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Puppy love is a wonderful feeling to have and can be very fulfilling on many levels. The best part about puppy love is that it can last for a long time and may even lead to marriage and having children together.
Your eyes don’t roam
When you’re experiencing puppy love, your eyes are focused on the person you are with. You don’t look around the room for other people or their phones, and you don’t notice what they’re wearing.
This can be a little bit scary if you feel like something is wrong because usually, we think that being attentive means also paying attention to things that aren’t your partner—your phone, other people in the room and so forth. But when you’re genuinely experiencing puppy love, it’s not about these things at all!
The butterflies in your stomach only come when they’re around
If you have recently fallen in love and are experiencing this feeling all the time, it’s a sign that you could be experiencing puppy love. Puppy love is that intense, passionate feeling of excitement and nervousness when you think about your significant other. In most cases, it’s early on in relationships where these feelings are most prominent (and not necessarily long-lasting).
When these feelings occur outside of those times when dating someone new, it usually means something else is going on—like an anxiety disorder or panic attack. If you find yourself constantly throwing up or feeling like your chest is going to explode because of how much butterflies are running wild inside of it whenever you see someone new or even think about them then chances are high that there might be something wrong with how your body reacts under stress.
You always look your best
When you’re experiencing puppy love, one of the most common signs is that you always look your best and never want to let them down. You want to look good for them because they might notice and appreciate it, but also because you just want them to think you’re pretty enough to be with.
You may feel silly, but it’s a normal part of the process. If they don’t even acknowledge your efforts, maybe they’re not worth it after all! But if they do notice and appreciate what you’ve done for yourself (and sometimes even compliment or flirt with you), then congratulations: You’ve found someone who loves seeing the best in others!
You check your phone constantly for their messages
This is a common sign that you’re experiencing puppy love. You check your phone constantly for their messages because you want to know what they are up to, how they are feeling and if there is any new information about them that makes your heart skip a beat.
You also want to know if they like the messages that you send them and if there has been any response from the last message that you sent them (or vice versa). The thought of not knowing these things can be quite unsettling, which is why we keep checking our phones so often!
They are literally ‘all you can think about’
One of the biggest signs that you are experiencing a puppy love is when you can’t stop thinking about them. This means that even when you are doing other things, or when they aren’t around, your mind will wander to them and how great it would be to see them again. You may find yourself constantly checking your phone or looking at their Instagram feed during class or work in hopes that they will say something like ‘hi.’ It’s okay if this happens because puppy love can be a beautiful thing!
You want to know everything about them
If you are experiencing puppy love, you might have a hard time not asking your partner what they’re doing at any given time of the day or night. You might also want to ask them about their interests, background and life goals. If they have any pets or children, you will almost certainly want to know more about them.
You’ll also want to know how they feel about you, what they like and don’t like and how they spend their weekends.
You know something’s happening if you see it in the movies
If you can relate to the situation in a movie, it’s probably puppy love. You’ve seen movies like The Fault in Our Stars where two people bond over their shared experience and struggle to maintain that bond through a painful illness. Or maybe you’ve seen something like 500 Days of Summer where the main characters struggle to define their relationship because they can’t seem to figure out if it’s actually puppy love or just infatuation.
If your situation matches up with those examples, congratulations! You are probably experiencing puppy love with someone else! But don’t get too excited—puppy love doesn’t always last forever (or even past its infancy). This is why it’s important for us all to understand how we can tell if our feelings for someone are actually true connections or just fleeting desires fueled by hormones and lust.
Puppy love is a wonderful feeling to have and can be very fulfilling on many levels.
Puppy love is a wonderful feeling to have and can be very fulfilling on many levels. It feels great, exciting, rewarding and fun. If you find yourself in the midst of puppy love then chances are you will have all these feelings flowing through you at once. Having lots of positive energy around you can be a wonderful thing for anyone who experiences it!
We hope that this article has helped you gain a better understanding of exactly what puppy love is, and how it might be affecting your relationship. Remember, there’s nothing wrong with feeling this way! In fact, it’s very common among humans of all ages and backgrounds—so don’t feel too bad if you find yourself experiencing these symptoms. Just remember that they don’t last forever (and can even fade away completely). But if they do stick around long enough for things to get serious with their partner… Well then maybe now would be an ideal time to start thinking about marriage!