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Bravecto for dogs is a medication that is applied to your dog’s skin between their shoulder blades and this amazing new product works as a wormer for roundworm, hookworm and whipworm. It also keeps your dog free from fleas, ticks and mites. Bravecto contains an ingredient called fluralaner which kills fleas by preventing them from being able to produce eggs or lay eggs in the first place.
Introduction to Bravecto for dogs.
Bravecto for dogs is a new medication that works as a worm preventative, which means it prevents your dog from being infected with roundworm, hookworm and whipworm. The medication is applied to your dog’s skin between their shoulder blades by way of a special applicator provided by your veterinarian. The active ingredient in Bravecto is fluralaner (also known as “flurazepam”), which is also found in other medications like Nexgard Spectra Chewables for dogs or Frontline Plus Flea & Tick Treatment for Dogs.
How does Bravecto work?
Bravecto is a chewable tablet that is applied to your dog’s skin between their shoulder blades. It works by killing fleas, ticks and mites. Bravecto also works as a wormer for roundworm, hookworm and whipworm.
What are the side effects of Bravecto?
Best case scenario, you’ll notice that your dog is acting differently or seems to be in pain. Worst case scenario, he will vomit blood and require immediate veterinary attention. Most side effects are mild and go away on their own within a day or two. If your dog vomits more than once within three days of taking Bravecto, contact your vet immediately so they can help decide if something else is going on.
How do you apply Bravecto?
How to apply Bravecto:
Bravecto can be applied to the back of your dog’s neck, but it’s important that you get Bravecto on every part of their skin. A few extra seconds spent making sure they have a good coat of Bravecto will make all the difference in whether or not they are protected from fleas and ticks.
How often should I reapply Bravecto?
Bravecto is designed to last for three months when applied according to label directions, so you won’t need to reapply it unless your vet advises you otherwise. If your vet does advise a reapplication before three months has passed, then follow their instructions exactly as stated on their prescription label.
Bravecto For Dogs – Everything You Want To Know About This Cool New Dog Medication
Bravecto for dogs is a medication that is applied to your dog’s skin between their shoulder blades. It works as a flea and tick treatment and also prevents heartworm disease.
The active ingredient in Bravecto is fluralaner, which belongs to the class of insecticides known as pyrethroids, chemicals that attack the nervous system of parasites. The medication works by getting into the blood stream, where it is then transported around the body via the blood stream where it attacks any insects that have bitten your dog recently or are currently present on them (fleas).
It also works as a wormer for roundworm, hookworm and whipworm!
Bravecto is a medication that is applied to your dog’s skin between their shoulder blades and is amazing at keeping your dog’s flea, tick and mite free. It also works as a wormer for roundworm, hookworm and whipworm.
Bravecto is a medication that is applied to your dog’s skin between their shoulder blades and is amazing at keeping your dog’s flea, tick and mite free. It also works as a wormer for roundworm, hookworm and whipworm.
This monthly spot on treatment (which means you cannot give this to your dog more than once per month) lasts for 3 months and can be given at any time of the year. It does not get rid of the fleas already on your dog but will prevent them from getting more. One dose lasts up to 12 weeks!
Bravecto has been available since 2016 in Australia but it has only just arrived here in New Zealand so many people have never heard of it yet!
I hope you have learned a lot about Bravecto for dogs. It is a great medication that can be used on your dog to keep them from getting fleas, ticks and mites. It also works as an effective wormer for roundworm, hookworm and whipworm.