How To Care For Your Budgie


Budgies are lovely and playful pets that can be trained to perform tricks. They can learn how to climb onto your hand, ring a bell by hitting it with their beak, fly from their cage to a perch and say words. You may have even seen videos online of budgies talking! These birds are becoming more popular as pets thanks to their ability to learn new tricks, but there are still many people who don’t know much about them: what they eat, what they need in terms of care and exercise (including mental stimulation), where they come from and what makes them so special. In this blog post we will cover all these topics and more so you’ll know everything there is to know about caring for your budgie!

You can train your budgie to perform specific tricks, such as climbing on your hand, flying from its cage to a perch, ringing a bell by hitting it with its beak, and speaking certain words.

You can train your budgie to perform specific tricks, such as climbing on your hand, flying from its cage to a perch, ringing a bell by hitting it with its beak, and speaking certain words.

To teach your budgie to climb on your hand:

  • Hold the bird gently in one hand while offering him some treats in the other hand. The bird will naturally go for the treat first; when he does this bring his head close enough for him to climb up onto your finger or thumb. Once he’s on there reward him with more treats until he gets comfortable staying put and allowing himself to be petted by you.

To teach your budgie how to fly from its cage:

  • Place a perch inside of the cage that’s at least three feet off of the bottom so that any time it wants something outside of its immediate area (like food or water) it has no choice but fly over there itself! If after several months this hasn’t happened yet then take away all food except what’s present inside their housing unit; if they still don’t attempt flight within another two weeks then remove all water except what’s in their container too… eventually they’ll see just how important getting out there really is!

Budgies like to learn!

Budgies are intelligent birds and love to learn. They can be taught to talk and do tricks, like rolling over, waving their wings and playing dead. You can train them to be good pets by training them with treats or rewards such as food, water, toys or even their own cage!


I hope that this blog post has helped you understand how to care for your budgie. If you have any questions about your pet, please feel free to leave a comment below or contact me at [email protected].

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