How I Choose My Dog Trainer School


Choosing the right dog trainer school is a big decision. Not only will you have to invest in a training program, but it will also set the tone for your relationship with your new pup. If you don’t choose wisely, you could end up with some bad habits from your dog that are hard to break. To help you make an informed decision when choosing a school for yourself and your dog, here are five things I consider when making this important decision:

How long is the program?

A lot of programs will offer different lengths of training. I have heard of programs being as short as 6 weeks, or even just 2 weeks! When you are considering what type of school might work best for you and your dog, it’s important to ask all the right questions.

Sometimes it can be hard to know what the best path is for your dog. If you are looking for a place that offers a condensed course (like our program), but aren’t sure if that’s what’s best for your situation, this is where talking with someone from the school comes in handy! A trainer from our team will be able to talk through any questions or concerns that may arise when deciding how long your dog’s training should last

What kind of credentials and certifications do they have?

The next thing you want to look at is the credentials and certifications of the school’s trainers. Look for a school that has a good reputation, has been in business for a long time, and whose trainers can answer questions about their methods with confidence. Also look for reviews online, as these can help you get an idea of what your experience with them will be like. There are many different types of dog training methods out there—some are very old-fashioned while others are more modern—and it’s important to know what kind of training style a particular school practices before signing up so that you and your dog feel comfortable (and trust) each other’s trainer(s).

What programs or services do they offer?

Regardless of the type of school you choose, you should make sure to find out if they offer group classes. If they do, check if they teach any specialty classes like scent work or agility. The more variety that a school offers, the better.

A good school will also have small class sizes so that your dog is getting individual attention from the trainer. This is especially important for more complex behavioral issues. You want to ensure that there’s no chance your dog could fall through the cracks when returning home after a session with their trainer!

Some schools also offer one-on-one training sessions with a private instructor (or “private trainer”) where it can be customized however you need it tailored specifically for both dogs and owners alike while others may not have this option available at all times so definitely ask them about how many instructors/trainers are on staff each day before signing up because depending on what type of work schedule or routine

Do they have proof of their success?

You should also ask for proof of their success. What does this look like? You can request references from previous students, or case studies about the successes they’ve had with dogs. I always request testimonials from both clients and trainers – this is a great way to get a sense of what you might expect from the school’s program.

Also, ask for examples of success stories – especially if it’s your first time training a dog! If there are no results that you can easily find online, then you may want to reconsider going with that particular company or trainer.

How much does it cost?

As you can see, the cost of any school depends on several factors. If you’re looking for a large facility with a wide variety of courses and options, your school will probably offer more expensive tuition than one that teaches only basic obedience classes. Also, if it’s a very popular program, there may be an increase in price because of supply and demand (the same principle applies to housing).

If you’re planning to attend for several months or longer—or even if you want to do extra training—you might want to go with an academy that offers discounts on tuition based on length of study. This way, your total cost will be less per month and it may even allow you to save money overall by taking classes over time as opposed to all at once.

It’s really important to choose the right school for your dog.

When you are looking for a dog trainer school, it’s important to look for the right fit for yourself and your dog. There are many things to consider when choosing a school. Here are some things that I think are important:

  • What program does the school offer? Is it one that works with your schedule and goals?
  • What kind of trainers does the school employ? Are they good teachers and mentors?
  • How can you tell if a school is good or not? Once you’ve decided on a few schools, how do you know which one is right for you and your dog?


It’s important to remember that the right school for you and your dog is out there. You just need to do some research, ask around, and find what works best for you!

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