German Shepherd’s Got the Blues? Maybe not!


German shepherds have a reputation for being tough, but they’re also known to be playful and fun. You’ve probably seen videos of them playing around with their owners or jumping into swimming pools. But what happens when you take this playful nature and add blues music? Well, the results are in and guess what? German Shepherds love the blues!

What happens if you take a German Shepherd and add blues music…

Let’s take our German Shepherd and add a little blues music. The result is the same, but the tone is different. You can still see the playfulness, but the dog seems darker and more serious. They are harder to read and understand their intentions. I think this captures what happens when you take an adult GSD that has been around humans for years, but has never been exposed to music or other stimuli like art or dance before in their lives.

Let’s try another experiment with two different types of activities: one where your German Shepherd is interacting with someone else (like playing tug-of-war) and then one where he/she is just sitting by themselves listening to some tunes by themselves (iTunes). Again we see that there isn’t much difference between how they look at things depending on who else might be around them at the time; however there does seem like there may be some kind of disconnection between their body language when they are alone versus when they are socializing with others.”

The results are in and guess what?

The results are in, and they’re good: German shepherds love the blues. A lot.

The study, conducted by researchers at the University of Cambridge, focused on how German shepherds perceive different musical genres. The researchers found that when exposed to “happy” music (like classical), dogs wagged their tails more actively than when listening to “sad” music (like country). However, when exposed to “sad” or “mellow” music—the kind you might listen to while gushing over photos of your dog on Facebook—dogs were more likely than usual to sit down and relax. This finding led the researchers to conclude that German shepherds may have an inherent preference for happy songs because they associate them with positive experiences like being petted or receiving treats from their owners.

German shepherds LOVE the blues!

German shepherds are known for their playful nature, and that extends to the blues. While many dogs can be afraid of the sound of thunder, it’s not uncommon for German shepherds to actually like it!

They’re positive about the blues—and that’s a great thing!

Apparently, German shepherds love the blues.

You may have heard that German shepherds love the blues. You may have even heard that they are a particularly sad and depressing genre of music. However, if you know anything about German shepherds, you’ll know that this couldn’t be farther from the truth!

German shepherds are playful, happy, energetic dogs that love to play with their owners and other animals. They also love listening to music—especially loud music. In fact, many people believe that this is how they got named “blueshunds” in the first place (blueshund meaning “blue dog”).


So there you have it. Even though German shepherds are known as a serious breed, they love the blues! Now that we know more about how much your dog loves this music, we hope that you’ll be able to use this information in your daily lives. It’s always good to know how your canine companion feels about certain things which will help keep them happy and healthy, so why not try listening together sometime soon?

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