Fancy Getting a Pet Hamster? These Tips Will Help You Choose the Right One


If you’re considering getting a hamster, you may be thinking that they’re all the same. But did you know that not only do they vary in size, but their personalities and needs can also differ? So before you go ahead and bring home a furry friend, check out these tips.

You may think all hamsters are the same. But if you take a closer look, you’ll find that not only do they vary in size, but their personalities and needs can also differ. So before you go ahead and bring home a furry friend, check out these tips.

You may think all hamsters are the same. But if you take a closer look, you’ll find that not only do they vary in size, but their personalities and needs can also differ. So before you go ahead and bring home a furry friend, check out these tips.

  • First things first: decide whether or not you want a Syrian or dwarf breed hamster. The former is generally larger than the latter, so this will help determine which type of cage would be best suited for your home environment (more on that later).
  • If you choose to go with Syrians, then there are even more options to consider—such as albino, golden agouti bearded white crested black-eyed white hooded teddy bear dwarf lionhead russian blue burmese english crested harlequin calico american fuzzy dwarf french angora chinese rosy cheeked white-bellied black eyed white piebald patterned gold spunky sable Chinese violet dumbo grizzled gerbil short-haired pygmy furred fantail giant panda fancy ratty long-haired squirrel tail rex rabbit ear rough coat shaded silver fox red eyed snowflake Himalayan white bellied lavender blue fawn chocolate brown tan cinnamon agouti cinnamon pearl twist __________ (insert name here) smoke pearl satin silver gray roan albino platinum strawberry chocolate copper red golden cream dilute calico piebald black eyed white harlequin patterned gold spunky sable golden colored French ___________ (insert name here) huge eyes small ears large body long tail

Start by considering space.

The first thing you should do is start considering your space. If you’re moving into a new place, or if you’re thinking about adding a pet to your current living situation, it’s important to take stock of how much space there is and how much space your hamster will need.

Hamsters are social animals who like to be with their human friends, but they also need their own private areas where they can feel safe and secure in order to thrive. A small cage is not enough: they need ample room for playing and running around, as well as toys and other things that will help them entertain themselves while you’re away at work or school.

Do you prefer a less-demanding companion?

If you’re looking for a less-demanding companion, a Syrian hamster is the perfect choice. These little guys are often known as the “gentle giants” of the pet world because they’re more tolerant of handling and noise than other species. They tend to enjoy being held and cuddled by their owners, so if you like having an active friend around who will sit in your lap for hours at a time (and let you play with them), then this might be your ideal pet!

Think about temperament.

Hamsters have different temperaments, just like people do. Some are shy and nervous, while others are outgoing and playful. Whatever your personality is like, you want to make sure that the hamster you choose is going to be compatible with yours. Look for a hamster that is active and playful; not one who’s shy or aggressive; not one that seems nervous or timid either.

If you have children in your home and there’s any chance of them interacting with the new pet (or even if they won’t), it would also be helpful if the pet were sociable around kids—and other pets as well!

Have you done your research?

Before you start thinking about getting a hamster, it’s important to do some research first.

  • Do your research on the breed of hamster you want. Not all breeds are created equal. Some are more affectionate than others and need more attention from their owners than others. The dwarf Syrian Hamster is one of the most popular breeds because they are easy to handle and quite friendly with humans (although not with each other). If your goal is to get an animal that will bond with you, this would be a good option! If not, there’s always other options!
  • Do your research on how much space your hamster needs in order to thrive in captivity; this includes its cage size as well as time outside its cage per week so it gets exercise.* Determine whether or not there will be any dietary restrictions for whatever type of diet you plan on feeding your new friend; if so then make sure that he/she has access to all necessary nutrients throughout life.* Research what veterinarian services are available locally so as not only keep them healthy but also save money by using local veterinarians when possible rather than going out-of-town every time something comes up while still being able

Bringing home a hamster is a fun yet big responsibility. So, make sure to choose the right one for a lifetime of happiness.

Bringing home a hamster is a fun yet big responsibility. So, make sure to choose the right one for a lifetime of happiness.

Hamsters are great pets that you can have in your home today! They are easy to care for and low maintenance. They also bring lots of fun and entertainment into your life with their cute behavior, social behavior, inexpensive price tag, smart nature and so much more!


We hope you found this blog post helpful. If you’re ready to start your search for a furry friend, be sure to check out our other hamster posts!

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