Found a cat? Then read this! A blog about lost cats and how you can help reunite the owners with their lost cat.


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How to safely bring the cat indoors.

Now that you’ve found the cat, it’s important to keep him or her safe until you can find their owner. First, make sure to keep them in a carrier. There’s nothing worse than having your new friend escape and become lost again! Once you’re home, keep them away from other pets or children until they’ve had time to get used to their new environment and have been checked over by a vet (if possible). Finally: if you see any injuries on the cat, take him or her right over to the vet as soon as possible!

Getting the cat checked out by a vet.

The first step to take after finding a lost cat is to get him or her checked out by a veterinarian. It’s important to make sure the cat is healthy and has any medical issues addressed. In most cases, this includes:

  • Checking for a microchip (if you find one, contact the owner immediately!)
  • Vaccinating the animal against rabies and other diseases
  • Treating fleas and worms (your vet can recommend products that work best on your particular pet)
  • Giving deworming medicine if necessary (for example, kittens should be wormed regularly until they are old enough for their first vaccination)

Taking a found cat to an animal shelter or rescue group.

If you’re in a situation where you’ve found a lost cat and need to take him or her to a shelter or rescue group, you have several options.

  • The first option is to drive the cat yourself. If this is an option for you, make sure that your car is prepared for the trip:
  • Make sure your car’s air conditioning works well enough for transporting the cat in your car for at least one hour (if possible). If it doesn’t work well enough, then find some cotton balls and place them around on the seats so that they help absorb any moisture from the cat’s fur (this will also serve as an additional comfort measure).
  • Put down some towels or blankets over the seats of your vehicle. This will give extra padding and help protect against scratches if they occur while traveling with a frightened animal inside of it (unfortunately there’s not much else that can be done here).
  • Make sure there are no sharp objects protruding into any part of those seats before starting off on your journey—this includes pens sticking out of pockets or anything else that might scratch up against something furry!

Making a lost cat flyer or posting online.

If you’ve found a lost cat, the first thing to do is to take a photo of them. Then, post it on social media with your location and a request for information about the owner.

If the cat has an ID collar on and its owner can be identified through the unique number or name tag on that collar, then post this information as well!

I recommend posting about your missing pet on Facebook because most people use it for their daily updates. This also gives you access to other people who may have seen him/her around town but didn’t know who he belonged to or where his home might be located.

Using social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc).

You can also use social media to help you find the lost cat. The platform where the cat was last seen is a good place to start. Post a photo of your new friend, along with a description and any identifying characteristics (like their collar). Include your contact number so that people can reach out if they are able to help reunite you with your furry friend! If possible, create a website or blog dedicated to finding this sweet kitty’s family (and make sure it has all the relevant information included on that website).

Posting flyers in public spaces.

You should post flyers in public places, like grocery stores, pet stores, and schools. You should also post them in your neighborhood—people who live nearby might see your cat and be able to let you know about its location! If possible, take a copy of the flyer with you when posting it around town so that if one gets blown away or taken down by other means before too long (or if you notice the same animal has been missing for several days), it’ll be easy to replace it with another flier.

Helping someone locate their missing pet is a great way to make a difference in the world.

Helping someone locate their missing pet is a great way to make a difference in the world.

Not only can you help the person who lost their pet find them, but you can also help the owner of the stray cat or dog feel safer and less alone. The stress of worry about your lost animal can really weigh on an individual’s mind, so anything that helps ease those worries is greatly appreciated by everyone involved!


We hope this post helps you to find your lost cat and return it to its owner. If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact us.

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