How To Keep Your Hamster From Destroying Your Home


If you have a hamster, you know that they are even more mischievous than cats. They love to run around and explore their surroundings, but this can be problematic if they get loose in your house! The good news is that there are ways to prevent this from happening. Simply follow these tips for keeping your hamster safe and sound inside his cage:

Do not leave any wires near your hamster’s cage.

Wires are a hamster’s favorite snack, and they will chew through them with no problem. Don’t leave any wires near your hamster’s cage. The same goes for the general area where you keep your hamster. If you have any electrical outlets or power cords in this area, it is important to keep them out of reach from your hamster – especially if you have young children who may be tempted to pull on them while playing with their pet.

Buy tighter cages to make it hard for your hamster to chew through.

To make sure your hamster doesn’t chew through the bars of its cage, you’ll want to look for a wire cage that has a solid floor. Hamsters are known for chewing through things, so if you have a plastic or metal wire cage, it’s important that the floor be solid and not mesh. If your hamster has plenty of toys and no access to chewing on anything else besides his food or water bottle (and maybe an occasional cardboard box), you may even want to consider getting him an aquarium with a glass top so he can’t escape.

Make sure the cage is away from moldy or damp areas of the home.

Make sure that you keep the cage away from moldy or damp areas of the home. Mold is dangerous for hamsters, as it can cause respiratory issues, eye infections and skin infections. If you have any doubt about whether or not an area of your home is suitable for a hamster, please ask your veterinarian before putting a cage there.

Cover the bottom layer of the cage with sand or sawdust to protect the hamster’s feet.

Sand or sawdust will protect the hamster’s feet from getting hurt. Hamsters have very sensitive feet that can get hurt by sharp objects like wires, so it’s important to cover the bottom layer of the cage with sand or sawdust. These materials will protect their delicate skin and prevent injury if they step on something sharp.

Keep any food it eats in its cage so it doesn’t scavenge for food in other parts of the house.

Keeping your hamster in a cage is the safest way to ensure that it doesn’t get into any trouble. If you have a hamster and it spends time out of its cage, make sure the room is completely outfitted with protective covering on all wires and cords. There are many options available at local stores like Target or Walmart that can help protect your cables from getting chewed on by your pet.

You may also want to consider keeping any food that your hamster eats inside its cage so that it does not roam around looking for something else to eat instead of eating the food provided by you. Hamsters are scavengers and will eat anything they can find if given the opportunity!

Keep all foods away from your hamster because they can eat them and get sick.

It is important to make sure all foods are kept away from your hamster. Hamsters can get sick from eating too many treats or foods that are not good for them. If your hamster does eat something bad, take him to a vet immediately.

If you are concerned about your hamster’s health, take him to a vet immediately.

Be prepared for a little mess, like corncob shells, if you give him treats.

A great treat for hamsters is corncob shells. You can buy them from a pet store or even just grab a few from your local grocery store. The best thing about these treats is that they are super cheap and easy to find. Just make sure you get the big ones, not the small ones!

Once you have the corncob shell, take it out of its packaging and soak it in water until it’s completely softened up (usually overnight). Once that’s done, peel off some of the husk so your hamster won’t get any fiberglass when eating his new snack. Then cut into smaller pieces and serve to him/her as often as once per day!

Make sure not to give too much though; even though corn cobs are good for his teeth, they still contain sugar which can cause obesity if given too often or in large doses!

Always provide fresh water for your hamster every single day.

Hamsters need a clean water bowl every day, and it is your responsibility to provide them with fresh water. The best way to do this is by changing the water in their bowl at least once per day, and making sure that it stays clean. If you use tap water, make sure you filter it (or boil) before putting it into your hamster’s drinking bowl. Never let your hamster go without fresh drinking water!

If you have multiple pets living in your home (other than hamsters), and they drink from the same water dish as your pet hamster(s), keep in mind that certain types of animals may carry diseases or parasites which could be harmful for all animals present at home. This can include bacteria such as salmonella outbreaks which may cause severe diarrhea among dogs or cats due to contaminated food sources like chicken feed being improperly washed after use by livestock producers who raise chickens commercially.[1]

The secret to keeping your hamster in his cage is not giving him anything but what he actually needs in his cage!

The secret to keeping your hamster in his cage is not giving him anything but what he actually needs in his cage! The best way to do this is by purchasing a cage that has the correct size and shape, along with enough space for the hamster to move around freely.

If you have any questions about your hamster’s living conditions, please feel free to contact us at (555) 555-5555 and we will be happy to help you find the perfect solution for your furry friend!


The secret to keeping your hamster in his cage is not giving him anything but what he actually needs in his cage!

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