Dog Training Tips


Training your dog can be fun and rewarding, but it can also be frustrating if you don’t know what to do. We have some tips we’d like to share with you that can help you train your dog.

Stop the barking

Now you have an understanding of why dogs bark and how to correct it. The key is to be consistent and persistent with your training, so that your dog learns what you expect from them. If you don’t allow them to bark in some situations, they will learn not to bark at all.

Some tips for stopping barking include:

  • Use a command like “quiet” or “no barking” when you want your dog to stop barking. Then reward silence with praise or treats whenever he stops barking on command.
  • If your dog barks when left alone or left outside the home, try leaving him inside while he’s being trained and he’ll get used to not being able to do this anymore because he won’t be able to hear anything but his own voice! It might take time but it will work eventually if done consistently over time (about 10 days).

Teach your dog to sit

To teach your dog to sit, you will need a treat and some patience.

First, begin by holding out the treat at about stomach level and encourage your dog to take it. When he does so, say “sit!” If he sits down, give him the treat and praise him for being a good boy!

If he does not sit on his own after you have given him several treats, hold out the treat again but this time keep it just above his head level until he is sitting down. Then reward him with another tasty morsel when he is seated in front of you!

Remember that if at any point during training your dog stands up instead of sitting down then all progress will be lost and you should start over with step 1 above again.”

Teach your dog to fetch

Fetch is a great game for dogs. It gives them an exercise and it also helps you to bond with your dog. Fetch can be played indoors or out, with a variety of balls, sticks or other objects. Start with something small and easy for the dog to pick up, such as a tennis ball or small rubber toy. The dog will soon learn that when you throw the object, it should go get it and bring it back to you so that you can throw it again!

Teach your dog to stay

The stay command is one of the most useful commands you’ll teach your dog. It’s what allows your dog to remain in place while you go get things or move them around, so it’s important that he knows how to do it and sticks with it even when he’d rather be doing something else.

Here’s how to teach your dog to stay:

  • Put him in a sit on leash, then walk away from him while saying “stay.” If he gets up and walks toward you, call him back and put him back in the sit before continuing walking away again. Repeat as many times as necessary until he stays for at least 5 seconds (or about 20 paces), then give him a treat when he does so well.
  • Once your dog understands this exercise well enough that he can do it without getting distracted by other dogs passing by, try practicing with distractions like people walking into the room or cats running across the lawn behind where his tail is pointing.* When practicing this exercise inside make sure there aren’t any stairs between where his front paws are planted and where his hind paws are planted–if there were stairs there would be more opportunity for him to fall over backwards!

Teach your dog to shake hands

If you have a dog that loves to shake, then this is a great exercise for your relationship. Hold a treat in your hand, outstretched towards the dog. When he puts his paw on it, give him the treat and repeat until he learns that shaking hands can earn him treats!

Train your dog not to chew on things that aren’t his.

  • Spray your dog with a water bottle when he chews on something he shouldn’t.
  • Make sure your dog isn’t hungry before you try this method of training. If he is, give him food or some other kind of chew toy.
  • Teach your dog to chew on a toy instead of household items like shoes, furniture and carpets.

Clean up the messes.

The first step to getting your dog trained is to clean up the messes. When you see your dog going to the bathroom outside, be sure to praise them and give them a treat.

If they do not go outside, pick up after them immediately. Do not let them go inside as this will become a habit and make it harder for you in the future.

If you have a young puppy, keep a bag of dog poop in your car so that you can dispose of it when needed while taking walks or jogs with your pup! Also keep one plastic bag in your pocket at all times so that if an accident happens (as it inevitably will), there is no need for embarrassment or delay on your part – just scoop up some grass with some soil and throw away the evidence!

Use these tips to train your dog, so he is easy to have around

To make training your dog easier, use positive reinforcement. Do not yell at or punish your dog when he does something wrong. Instead, use treats to reward him when he does something good—this will make it less likely that he’ll do something wrong later on.


These tips should help you train your dog to be the best he can be. The more you practice with him, the easier it will get!

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