6 Ways to Get Rid of Dog Odor in your Home


The smell of a dog can be so appealing, but there’s a reason why people say that “a wet dog smells like a wet dog.” If you’re looking for ways to get rid of the doggy odor in your home, then keep reading. I’ll tell you how to handle everything from regular grooming routines to pet odors in carpeting and upholstered furniture.

Regular grooming.

Regular grooming is important for dogs. It keeps their coats healthy and removes dead hair, which can cause odor. If your dog isn’t used to being groomed, it’s best to start when he’s young (or at least before the first signs of matting). Start by gently rubbing the top layer of his fur with a soft-bristled brush. This will help remove any dirt or debris that may be in his coat. Once you’ve done this, use scissors or clippers—whatever tool you prefer—to trim away any loose fur along his neck and backside. You don’t have to cut too much off at once; just try to keep things tidy!

When grooming your pup, remember that not all dogs like being brushed or trimmed down with scissors or clippers (especially if they’re frightened!), so be sure not rush into things too fast otherwise you might upset them instead of helping them become more comfortable around grooming sessions over time…

Bathe your dog regularly.

Bathing your dog regularly is one of the most effective ways to help with pet odor. If you’re looking for something that works fast, try bathing your dog every other day or weekly. This will keep them clean and smelling fresh longer.

If you’re not sure how often to bathe your dog, talk with a veterinarian about their specific needs and what they recommend based on their breed and health statistics.

It’s important to use an all-natural shampoo that is pH balanced so it doesn’t dry out their skin too much, especially if they have sensitive skin! You also want to make sure the shampoo is tearless if your dog has sensitive eyes or face areas as well!

Keep your dog well fed and hydrated.

Take care of your dog’s basic needs. If a dog is hungry or thirsty, it will be more likely to engage in bad habits like chewing or digging. Keeping your pet well fed and hydrated will help keep the bad habits at bay by keeping it happy and healthy.

If your dog is overweight, try giving them smaller portions of food so that they can lose weight without feeling hungry all the time. If they are underweight, you should increase the amount of food given daily until they are at a healthy weight again. This will help keep their digestive system functioning properly so that there are fewer odors from undigested food waste within their intestines.

It is also important for dogs to drink plenty of water each day because dehydration can lead to kidney problems which may cause smelly urine! Be sure to provide fresh water for them every day whether it’s from a bowl on the floor or something more elaborate like an automatic filling dispenser that keeps an eye out for when you leave home (such as our PetSafe Drinkwell Platinum Fountain).

Get rid of pet odor in your carpeting, bedding and upholstered furniture.

There are a few ways to get rid of pet odor in your carpeting, bedding and upholstered furniture. You can use baking soda, vinegar and simple cleaning supplies that you already have in your home. Here are some tips on how to do this:

  • Use baking soda – Sprinkle baking soda over the area that has an odor problem. Let it sit for about 30 minutes, then vacuum it up or wipe away with a cloth dampened with water. This method works well on fresh urine stains that haven’t dried yet because it absorbs the moisture from the stain and neutralizes odors at their source by deactivating them chemically. However, if you have an older urine stain that’s been sitting for several days or longer than this method may not work as well because it won’t be able to absorb all of the bad smell right away since some will have already been absorbed by other surfaces such as carpet fibers or wood floors underneath carpets etcetera.”

Ventilate your home.

One of the most common ways to deal with dog odor is to purge the air. Ventilating your home will allow fresh air from outside to enter, which can help remove odors and make your home feel less stuffy. You can use natural air fresheners or place a fan in the room where you spend most of your time with your pet dog. You can also open windows and doors so that there are more ways for fresh air to come into the house. If it’s warm enough outside, it may be helpful to let a breeze blow through once in awhile as well!

If these solutions aren’t quite working for you, consider using some kind of humidifier to add moisture back into the air inside your home—this is particularly important if you live somewhere with low humidity during winter months (for example: Denver). In addition to adding moisture back into the air and removing any bad smells, humidifiers may also help ease dry skin caused by winter colds/allergies.”

Get a pet air purifier.

A pet air purifier is one of the best ways to get rid of dog odors and keep your home smelling fresh. They come in a variety of styles and sizes, so finding one that fits your space is easy. You can find them at most pet stores or online.

  • The right kind for your dog: There are three basic types of pet air purifiers: whole-room, HEPA (high efficiency particulate air), and ionizers.
  • Whole-room units: These large machines can be placed throughout the house, so they’re great for homes with multiple pets or owners who want to eliminate odor throughout the entire house. They are also good for homes with lots of windows because they don’t need to be vented outside like small tabletop units do (more on this later). If you have central heating/cooling then we recommend getting a unit that has both cool and warm settings as it will help prevent overheating during warmer months when used in conjunction with central HVAC systems that may not otherwise be able to adequately circulate air through larger rooms where these models are often located near doors since there isn’t enough room for them elsewhere due to lack thereof within most homes built today due primarily because people tend towards building smaller houses today than back then when land wasn’t as expensive which meant builders could afford building bigger homes without having problems paying off loans early – thus allowing them more time before needing refinancing).

You can get rid of dog odor by following these simple rules.

>So, how do you get rid of dog odor?

  • Regular grooming. Keep your dog well groomed by brushing him regularly and trimming his nails. This helps prevent shedding and matting, which can cause an unpleasant smell. Be sure to ask the groomer for advice on the best way to maintain your pet’s coat and skin health so that there is no need for expensive treatments in the future!
  • Bathe your dog regularly with a shampoo specifically made for dogs (make sure it doesn’t contain any harsh chemicals). This will keep him clean and smelling fresh at all times—a much better option than letting him go unwashed for days on end! If you have trouble getting Fido into his bathtub or shower stall, use one with a built-in ramp instead; this makes things easier both on yourself as well as where can i buy skunk spray in stores what should i use instead of bleach  your furry friend since they don’t have to worry about slipping while trying not fall into some watery abyss below them while taking care not drop their favorite toy into said abyss while standing up straight enough avoid being dunked suddenly by accidentally hitting against someone else who was trying desperately keep hold onto what seemed most important thing right now: making sure everyone stays safe despite all odds stacked against them–which meant staying alive long enough reach safety zone before rescue team arrives equipped with ropes ready pull everyone out safely without causing further harm than already done already been caused already been done already happened already happened already happened . . .


We hope this article has provided you with some helpful tips on how to get rid of dog odor. Remember that the only way to keep your home clean and smelling fresh is by following a routine that involves regular grooming, bathing and feeding. If you follow these rules and use other methods like air purifiers or ventilators in your house then it will be easy for anyone who visits your house not just notice but smell how clean it is!

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