Dog Tip of the Day


Dogs are a great addition to any family. They’re loyal, loving and protective. But the one thing that makes dogs so special is also the one thing that can make them a little difficult at times: they’re dogs! They don’t always do what’s expected of them, even if it would be in their best interest (like not jumping on people). That’s where training comes in; it helps shape your new pet into an animal who does what you want when you want it — which can be fun for both of you. Read on for some easy tricks to teach your pooch and help him or her get along with other pets and humans.



This is a great command for teaching your dog to bark on command. It’s a good way of getting their attention, too. This can be used to help them learn how bark at certain sounds and noises, or it can just be used as a general command that means “speak!” When you say this word, it means that you want your dog to bark like they would when they hear another animal barking in the distance. This can also be helpful if you want them to wake up from sleeping or alerting you if there is an intruder around the house!


Sit is a great basic command to teach your dog. It’s helpful for many reasons, including stopping your dog from jumping or pulling on the leash. It can also help teach your pup to stay in one place when you want him/her to do so, which is especially useful during potty training and when you’re traveling with them in a car or plane!


While this command is important, it is also one of the most difficult to train. The reason for this is because it requires your dog to stay still while being approached by a stranger, another dog or cat and even you!

The Stay command is used when you are not looking at your dog and they have an opportunity to run off or do something dangerous. For example, if you tell them “stay” just before stepping outside with groceries in hand, they will not be able to follow and take a snack from your hands without you noticing it immediately. The same goes for playing outside with friends: If someone approaches your home or yard with an excited puppy who wants nothing more than some attention from their new friend but instead finds themselves faced with a stoic canine ready for anything (except playing), they’re more likely to back away quickly—and more importantly—keep their distance.

Leave It

When you’re training a dog to “Leave It,” you’ll be teaching them how to leave something alone. You can teach your dog to leave a toy, food or an object like a purse or wallet when it’s offered by someone else.

You can also teach your dog to leave another pet alone. This is especially useful if you have two dogs and want them to get along together. If one of the dogs has food and the other one wants it, teach them both how to “Leave It.” The same goes for toys that belong solely to another animal in your home.

You may also want your pooch not bother sleeping people when they’re snoozing away on their bed or couch. To do this, set up situations where your pet sees someone sleeping peacefully and then give the command “Leave It” while pointing at the person’s face (or whatever part of their body they’re lying on).



A great command to teach your dog is come. This will help you with many things and can be a lifesaver in many situations. If your dog is wandering off, it’s helpful for them to know that they should come back when you call them. The same goes if they’re walking toward a dangerous situation such as a busy street or another dog that might want to fight them. This command can also help you keep track of where your beloved pup is at all times, which will make it safer for both of you!

Lay Down

Lay Down

This is a great command for dogs who like to jump on people or other dogs. Teaching your pooch to lay down will help them avoid accidents and be more calm when meeting new people or animals. To teach this trick, all you need is some treats!

How To Train A Dog To Lay Down:

  • First, give your dog a treat while they are standing up and ask them to sit. This sets up the idea that sitting can get them a reward (the treat).
  • Next, give your dog another treat while they are sitting down and ask them to lay down.
  • Repeat these steps until they start laying down every time you give them treats while asking them “down” or “lay” depending on what word works best with your pup!

Give Paw or Handshake

To teach your dog to give a paw or shake hands, you first need to get them into a calm state. Start by sitting down on the floor with them and getting their attention, then hold your hand out flat, palm down, and move it slowly towards their nose. When they touch your hand with their paw or nose, say “good,” immediately followed by petting them or giving them a treat. Make sure that you only practice this trick when you’re in an environment where there are no distractions that could upset or distract the dog–and never force their paw onto yours if they don’t want to do it!

Roll Over

Roll over is a fun trick that you can teach your pooch. This trick is perfect for rewarding good behavior and for getting them to relax. It’s also a great way to bond with your furry friend!

Spin or Twirl

# Spin or twirl

First, let’s talk about how to teach your dog to spin. You are going to want them to spin in an ellipse (like an oval) and not just a circle. To do that, you need some sort of external cue like a clicker or a treat that you can use as the marker for when they’ve done it correctly. Then, every time they even look like they’re getting close, mark it with the clicker/treat and repeat until they have mastered this simple trick!

Once you’ve got that down, try teaching them how to twirl by changing up their arm and leg positions while spinning around! This is where having two people come in handy once again since one person can hold onto the leash while the other holds onto their collar so they don’t slip out of place while doing their new trick 🙂

Go Around or Circle

To teach your dog to go around you, start by standing still. Then say “go around” while slowly moving your body in a circle. Your dog will follow the same path that you are walking and eventually begin to walk on its own without needing extra guidance from you. This trick is especially useful if you want to get your dog off of the couch or bed because it means they can’t just crawl underneath them until they’ve been commanded to stop.

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Fetch (or Retrieve)

Fetch can be a great game for dogs, and it can also be a good way to get your pup to exercise. You’ll have to teach your dog how to fetch before you can play with them; this is an easy task that should only take about 5 minutes of your time every day for about 2 weeks.

To teach your dog how to fetch, start by using a toy or ball that is easy for them to pick up. Dogs are often interested in chasing after things, so if you throw the toy or ball across the room and then encourage them with “get it!”, they will likely pick up and run toward where you threw the object. You may need some help from another person so that they do not wander away while waiting for their reward once they have retrieved what was thrown away from both of us!

Training your dog can be fun for both you and your pet.

Training your dog can be fun for both you and your pet. Training them will help them develop a better relationship with you, and it’s also a great way to bond with them. Dogs are smart and can learn a lot of things, so they will be able to understand what you want from them even if they don’t always do it right away.

If you’re having trouble getting started on training your pup, here are some tips that can help:

  • Keep in mind that dogs thrive on consistency. If they know what is expected of them at all times, they’ll be happier in their environment. If they aren’t sure what behavior is acceptable or not acceptable in certain situations, then this could lead to frustration on their part as well as yours (because there will always be someone who isn’t happy about something).
  • Be patient! Your dog might not always get things perfect the first time around—but just keep working with him until he does!


This list is just the beginning. You can teach your dog all kinds of cool tricks, and it will be a great way to bond with them. But remember that the most important thing is to have fun!

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