Hamsternation!! How many hamsters do you think there are in the world? A blog about hamsters and their many questions and answers.


Hamsters are fascinating creatures. They’re cute, they’re smart, and they can be trained to do amazing things. In this post, we dive into the world of hamsters—from their favorite foods to how long they live!

Hamster Hamlet

The world’s first hamster hotel, located in England, has 12 themed rooms and a strict “no humans allowed” policy.

Hamster Hamlet is the world’s first hotel for hamsters. It was founded by Pauline Wilson after she became tired of her daughter having to share her room with their pet hamster, Toby.

“I had just moved house and it was one of those times when you have to move everything,” she told BBC News. “My daughter didn’t want to leave her friends so we thought we’d try something different.”

The world’s first hamster hotel, located in England, has 12 themed rooms and a strict “no humans allowed” policy.

The first hamster hotel, located in England, has 12 themed rooms and a strict “no humans allowed” policy.

If you’re looking for a place to stay that doesn’t require paying for a room or asking your friends to put you up (and if not, then why are you reading this?), then the World’s First Hamster Hotel may be the perfect option for you. Located in an undisclosed location somewhere in England, this “paw-some” establishment offers 12 themed rooms—including Room 401 (the Master Suite), Room 402 (the Master Suite 2), and Room 405 (the Deluxe Mini Suite). Each theme is designed with different colors and themes including: forest green; bright blue; hot pink; lime green; gray; white with gold accents; black stripes on top of white walls with red trimming around the edges (“this is how my dreams look,” said one reviewer); aqua blue shade with a light purple hue lining certain parts of the walls (“this is what heaven looks like,” according to another review). There’s even an outdoor patio area where guests can enjoy fresh air or gaze out into nature at their leisure!

But here’s where things get truly interesting: there will be no humans allowed inside this hotel during its opening period due to initial construction issues related directly back onto its name—you see? That joke was already made when I wrote about The Hamster Hotel being built near London Bridge last year but technically it isn’t open yet so maybe I’m still legally allowed by making jokes about it now…

At the museum

The museum is located in the United Kingdom, and it’s a new concept that has been tried only once before. The museum’s mission is to provide a unique experience for visitors. Specifically, the museum is for hamsters only—no humans allowed! All of the staff are hamsters too, so you can be sure that they’re qualified to answer your questions and curate this unique exhibit. The museum itself has 12 themed rooms where you can learn about everything from general hamster information to specific topics like “The History of Ham” or “Hamster Art: An Exhibition.”

In the early 1900s, paleontologists discovered an extinct rodent species in central Asia that was about three feet long and weighed more than a cow. They named it Phoberomys pattersoni. It belonged to a now-extinct family of rodents called gerbillids.

In the early 1900s, paleontologists discovered an extinct rodent species in central Asia that was about three feet long and weighed more than a cow. They named it Phoberomys pattersoni. It belonged to a now-extinct family of rodents called gerbillids.

Gerbils are one of the most popular pets in North America, but they’re actually related to hamsters. The word “gerbil” comes from the Arabic jirbil, which refers to an animal that lives underground (and which may have been inspired by rabbits).

What are some of their oddest habits?

A hamster’s life is not all fun and games. They have to do chores, just like we do! Here are some odd habits that will make you ask yourself “why?”

Hamsters love to run on their wheels. They don’t care if it’s cold out or if it’s raining; they’ve got places to be! In fact, a 2017 study found that the average hamster runs at an average speed between 0.16mph (0.26km/h) and 0.22mph (0.36km/h), which is a lot faster than most people would ever consider running on foot! Hamsters also love digging and chewing—it’s what they’re built for! If you give them a toy with some chewable parts in it like a wooden block or cardboard box, make sure your hamster doesn’t get loose in your house: they might start trying out new furniture arrangements or even gnawing through cables while they run around looking for something else fun to do.”

As you watch your hamster “dance,” he or she is really just marking turf and marking other hamsters as members of his or her clan. A happy and friendly hamster will strut around with its chest puffed out and its front paws in the air.

As you watch your hamster “dance,” he or she is really just marking turf and marking other hamsters as members of his or her clan. A happy and friendly hamster will strut around with its chest puffed out and its front paws in the air. This is a very clear way of showing dominance in the natural world, letting other animals know who’s boss.

But there are some other signals that are worth mentioning: hamsters can also make kissing noises when they meet another member of their own species. They’ll rub their cheeks together with their whiskers pointing up (like cats), making soft chirping noises along with it! This sign usually indicates affection between two hamsters—you may even see them cuddle up close together while they sleep at night!

It’s important to remember that these behaviors aren’t always universal across all species; some individuals will be more aggressive than others (especially if they’re males). But overall these signs mean one thing above all else: this person belongs here too!

Catching some ZZZs

My favorite thing about hamsters is that they sleep with their eyes open. Their snooze time is no exception. Hamsters are known to sleep anywhere from 12-18 hours a day, depending on the type of hamster and other factors such as temperature and light exposure. In fact, they can sleep with their eyes half open or completely closed! They really don’t care where they lay down at night—they’ll just find somewhere warm, cozy and comfortable to rest for the next eight hours or so (and then repeat).

How long do they live?

Hamsters are generally thought to live for about 1.5-3 years in captivity, but the longest living hamster was an amazing 8.5 years old! Their lifespan can increase if they are kept in a safe environment with healthy food and exercise.

Hamsters are very interesting creatures!

Hamsters are small, but very interesting creatures. They have big eyes and a long tail, and their fur is soft to the touch. They love to play, especially when you give them treats!

You can keep a hamster in a cage as a pet. Their life span is about two years.


We hope you enjoyed learning about hamsters and their many questions and answers. Hamsters are very interesting creatures!

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