Table of Contents
My love for dogs began at social gatherings where I would just sit and play with dogs instead of engaging in human conversation. Why? Because I found that the best way to have a conversation with another person is over a dog’s back! It sounds crazy but it’s true – we all have something in common when it comes to our fur babies.
When I decided to become an owner/parent myself, there was no doubt in my mind what breed I wanted: Greyhounds. They are sweet, loving creatures who deserve some TLC after being born into such harsh conditions at the racetrack. Since adopting my greyhound, he has changed my life completely – in ways I never imagined possible, such as being able to be around other dog owners who now have become great friends because they too were able to save these amazing dogs from certain death!
My love for dogs began at social gatherings where I would just sit and play with dogs instead of engaging in human conversation.
As a young adult, I was not particularly interested in socializing with people. I had no desire to go out and meet new people, but you could often find me sitting on the floor at any given party playing with dogs. Dogs are always happy to see you and don’t talk back. They’re also ready for playtime or a walk whenever the mood strikes—it’s like having an extra child at home!
The most rewarding thing about having a dog is that they give so much love without asking for anything in return but your love as well as some food and water (and maybe an occasional chew toy).
Why rescue?
Why rescue a greyhound?
If you’re thinking about adopting a dog, but aren’t sure where to start, I want to share with you why I rescued my greyhound. First of all, what is a greyhound? Greyhounds are tall and lean dogs that have long legs and are known for their speed. They were originally bred in England as hunting dogs over 200 years ago. Because they were so fast and good at catching prey animals like rabbits or deer, many hunters would use them on their hunts – but when the hunting was done for the day (or week), there wasn’t any place for them to go except back home with their owners or into shelters where they could be adopted out by someone else who wanted one as well. This led many people who didn’t know much about them (like myself) into thinking they were aggressive towards humans because of how well trained these dogs are when running after prey animals like rabbits which makes sense right? Wrong! Greyhounds love being around people so much so that they prefer having human companionship over anything else in life – even eating food! You see
Adopting a greyhound is not only the best way to go when considering a new furry family member but also is a great way to bring awareness to the sport of dog racing and all its cruelty.
The greyhound is an amazing breed of dog that deserves more love and attention than they get. They are often misunderstood and many people think they are mean, but in reality these animals only want to be your best friend and can be great family pets. Greyhounds are gentle, sweet and very loving towards people as well as other dogs, making them a perfect choice to add to your family.
Unfortunately there are still some people who abandon their greyhounds after racing season ends because they cannot afford to keep their pet anymore. I have seen many instances where these dogs were left behind at shelters or just left on the street with no food or water until someone found them and took them in themselves. This needs to stop! The fortunate thing about adopting a retired race dog is that you know exactly what kind of personality you will end up with since all their personalities have been tested on track prior – so if yours seems “off”, then trust me it probably has nothing do do with being abandoned or mistreated…
The day I got my greyhound, I’ll never forget it.
The day I got my greyhound, I’ll never forget it.
It was the first time I’d ever been around a greyhound. They’re one of my favorite dogs and were always on my list of “dogs to adopt someday.” When the opportunity arose, I didn’t want to pass it up.
I went to an adoption event with a friend who was looking for a dog as well. We both fell in love with this beautiful girl—but she wasn’t meant for me or her other potential adopters at that point in time (she was still available when we got there). While waiting for another dog show up, we kept seeing this other greyhound who seemed pretty interested in us and our attention! As soon as she came out from behind some trees during one of their breaks from running around off-leash in front of everyone’s eyes, we knew that would be our next family member: #CaliGirlForLife
I remember watching my dog race and seeing him run around the track with his long legs that had just been shaved from their previous life as racing dogs.
You may be asking yourself, “What is greyhound racing?” Greyhound racing is the process of putting greyhounds on a track and forcing them to run at high speeds for several hours. These dogs are not built to run fast and it often takes a toll on their bodies. They have been bred to be running machines, not pets or companions.
It’s important to note that many people who used to run these races now rescue retired greyhounds from the industry and adopt them as pets.
I had no clue how amazing this breed was until on one of our walks when a man stopped us and said how beautiful my dog was.
If you’re looking for a new dog, I highly recommend the greyhound. They are extremely friendly and loving animals that are great for families with kids. Greyhounds are very social and love to be around other dogs, humans and even cats. They love going on walks or runs (they’re very athletic) and they also love traveling!
If you want to learn more about greyhounds, visit one of your local shelters or contact an adoption agency like [name of organization].
Greyhounds are one of the most loving, kind-hearted and sweetest dogs you will ever meet. They do nothing but give back to anyone who takes them into their homes.
Greyhounds are one of the most loving, kind-hearted and sweetest dogs you will ever meet. They do nothing but give back to anyone who takes them into their homes. They are excellent with children, they love other dogs and they are very loyal and love to be around people. Greyhounds are easy to train because they have such a high level of intelligence.
Greyhounds make excellent companions for any family as long as their needs are met. They need space in order to run around outside or on an enclosed area inside your home so they can burn off some energy after being cooped up in the house all day while you’re at work or school or running errands during the day without your pet by your side! This will also help them stay fit so running won’t become difficult for either one of you down the line when he gets older (and then eventually dies from old age).
Since adopting my greyhound, he has changed my life completely – in ways I never imagined possible, such as being able to be around other dog owners, who now have become great friends of mine because they too were able to save these amazing dogs from certain death!
Since adopting my greyhound, he has changed my life completely – in ways I never imagined possible, such as being able to be around other dog owners, who now have become great friends of mine because they too were able to save these amazing dogs from certain death!
Greyhounds are amazing animals. They deserve to be saved from certain death. They are sweet and loving, and they give back to anyone who takes them into their homes. Greyhounds are very loyal, and they make excellent companions!
Greyhounds are amazing animals and don’t deserve to die at the racetrack or be seen as just another breed of dog that has been bred for racing purposes only!
Greyhounds are amazing animals and don’t deserve to die at the racetrack or be seen as just another breed of dog that has been bred for racing purposes only!
They make wonderful pets, and if you have a greyhound in your life, please tell us about it in the comments below!
If you’re thinking about adopting a greyhound, please do so! They are one of the most loving animals on earth and deserve to be treated with respect.