Got Dog Problems? Here Are Some Ways to Stay Ahead of the Game


You know how it is when you come home from work and all you want to do is lay on the couch for a bit and relax? Well, your dog feels the same way. They are just as tired as you are from chasing squirrels all day long! While we all love our dogs, they sure do have their fair share of issues that we need to be aware of. Let’s face it: Nothing says “Welcome home!” like an overly excited pooch who wants nothing more than to play with their favorite toy right away. That being said, there are ways to prevent this behavior before it even starts! Here are some tips on keeping your dog happy and entertained throughout the day:

Crates aren’t cruel.

Crate training is a great way to keep your dog safe and out of trouble. Dogs are naturally den animals, so they instinctively seek out small, enclosed spaces for protection and security. A crate provides just that comfort—not only does it offer a feeling of safety from the outside world, but it also allows your pet to feel secure in their own home.

Crate training also helps with housebreaking! If you have an untrained pup, putting him in his crate each time you leave the house will force him to learn how long he can hold it when left alone. This will help ensure that he doesn’t bring accidents into your clean home when left unattended for extended periods of time or overnight (as long as you take care not to over-crate).

Your dog is trying to tell you something.

It’s important to keep in mind that your dog is trying to communicate with you, whether or not you’re able to understand her. Dogs are pack animals and rely on their owners for protection and guidance, so it’s critical that you take the time to learn how dogs communicate by reading their body language.

This can be done through observation of the way your dog acts around other people and animals, but it’s also important to look at how they behave around you as well. Your dog may be more likely to act aggressive when she’s tired or uncomfortable (e.g., if she has an injury or a sunburn), so keeping her comfortable will help prevent any unwanted behavior from arising in the first place!

If a dog is barking, they definitely mean something by it.

Have you ever wondered why your dog barks? If so, then this blog is for you.

I know that a lot of people struggle with the issue of why their dogs bark and what can be done about it. I have had many clients who initially come to me because they want to find a way to stop their dogs from barking but as we talk more, I often learn that the real underlying issue is much deeper than just being annoyed by all the noise!

The truth is that there are many reasons why dogs bark on a regular basis and if left unchecked, it could cause serious problems in their lives both at home and out in public places like restaurants or stores where loud noises can be quite distracting when trying to relax with family or friends.

A good walk can do wonders.

If your dog is a bit on the lazy side, you can still make sure they get enough exercise. Walking is a great way to bond with your pup and also help them stay in shape. Not only will walking give them the exercise they need, but it will also improve their mental health as well. If you find that walking isn’t enough for your pooch, try throwing some light jogging or running into the mix—a brisk walk can turn into off-leash sprints in no time!

Don’t worry if you have an older dog or one with arthritis or other physical limitations; there are still ways to keep their bodies moving without causing further pain or injury! You can do this by using a treadmill at home that allows them to walk as much as they want with minimal effort (or even just standing up). Just make sure whatever method of exercise you choose doesn’t put too much strain on their joints!

Lack of exercise can lead to behavioral issues.

Lack of exercise can lead to behavioral issues. Dogs are just like humans in that they benefit from regular exercise and play time. Lack of exercise can cause your dog’s attention span to decrease, leading to boredom or even aggression.

Lack of exercise is a common issue with small dogs because they are often kept as indoor pets or used for show purposes only. If you have a smaller dog and need help keeping them active, here are some ideas:

  • Teach them tricks
  • Take them for walks on a leash (even if you plan on using their outdoor run)
  • Play fetch with balls or toys

If you are tired, your dog is tired.

If you’re tired, your dog is probably tired too. Dogs are still animals, and they have needs that are different than humans. Although dogs can be trained to act like us (they know how to walk on leashes and wear clothes), they don’t really need the same kinds of exercise or mental stimulation as humans do.

Dogs need exercise just like we do, but it doesn’t have to be as much or in the same way. The best way for dogs to get exercise is through play; a good game of fetch will tire out even the most hyperactive dog! And although running around outside or taking a long walk may seem like fun for us, it’s not enough for dogs who crave physical activity more than anything else on earth (besides food). A good tug-of-war with another canine companion will be better at tiring out your pooch than any other form of exercise could possibly offer—and it’ll strengthen their bond with one another at the same time!

Mental stimulation is also important because dogs require stimulation in order to keep their brains active throughout life; without it they’ll become bored easily and may even develop behavioral issues such as excessive barking or chewing things up around the house out of boredom instead of having fun playing with toys instead like they should when left alone unattended so please don’t leave them alone unsupervised unless absolutely necessary because then they might get into trouble while no one else is around…

Turning a walk in to a game of fetch can help both of you.

Turning a walk in to a game of fetch can help both of you. Make sure you have a good supply of balls and your dog is trained to fetch before you attempt this. A ball launcher can make it easier, but using one will take some practice and training as well.

To play:

  • Pick up the ball with one hand, while holding your dog’s leash with the other hand.
  • With your non-dominant hand, throw the ball as far as possible towards an object at least 50 feet away such as a tree or fence post (the goal being that he/she will run after it). Once he/she has retrieved it and brought it back to you, praise him/her enthusiastically! You could even reward them with treats for completing the task successfully if necessary (or just because they deserve it!). The idea here is not only do we want our dogs healthy physically but mentally too – so why not have some fun along way?

A food puzzle is an easy way to keep your dog busy and happy.

A food puzzle is an easy way to keep your dog busy and happy. A food puzzle is a toy that has holes and chambers, which the dog must work at to get the treats out. It gives the dog something to do, it gives them a job, it keeps them from getting bored and it helps with training as well as problem solving skills.

Making toys fun leads to long lasting fun.

  • Make toys fun by hiding treats inside them.
  • Play a game of fetch with your dog to keep him/her engaged in the activity for a longer period of time.
  • Making an interactive toy that requires some sort of interaction from you or your dog can be fun and exciting for both parties involved!
  • Playing hide-and-seek with an object is a great way to keep your pup entertained while they wait (and if they are quick enough, they’ll win!)

When introducing a new toy or item, make it exciting.

When introducing a new toy or item, make it exciting.

I like to play with my dog and get him used to the new item before I leave it out for him to explore on his own.

Dogs need mental and physical stimulation just like we do, keep them occupied with fun items.

The next thing to consider is mental and physical stimulation. A lack of these things can lead to bad behavior in dogs, so make sure your dog gets plenty of exercise and playtime with toys or other animals. These toys will help keep your dog occupied when you are not around to give them attention.

  • Treat dispensing toys
  • Kongs (squeeze the ball and they squeak)
  • Tug ropes or rubber balls


We hope you enjoyed this post and learned some new ways to keep your dog happy and busy. Dogs are great companions but they also require a lot of care. If you have trouble keeping up with your pup, try some of these tips!

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