DIY Amazing Rabbit Hutch – An informative blog on how to build your own rabbit hutch for less than $100.


Everybody loves rabbits. They’re friendly, they’re fluffy, and they can be taught to do all sorts of tricks. I know this because I’ve owned three different rabbits over the past 10 years. In fact, if you want to learn more about rabbits and how to take care of them, check out my article on “How To Care For Your Pet Rabbit.” But what if you want two bunnies? Or three? Or—gasp—four or five! Well then it might be time to build yourself a rabbit hutch!


  • Wooden boards
  • Nails
  • Saw
  • Hammer/screwdriver (for nails and screws)
  • Drill and screwdriver bits (for drill) (one or two battery drills will be more efficient than a corded one)
  • Brushes for painting


  • Step 1: Cut the wood to size. You can cut these pieces using a saw or a jigsaw.
  • Step 2: Assemble the wood according to the measurements. The bottom piece should be screwed into place, and then you can use nails to secure each plank on top of that piece as well as each plank on top of those pieces. Once all of your planks are in place and secured with screws or nails (or both), pre-drill holes for any other pieces like windows or doors that you may want to add later on.
  • Step 3: Paint everything! If you’re not much of an artist, just make sure that there is plenty of coverage over every inch of exposed wood surface so nothing gets damaged by moisture or water damage if it rains outside where your rabbit hutch is located

With a little help, anybody can build a personalized rabbit hutch that is cost effective and beautiful.

You don’t need to be a carpenter to build a rabbit hutch. With just a little help and some tools, you can build one that is customized to your own needs at an affordable price.

The following steps will show you how:


We hope this guide has been helpful to you! If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us at

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