For the Love of Dog! My Biggest Pet Peeve About People


I love dogs. Dogs are the best. I love sitting on my couch and giving them belly rubs, I love taking them for walks and playing fetch with them, and I even enjoy when they poop on my lawn because it makes me laugh (the pooping part, not their doggy diarrhea).

Most dog owners I know aren’t as crazy about their pets as I am. They just like having these cute little creatures around that can be fun to play with or take out for a walk once in awhile. But there are many people out there who treat their dogs like nothing more than furniture: something you bring home from Ikea, put together yourself without much thought or effort, then forget about as soon as it’s no longer convenient for you to use it!

Pet owners who let their dogs defecate on the side walk only to walk away from it and leave it there for some poor person to step in.

Let’s talk about what it is you’re doing. Let me start by saying that I am a dog owner myself and love my dog with all my heart. However, there is something I find highly annoying as well as inconsiderate in the way some pet owners treat their dogs.

Specifically, when they allow their dog to urinate or defecate on the side walk only to walk away from it and leave it there for some poor person who isn’t looking where they are going (for example, a blind person) to step in it. It is not just an annoyance for them but also for the people who are walking by or live nearby. This can cause people to avoid that area or even make your neighbors angry at you if they see you doing this repeatedly over time because they have been stepping in dog poop on the sidewalk outside of their homes; which may lead them too say “I’m tired of seeing this every single day after work.”

Those people who do not pick up after their dog when they poop on the grass!

What is the most annoying thing about people? You may think it’s when they don’t pick up after their dog when it poops on the grass!

What do I mean by that? The answer is simple: People walk their dogs and let them poop (excrement) on the grass. This makes me so angry because then, what happens? It rains and all of that excrement gets washed into my yard! Then, my lawn turns brown because there is no nutrition in it anymore!

So please think about this next time you go outside with your dog and decide to let them poop in front of someone else’s house or right next door to theirs!

People who leave their dogs alone for long periods of time, and then are surprised when the dog misbehaves.

Dogs are social animals, and they need to be around people. This can be especially true if a dog is left alone for long periods of time. Dogs can get very lonely when left alone for too long, and it’s not uncommon for them to become depressed or anxious during these periods of isolation. When you leave your dog home alone for hours at a time every day, it won’t take long before he starts exhibiting destructive behavior (e.g., chewing up furniture or barking nonstop).

If you have the option of taking your dog with you somewhere instead of leaving him behind, I strongly recommend doing so! If not, I would at least consider giving him some company from time to time—perhaps by having someone over who could come hang out with him while you’re gone? It may help matters immensely!

It’s so sad to me when I see pet owners who don’t understand that their dog needs socialization but they keep them locked up in the house 24/7 or keep them in a crate while they’re at work all day.

It’s so sad to me when I see pet owners who don’t understand that their dog needs socialization, but they keep them locked up in the house 24/7 or keep them in a crate while they’re at work all day.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen dogs (and cats, too) that are so afraid of other animals and people because they don’t get enough exposure to different things. If your dog is scared of other animals, take it to the park! There will be other dogs there, who are probably just as friendly as yours. Most people aren’t going to hurt your puppy and if you’re with him or her then he/she won’t have anything to worry about anyway! If your cat gets scared around people, go visit some old ladies or children next time you go out with your kitty on a leash! They’ll love having someone come over and pet them!

When people shove their faces right into a virtual stranger’s face and kiss them, without even asking first!

When people shove their faces right into a virtual stranger’s face and kiss them, without even asking first!

  • This can be people who are not in a romantic relationship kissing on the mouth.
  • Or this could be someone you’ve just met kissing on the mouth.
  • Or maybe it’s someone you’ve known for years or your best friend that doesn’t ask permission before they put their lips on yours!

People stealing other people’s umbrellas!!

In a world that can be so chaotic and unpredictable, it’s important to know that there are some things you can count on. One of those things is this: if you see an umbrella in the rain, don’t just take it.

That’s right—if you happen upon an umbrella outside somewhere, or someone is using one and they put it down for even a moment, DON’T JUST TAKE IT. It doesn’t matter whether or not the owner is out of sight at the time (and they probably will be). They may have left it there by accident or they might have been planning on coming back for it soon (or maybe even later today). Either way, unless you’re willing to return their umbrella when they ask for it back, then please leave their stuff alone!

I live in a city with lots of rainy days and lots of people who don’t seem to mind if someone else uses their umbrella–but I’m still always careful about taking other people’s things without asking first because I know how annoying that must feel!

When people are inconsiderate of others and it affects them negatively

  • When people are inconsiderate of others, it makes me a bit crazy.
  • This is especially true when the person (or people) being inconsiderate is (are) allowing their pets to do things that make it difficult for others to enjoy the space around them.
  • For example, if your dog poops on someone’s lawn, you should pick up after him or her and make sure he doesn’t poop again on that same lawn. It’s only fair!


I hope that this blog has helped you understand why I am so passionate about my pet peeves. Animals are such a huge part of our lives, and when someone does not treat their animals well or just doesn’t care about others’ pets around them, it can be upsetting for me. I know there are many different ways to solve these problems but the one thing that is always constant is that we all need to treat each other with respect because at the end of the day we’re all in this together!

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