Home for the Holidays? How to Safely Transport Your Pets


It’s that time of year again! The days are shorter, the nights are longer, and you’re contemplating whether to visit your family for the holidays. It can be a stressful time if you’re not ready—but it doesn’t have to be. If you’re planning on traveling with your pets, here are five steps that will help make the journey a lot easier on both of you:

1. Get Your Pet Vet-Ready

  • Check your pet’s health.
  • Get a rabies vaccination.
  • Get a microchip inserted if you don’t have one already, and make sure it’s up to date.
  • Pay for any necessary vet checks before you leave to make sure they’re in stable condition when they travel (no severe health problems).

2. Understand the Importance of Sourcing a Reputable Pet Shipper

  • Find a pet shipper that is licensed and insured.
  • Find a pet shipper that has a good reputation.
  • Find a pet shipper that provides door-to-door service.

3. Plan Ahead

Planning ahead is important when transporting your pet. If you are traveling during peak season, book your pet’s travel early. If you are traveling during non-peak season, book your pet’s travel later.

If you are traveling during holidays and want to save money on your pets’ travel fees:

  • Plan ahead! The more notice we have regarding the dates of travel for our customers and their pets, the better we can plan for space on our airline or trains.
  • Try not to take them out at all during holiday periods – it’s stressful enough for animals in general without adding crowds of people in shopping malls or airports.

4. Consider Traveling by Automobile

While we don’t recommend traveling with a pet by car, if you’re going to do it, you’ll want to make sure that your pet is safe and secure. You should also have a carrier for your dog or cat. If possible, bring a blanket or small pillow and toys they like to play with so they stay calm during travel time.

Be sure that all windows are up before starting your journey; if the temperature gets too hot in the car (especially on a sunny day), crack open some windows for ventilation until it cools down again later on in the trip. Remember that pets still pant when their noses get hot from running around outside or playing inside all day long—even if their tongues don’t show signs of dehydration yet!

5. Book in Advance to Save Money

Book in Advance to Save Money

One of the best ways to save money when transporting your pets is by booking early. Booking early will ensure that you have a spot on the plane, car, truck or train. Most airlines charge more for pets if they are not booked in advance, even though there might be room left on the flight. The same goes for cars and trucks which can fill up quickly and leave no room for additional animals. It’s also important that you book far enough in advance so that any required vaccinations are complete before traveling with your pet.

Know these five steps to save money and transport your pet safely.

Knowing these five steps will help you save money and transport your pet safely.

  • Get your pet vet-ready: It’s essential that any animal that travels by plane, train or automobile is in good health and has had a checkup from the veterinarian within the last 30 days. Also make sure they have current vaccines, as well as heartworm prevention if they are going to be in an area where this parasite could transmit (such as Florida).
  • Understand the importance of sourcing a reputable pet shipper: You should only use an approved service provider with whom you can put your trust in when it comes to ensuring the safety of your beloved family member during transport. You wouldn’t entrust someone else with something as precious as yourself without vetting them first would you? So don’t skimp on finding a reputable company who has earned its reputation for providing excellent service! Here’s how:
  • Plan ahead: One way to save money when transporting pets out of state is by booking far enough in advance; airlines sell seats according to availability so book early for lower fares.”
  • “Consider traveling by automobile”: This option may seem less convenient at first glance but there are plenty of reasons why driving might be cheaper than flying if both routes take about equal amounts of time once factored together.”


Moving with pets doesn’t have to be expensive or stressful. With the right planning, you can save money and ensure your pet’s safety during the journey.

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