waiting around in their old age home before being scooped up into your loving arms! It could take them longer than average young puppies do before they learn all their commands and tricks…or perhaps teach YOU some new tricks along the way.
You’ll get your best friend.
They are great companions.
Dogs are loyal and will always be happy to see you, no matter what. You’ll never feel alone again with a dog by your side!
They can be fun. Dogs love to play and run around, especially if they have toys or other things that can keep them occupied for hours on end (like fetching sticks). You might even find yourself laughing at their antics—and so will anyone else who watches them play! This makes dogs excellent company for children, too: playing with the family pet is great exercise for kids while also helping them learn responsibility at an early age! The best part? Dogs love it when kids want to spend time with them!
You can choose your dog’s personality.
Choosing a dog that matches your lifestyle and personality is one of the most important things to consider when adopting. You want to make sure that not only will the dog get along with your family, but also that it fits into your lifestyle.
If a small dog is something you’re interested in, then choose an apartment-sized breed such as a Yorkshire Terrier or Chihuahua. If you enjoy long walks outside and having time to exercise regularly, then perhaps look into adopting a German Shepherd or Labrador Retriever. If you have children already and are looking for something playful and active, check out our post on dogs that love kids!
As far as personality goes, some dogs will fit right into almost any situation while others might need some extra training or socialization before they can be considered good candidates for adoption. You should consider what type of personality best fits yours so there aren’t any surprises later down the road when it comes time for adoption day!
If you want a dog, adoption is the way to go.
If you want a dog, adoption is the way to go.
Here are the reasons why:
- Adoption is a great way to save a life.
- Dogs in shelters are often healthier than dogs in pet stores. In fact, they’re often healthier than purebreds too! Adopted dogs also tend to be more playful and affectionate than their store-bought counterparts.
- You can choose your dog’s personality when you adopt; this means you don’t have to take whatever comes along—you get exactly what you want! If you’re looking for an energetic pup who loves running around outside all day, there will be plenty of options available at your local shelter or rescue organization (and even if not, they’ll still be able to help). But if quiet mornings reading on the couch sound perfect for you? Well then there will be plenty of those too! No matter what type of dog fits with your lifestyle and personality best—adoption will make sure it finds its way into yours someday soon!
The first step to getting a dog is to adopt. Adopting a dog is the best thing you can do for both you and your new friend. You’ll be saving a life, cutting costs and getting the best friend you could ever ask for!