6 Favorite Tricks of German Shepherd Dogs


Dogs are a lot of fun, and German Shepherd Dogs (GSD) are no exception. One thing that makes these dogs so much fun is their ability to learn tricks. There are so many ways that you can entertain yourself or your friends by teaching your GSD some silly things they can do. Here are my top six favorite tricks:

Jumping up and down

Jumping up is a favorite trick of German Shepherds. It can be used to greet you when you come home, or as part of a fun game of fetch.

The first thing to do is teach your dog how to jump. This is easiest when the dog is still young, so start early!

If your dog jumps at you, give them a treat or play with their favorite toy in front of you so that they learn that jumping makes something good happen for them. You don’t want them to associate being jumped on with getting hurt or scolded!

If your dog likes jumping on people other than yourself (this might be because they are particularly excited about meeting new people), ask another person who comes over frequently if they would mind practicing jumping by having the two of them stand together while holding hands while saying ‘jump’ out loud every time one person lets go of the other’s hand and then releasing it again so that both people are holding onto each other’s hands at once (so there will always be someone around who can catch him if he falls!). This way everyone learns how fun it can be when everyone knows what each other needs without having any accidents happen along the way like falling down stairs or breaking things intentionally because they’re mad at someone else even though no one wants those kinds​of things happening either.”

Rolling over

Rolling over is a great trick for your dog to learn. It’s easy to teach and it can be very useful in training, especially if you want to show your dog who the boss is.

To begin teaching this trick, you will need some treats or a toy. Give the command “roll over” while holding up one of these items right near your dog’s nose so he knows what he needs to do next. At first, if he doesn’t get it right away, just move the treat closer until he does notice and starts rolling over onto his back completely on his own! Once that happens, quickly reward him with whatever treat or toy was being used as an incentive (if using treats). Keep repeating this process until he learns that rolling over results in getting rewarded with something tasty from you!

Play dead

Play dead is a great trick to teach your dog. It’s also fun for you and your friends to watch, and it makes a good party trick.

To teach your dog play dead, give him or her plenty of praise when he lays down on his back with his legs up in the air. Then repeat the command “play dead” over and over again until he learns it well enough to do it on command without any help from you!

Barking on command

Barking on command is one of the most popular tricks among German Shepherds. It’s lots of fun to teach your dog this trick, and it can be useful as well!

There are many variations of barking on command. Some people teach their dogs to bark when they say “bark,” some say “speak” or “speak up” (which is what I like to use), others prefer other words such as “woof,” or even just using a whistle. Whichever word you choose, make sure that you repeat it over and over again with positive reinforcement so that the dog learns the word association with barking.

Sneezing on command

“Sneezing on command” is one of the easiest tricks to teach a dog. It is not a difficult trick at all and it’s a great rainy day trick. This is because you can use this trick to make your dog sneeze on command, which will entertain children and adults alike! If you have allergies, this can be a very useful trick as well and could save you from suffering through sneezing fits when your friends are around.

Howling on command

You can teach your German Shepherd to howl on command. This is a trick that’s fairly easy to teach and will impress anyone who hears it! The first step is to get them used to the sound of their own howling. They’ll need lots of practice so they don’t get stressed out or scared when you want them to howl for an audience.

The easiest way I’ve found is by teaching them as follows:

  • Have someone else blow into a whistle while you say “howling” in an excited voice (almost like you’re cheering). You should start off very close so they can associate the whistling with hearing your voice saying “howling” at their level, but don’t overdo it—you don’t want your dog getting too excited and jumping on you!
  • Next time try going halfway across the room from your dog while blowing into the whistle, asking him/her if they want some “howls” just like before and again responding with “Howling!!” loud enough so he/she can hear it without making him/her uncomfortable or scared; if this works well then increase distance slowly until he/she understands what’s happening and responds accordingly whenever he/she hears the sound coming towards him/her

Dogs can do many tricks, but these are especially fun!

Dogs can do many tricks, but these are especially fun! They’re a great way to bond with your dog and will make you both happy. You can teach your puppy to do tricks at home with these instructions.


So there you have it, six of the most popular tricks that German Shepherds can do. They are all easy to train and will help you bond with your pup as well. If you want to learn more cool things about dogs and their behavior then check out our blog!

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