Funny Dog Memes from the Internet


Dogs are hilarious. So much so that there are entire websites dedicated to dogs being funny. But we here at the Internet have only one goal: to bring you the best of these memes, in one place! So just sit back and enjoy as we compile some of our favorites for your viewing pleasure.

Hilarious dog memes that will cure your day!

Dogs are the best. It’s easy to forget that sometimes, but we think it’s important to remember that they’re a gift from above and not just something you own.

Now that we’ve got that out of the way, let’s check out some hilarious dog memes!

I really love my dog.

I really love my dog.

She is loyal, cute, funny and smart.

I can trust her with anything! She always has a smile on her face and she’s always happy to see me.

I’m sorry, I just can’t help it.

If you’re looking for funny dog memes, then you’ve come to the right place. We’ve got a bunch of them for you to enjoy!

  • Dogs are funny. They have a lot of personality, and their antics can be quite amusing.
  • Dogs are loyal companions who are always excited to see their owners return home after traveling or spending time away from home on business trips or family visits with friends in other cities and states far away from where they live together happily in their own house or apartment building (depending on how big it is). They like going with people who care about them when they travel because that means they don’t have to stay at home alone all day long while everyone else goes out having fun without them until night falls and everyone comes back again later that evening—which would be very boring indeed if we did not love our dogs so much!
  • Being able to play fetch with your canine buddy is also fun because it gives both parties some exercise; however if you’re worried about getting injured trying this activity then maybe try something safer instead like just throwing balls into buckets instead 🙂

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I didn’t say anything about your cat…

  • Dogs are better than cats and everyone knows it, so there’s no use pretending otherwise.
  • Cats are jealous that dogs have more love and attention to give, since they’re already busy with their own lives and hobbies (litterbox cleaning, sleeping).
  • Dogs are more loyal than cats, who would rather be left alone all day while you’re at work or on a date with someone else. Cats will stay up late waiting for you (and then complain about being hungry when you finally come home), but they really just want to be left alone for most of the day anyway—and won’t care if you go out or not because they’ll still get fed regardless of whether or not anyone comes home from work early enough to play with them before bedtime comes around again tomorrow night…or even later tonight depending how tired one gets after working hard 9 hours straight without stopping!”

All dogs go to heaven.

All dogs go to heaven. It’s a saying that soothes us and makes us feel better about our pets as they age, but it also reminds us that our dogs will always be waiting for us when we get there.

While some people may disagree with this statement—especially if they are cat lovers—we can all agree on one thing: dogs are awesome!



Dogs are cute, funny, smart and the best. You may love dogs or you may not like them very much but one thing is sure: they are adorable!

And yet they make such a big deal of being kicked off the couch.

The dog is one of the best creatures on earth. Dogs make great company, as long as you don’t mind occasionally being knocked to the floor by their enthusiastic greeting. They stick with you no matter what, and they’ve been known to save lives! Dogs are also funny in their own way: if nothing else, they make us laugh by using the most minimal amount of energy possible. Plus, have you ever seen a dog giving hugs? It’s adorable!

So next time someone asks why so many people own dogs (like me), just point out some of these reasons…

Dogs are the best!

Dogs are the best! They are loyal, playful and adorable. They can be funny too. Dogs make us smile and laugh every day with their silly habits and behaviors.

If you love dogs then this post is for you! I have collected some of the best dog memes for you to use in your daily life, so now you have no excuse not to show your friends how much you love your four-legged best friend!


We hope you enjoyed these funny dog memes. If you have a favorite, let us know in the comments! We’d love to hear from you. And if you liked this post, be sure to check out our other ones too – we have plenty of them!

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