How to Help Your Puppy Not to Bite


Puppies are adorable, but they can also be a handful! Their playful nips and bites often turn into serious issues as your dog grows older. To help you understand why puppies bite and what you can do to stop it, we’ve put together this simple guide.

Why Dogs Bite

  • To get attention: The most common reason dogs bite is to gain attention. If your dog bites you and you yell “Ouch!” they will be satisfied that they got your attention and therefore, they will stop biting.
  • To demand something: Dogs are naturally pack animals so when one puppy tries to assert dominance over another, he may bite the other puppy. This is especially true if he feels threatened by someone else in the pack (you).
  • Because of play: If your dog doesn’t know how to play safely with other pets or people, then it can result in some rough play which may lead to biting. A lot of times this happens when a puppy gets really excited about playing with another animal or person and chases them around relentlessly until either one runs away from him or an accident happens where the person falls on top of him causing pain at which point anger kicks in because it was his fault after all so now he has no choice but defend himself even though there wasn’t any attack!

What to Do When Your Puppy Bites

If your puppy bites you, try not to yell or punish him. If you do, he’ll think that biting is a way to get what he wants. Instead, walk away from the situation and ignore him for a few minutes until he calms down and follows you. Then try giving him praise so that he knows biting is not acceptable behavior in this situation.

If your puppy bites you on purpose (such as when playing), don’t pull his mouth away from yours or hit him in any way—this will only make matters worse! The best thing for both of you is for you to simply keep walking away from the situation until your puppy calms down again and starts following after you instead of biting at everything around them like crazy dogs often do when they’re excited about being outside during summertime weather…

How to Stop Your Puppy From Biting

  • Teach your puppy to sit.
  • Teach your puppy to wait.
  • Teach your puppy to come.
  • Teach your puppy to leave it (this is also called “drop it”).
  • Teach your puppy to drop it (or leave it).

Teach Your Dog Alternative Behaviors

  • Teach your dog to sit.
  • Teach your dog to shake.
  • Teach your dog to give you a high five.
  • Play fetch with them, or tug-of-war if they like that more.

The best way to stop your puppy from biting is to teach them an alternative behavior.

The best way to stop your puppy from biting is by teaching them an alternative behavior. It’s important to teach your puppy a new way of interacting with people and other animals, so that he or she does not feel the need to bite in order to get attention. Some of these behaviors include:

  • Teaching them to use their paws instead of their mouth
  • Teaching them how to sit, lay down, or stay
  • Teaching them how to shake hands
  • Teaching them how to play fetch or run after a toy with another animal present (they may try biting at first but soon realize that it doesn’t work)


If you have a puppy that bites, don’t get discouraged! It’s normal for puppies to bite and nip, but it can be hard to break them of the habit. Puppies learn by repetition, so make sure that every time they try nipping or biting you say “no” firmly and redirect their attention to something else. You can also teach them an alternative behavior like sitting or lying down on command since those are much more appropriate ways for dogs to interact with humans.

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