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Cats are one of the most popular pets in the world. They’re cute, affectionate, and a great source of companionship for people who don’t want to work with dogs or other furry friends. But finding the right cat can be a tedious process if you don’t know what to look for! Let’s take a look at some tips and tricks on how to find your purrfect kitty:
Start with your local animal shelter.
When you start your search for the perfect cat, you should always start with your local animal shelter. You never know what kinds of cats might be there!
There are many things to look for when choosing a cat. One of the most important things is that they are friendly and playful. If a kitten is shy or withdrawn, this may mean that they have been abused at some point in their life and it could be difficult to get them out of the shell they have formed around themselves. They might also be more likely to lash out if a new person comes into their home too suddenly so it’s important not to move too quickly when adopting a new kitty – especially if he/she seems like he/she could use some time alone first before meeting strangers face-to-face!
Once you’ve chosen a few candidates, it’s time to get acquainted!
Once you’ve chosen a few candidates, it’s time to get acquainted!
The first step is to take them out of their cage and let them explore. This helps them get used to being around people and also gives you an opportunity to see how they interact with others (and what kind of personality they have).
Next, spend some time letting the cat get used to you. When it comes right down to it, this isn’t about whether or not your cat “likes” you in particular—it’s about making sure that all members of your family feel comfortable interacting with him or her on a regular basis. If one person doesn’t like cats but has been assigned their caretaking duties because no one else wants them either way yet then something needs changing here immediately!
And don’t forget some cat-friendly toys.
Don’t forget to grab some toys for your new cat. Cats need to keep their minds busy, and they can get bored easily. When they don’t have anything to do, they may find ways of entertaining themselves that aren’t fun for you or the cat. Toys are great ways of keeping your cat entertained, which will help prevent them from being bored and getting into trouble when you’re not home. They can also be used to teach your cat new tricks!
Cats love playing with toys because it helps them stay healthy and fit too! If a toy is thrown high enough, it’ll encourage the cat to jump after it—this helps build muscles in their legs and backside (which is important if there’s ever an incident where a door has been left open).
After meeting your new potential family member, it’s time to make the decision of whether or not they’re a good fit.
After meeting your potential new family member and making sure that they’re the right fit for your home, it’s time to decide if you’re ready and willing to take on the responsibility of a cat. If you’re not, then don’t get a cat! You can always come back later when you feel more ready.
If you are ready and willing, then make sure that your lifestyle will be accommodating enough for your furry friend. A small apartment might not be suitable for a cat who likes to climb on counters or high ledges where he could fall off and injure himself. Also, some cats are better suited toward owners who work from home—others thrive with lots of attention from their owners’ friends (and even strangers!)
Consider your living situation.
- Do you want an indoor or outdoor cat?
- Is there a yard for your kitty to run around in? If so, is it safe for him/her?
- How many people live in your house and what are their schedules like? Will someone be home most of the day to play with the cat and take care of him/her? (If not, consider adopting an older cat who’s easy to care for.)
- How many other pets do you have and what kind of personalities do they have? It’s important that all pets get along well together! Some cats may not be able to live with dogs or other cats. It’s also important to know if anyone in your home has allergies or asthma because some breeds shed more than others.
And don’t forget to take temperament into consideration.
And don’t forget to take temperament into consideration.
You can learn a lot about a cat’s temperament by observing how they interact with the shelter staff. If they’re friendly and outgoing, they’ll likely be just as friendly and outgoing in your home. Take extra care if you have small children or other pets. Some cats are better suited for households with kids than others; some may not do well around other animals at all!
Be sure to ask the right questions!
When you’re looking for a cat, there are several questions that need to be asked. For example, what is the cat’s temperament? Is it playful and energetic or laid back and chill? If a cat is more active than you want, then perhaps another one would be better suited for your lifestyle.
Another question to ask would be about health. Does this specific cat have any conditions or illnesses that may affect its quality of life as an adult? This could include things like allergies or chronic pain that may require medication for treatment. It would also help if you were aware of any genetic issues in the breed so that you could make informed decisions on this matter before bringing home a new fur baby!
Next up on our list was age; how old is this kitty exactly? Some people prefer adopting younger kittens because they’re easier to train whereas others opt for older cats because they tend not feel overwhelmed by all the unfamiliar surroundings around them anymore (and thus should adapt quickly).
Lastly but certainly not leastly–there’s always room left over!–are there other pets living at home who might interact with your future feline friend negatively? If so (and even if not), keep reading below…
Look out for hidden costs.
The cost of food, litter, toys and other supplies is important to consider. But so are the costs of vet care and grooming. If you plan on boarding your cat at a kennel or resort, make sure you know how much that will cost as well as whether or not they require pet insurance. After all, your cat’s health is your responsibility!
If you keep these tips in mind and take your time when choosing, you’ll find a feline friend who will light up the house soon enough!
If you’re ready to find a feline companion and are thinking about adopting from a shelter, I’m going to show you exactly how to keep everything in check so that you can find the perfect kitty!
First things first: do your research. Find out what kind of cat will fit best with your lifestyle and personality.
Second, make sure you know what you’re getting into when choosing a cat. Cats are not like dogs—they require different types of care, especially if they have special needs or behavioral issues. Make sure that whatever type of cat fits into yours and your family’s lifestyle before making any decisions!
So what are you waiting for? Go on, start your search for a purrfect kitty!