5 Easy Tips To Keeping Your Pet English Bull Dog Active


My name is Liz and I own a English Bulldog named Henry. The reason why I am sharing this blog with all of you is because I have seen many people that are not aware of how to handle there English bull dogs. They might take them out for a walk or let them play with other dogs but they don’t know how to handle the situation if something happens. This blog will help people learn what they should do when their dog starts getting aggressive towards other dogs or people.


Playtime is a great way to keep your dog active.

Playing with your dog is a great way to bond with them.

Playing with your dog will make them feel loved and happy.

Playtime can be a great way to exercise your dog if you have enough space outside the house or apartment, but sometimes it’s just not possible. In this case, walking through the living room or kitchen can provide some exercise for both of you! If you don’t have much time on hand or feel like going out isn’t an option at all, try playing games together like tug-of-war or fetch!


Swimming is a great way to keep your dog active, and it’s also a good way to cool down on hot days. Swimming can help strengthen your dog’s muscles too! You can take your bull dog swimming in the pool or at the beach.


  • Walking
  • You need to walk your dog daily for about 30 minutes or so. Your English Bulldog will get plenty of exercise from walking in the open air, fresh air and sunshine. This is a great way to bond with your pet as well!
  • If you’re unable to go outside on some days because of weather conditions or other factors, indoor exercises are just as good.

Bulldog Owners dnt let there dogs run unsupervised with other dogs.Bulldogs are very loving and they love to play but they will occasionally get into fights

Bulldog owners dnt let there dogs run unsupervised with other dogs.

Bulldogs are very loving and they love to play but they will occasionally get into fights. It is important to not let your bull dog run unsupervised with other dogs, because this is how the breed gets its reputation for being aggressive towards other breeds of dogs.

Take your bulldog to a park or a place where other dogs are not allowed so your dog will not start up a fight

Taking your English Bulldog to a park or a place where other dogs are not allowed will help keep your dog active. This is because it will make him want to run around and play with other dogs, but he can’t do that if there are no other dogs there.

These tips will help you keep your English bull dog active without the worry of it getting into a fight

Keeping your pet English bull dog active is very important. There are many benefits to keeping your dog active, especially if you have one that is prone to getting into fights and other trouble. The following tips will help you keep your English bull dog active in and out of the house:

  • Get them a toy box full of toys they can play with. This keeps them distracted from getting bored, which leads to boredom biting or fighting with other pets or people in the house.
  • Get them a good size leash so they can go for walks outside where there are lots of things for them to smell and explore such as trees, plants, grasses and rocks (but stay away from areas where cars might be driving by).


These tips will help you keep your English bull dog active without the worry of it getting into a fight.

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