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I remember when I first got Moose. He was so little, but he had a big personality and made it easy for me to fall in love with him immediately. I didn’t know how much our lives would change together over the years, but there are many reasons why he’s been such an important part of mine.
This year marks 30 years since my first dog came into my life. I’ve had many dogs since then and each was special in their own way, but lucky for me, my present dog, Moosehead (Moose for short), is probably the best dog I ever had.
This year marks 30 years since my first dog came into my life. I’ve had many dogs since then and each was special in their own way, but lucky for me, my present dog, Moosehead (Moose for short), is probably the best dog I ever had.
He’s an English Cocker Spaniel mix that looks like a Bichon Frise with a long tail. He has a big head and expressive eyes which make him look like he’s always smiling or laughing. He has medium sized floppy ears that are almost always hanging down to one side of his face which can be cute at times but also annoying when he gets them in your face while you’re trying to read or watch TV!
Moose loves people and other animals so much that he sometimes nips at them if they don’t respond quickly enough to his excitement upon seeing them again after being separated from each other for some time during our daily walks around our neighborhood park or while playing fetch at home – especially if it involves running fast towards them as if to say “What took you so long?”
So many of us can relate to having a dog who became our constant companion and provided unconditional love throughout the years.
As a dog trainer and carer, I see the relationship between dogs and humans all the time. Dogs are great companions for children, as well as adults. They provide people with unconditional love and companionship, which is something we all need at some point in our lives.
Dogs are also an excellent source of exercise – they require us to be active every day! This is good because most people don’t get enough physical activity in their daily routine. So if you want your dog to be healthy and happy, make sure that you take them out on walks regularly so they can get some fresh air and exercise too!
Dogs are so wise, often teaching us as much or more than we teach them.
In my experience, dogs are so wise, often teaching us as much or more than we teach them. They have an innate ability to sense when you’re happy or sad, even if you try to hide your emotions from them. They know when you need a hug, and they also know when you need some alone time. Their level of understanding about body language is uncanny – they can tell whether someone is angry or happy based on their posture and facial expression alone! And most importantly for me personally: if I’m feeling lonely after work on the weekends (which happens sometimes), my dog always knows that too!
Here are five reasons why Moose is the best thing that ever happened to me.
Moose is a great companion. I love having him around because he’s always there for me and ready to play or hang out. He has a good sense of humor, so we can have fun together no matter what we do. Moose also listens well and is patient with me when I’m struggling with something new, like learning how to train dogs or being in charge of all the dog care duties at home.
I love Moose as my best friend because he makes me laugh every day! We make each other laugh by playing games like fetch or hide-and-seek (which he loves). It doesn’t matter if you’re old or young; Moose will always be happy to cuddle up with you on the couch while watching TV together!
1 – He’s like a personal trainer for both of us.
Moose is a fantastic walking companion. He’s always patient and happy to let me take as much time as I need to get ready, even if it means he has to sit there and wait for five or ten minutes while I brush my teeth or put on makeup. He’s also willing to walk in any weather conditions (as long as it isn’t raining), no matter how hot or cold it may be outside.
I do regular hikes with Moose and love taking him out on trails where he can explore new sights, smells, sounds and experiences at his own pace. But if you want your dog to stay fit plus have some fun in the process, hiking makes for an excellent workout!
When your dog has the same level of energy you do on most days, it’s no surprise that you’ll get into some positive habits together.
When your dog has the same level of energy you do on most days, it’s no surprise that you’ll get into some positive habits together. When we’re both off leash in a park, I’m always trying to keep up with him and not let him get too far ahead of me. If he starts running toward something interesting (another dog or person), I have to sprint after him so that I don’t lose sight of him in order to keep an eye on his behavior around other dogs. This kind of playfulness helps build up my stamina and endurance for long hikes later in the day when we go hiking together!
If you’ve got a dog who doesn’t like being off leash at all times, then maybe they need more mental stimulation? This can be as simple as using fetch toys or playing hide-and-seek games with them inside your home! These types of activities will help tire out those little legs so much more quickly than just letting them lie around all day doing nothing at all 🙂
2 – He forces me to play outside.
If you’re like me, you love to be outside. But sometimes it’s tough to find the time or motivation to actually go out there. My dog has always been ready and willing to play in the yard. If I’m having a bad day, all I have to do is grab his favorite toy and throw it for him a few times, and he’s happy as can be!
I also love taking my dog on walks around town or just around our neighborhood—it’s a great way for us both to get some exercise as well as enjoy some quality bonding time together!
Even when I’m working from home, he reminds me that there’s still plenty of time for exercise and fun.
Even when I’m working from home, he reminds me that there’s still plenty of time for exercise and fun.
My dog is the best thing that ever happened to me because he helps me stay active. When I’m at home and working on my computer all day, he will often just come up and sit in my lap so that we can take a walk together. He also loves learning new tricks or playing fetch with his ball outside; this helps us both burn off some extra energy when we’ve been sitting too long at our desks!
A lot of people get lonely by themselves at home all day while they’re working—but having a dog with you means you don’t have as much time on your hands because they require so much attention! If you’re feeling down or bored, just head outside with them or play some fun games indoors: it’ll keep them occupied for hours while still giving them plenty of exercise (and keeping yourself fit too!).
3 – He’s an expert cuddler.
Dogs are the best cuddlers. They don’t care if you have bad breath, they don’t care if you’re sweaty or smelly, they don’t mind if you’re watching TV or reading a book – because what’s more important than your dog?
Dogs are also very good at letting their owners know when they’re not happy about something. If your dog wants attention but can’t get it because of something else more pressing (like dinner), he’ll let out a whine until he gets what he wants!
No matter what’s going on in our lives, at the end of each day there is always time for snuggles before bedtime, and how can you not feel great after that?
It’s no secret that dogs are incredible creatures, but did you know that they can also be an excellent source of happiness?
Many people find themselves in situations where they need a little extra love and affection. Whether it’s because of the long hours at work or the stress from being a new parent, snuggling with your dog will help ease any stressful feelings and make you feel better. Even if your dog isn’t normally a cuddler, there’s always time for some quality time together before bedtime. After all, if there’s one thing that can make any bad day better it’s knowing that at the end of each day there will be an hour or so where nothing else matters but giving each other lots and lots of love!
4 – He keeps me company while I work from home.
4 – He keeps me company while I work from home.
Let’s be honest, working from home can be a lonely business. Even though you have access to the internet, Skype and other forms of communication, it’s easy to feel like you’re all alone in your own little world. But my dog is always around to keep me company and cheer me up when I’m feeling down. I often find myself laughing at something he does or telling him about something that happened during the day – he listens attentively and doesn’t judge! He also helps solve problems; if I’m stuck on how to fix some code or how best to approach a client project, he’ll come over for some cuddles before bouncing off into another room with his ball (or whatever else he finds lying around). This is great because not only does this get his energy out but it means that when we’re both done with our tasks for the day, we can relax together in front of Netflix and chill out for a bit before going to bed!
So while I might not be the perfect dog owner, it’s clear that Moose is a great friend to me and we are both better off because of him. We may have our differences at times, but overall we’re very similar in many ways and that makes us stronger as a team!