5 Reasons Why I Love Shih Tzu’s


I love dogs, and I have loved them for as long as I can remember. The first dog that my family got was a shih tzu named Peaches. She was a fantastic dog and we had her for over 10 years before she passed away. Since then, we have gotten two other shih tzus (Sophie & Lola) and they are just as wonderful. So today I am going to tell you why I love shih tzu’s so much and why you should consider getting one yourself!

They are intelligent.

You can’t go wrong with a Shih Tzu who is intelligent. They are very smart dogs, and they learn quickly, which makes them easy to train. This is also very helpful if you have young children or other pets in your home because it will help keep them safe as well as make your life easier when living with a Shih Tzu.

The intelligence of this breed comes from their ability to understand what you’re saying and how that relates to the world around them. This means that if you give them commands such as “sit”, “stay”, or “come here”, they’ll understand exactly what these words mean no matter how many times they’ve been told before!

They are easily trained.

Another reason why I love shih tzu dogs is because they are so easy to train. They are very intelligent and eager to please. So if you’re looking for a pet that will learn new tricks quickly, a shih tzu might be the perfect fit!

The last thing I want to mention about training is that these dogs are also very good at learning how to walk on a leash. The only thing you need to do is give them some time after bringing them home from the shelter or breeder’s house until they get used to walking on their own four paws again (if they’ve ever been outside before). Once your dog gets used

to walking without being tied up all day long though, then it’ll be time for him/her learn how much fun it can be having his own freedom while still having someone there as support when needed.

They are easy to groom.

> They are easy to groom.

> Shih tzus have a long coat that tends to tangle, but they don’t shed and therefore do not require much grooming. In fact, shih tzu owners can simply brush their dog when he or she is dirty or after a walk and the job is done! The only other thing that shih tzu owners may need to do is bathe their dog once every month or so (but even this isn’t necessary if you live in an area with low humidity).


> Unfortunately, because of the nature of their long hair and how it collects dirt and lint easily, these dogs can be prone to getting matted fur if you don’t brush them regularly. However, if left unmanaged for too long they will eventually become a tangled mess that requires hours upon hours of work to undo—so it’s important not only for your sanity but also for your pup’s health that you keep up with grooming at least three times per week (more often if possible).

They generally don’t shed.

If you’re looking for a dog that won’t shed much, look no further than Shih Tzu’s. While they do shed some, they don’t tend to shed as much as other dogs. They are also hypoallergenic, so people with allergies can consider Shih Tzu’s for their next pet!

They do not require much exercise (but do still need some).

Shih Tzus are not high energy dogs. They do need exercise, but they don’t require a long walk each day or anything like that. They are happy to run around the house with you, or go on a short walk in the neighborhood.

Shih Tzus are great dogs to consider for a wide variety of people and lifestyles.

Shih Tzus are great dogs for people who want a companion. Shih Tzus have a lot of love to give, and they will be your best friend in no time. They can help you through tough times and make you laugh when you are feeling down. Shih Tzus are also great for people who don’t have a lot of time to train their dog because these dogs tend not to have much energy or need any special attention from their owners!

Shih Tzus are also excellent choices if someone has allergies because this breed does not shed much fur at all (if any).


Shih Tzus are the best dogs. They are intelligent, easy to train, and they don’t shed much. They can be groomed easily with just a weekly brushing or two. Plus they don’t require a lot of exercise because they are so small! If you’re looking for a great family pet who will love all your kids equally then consider getting yourself one of these puppies today!

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