How to Properly Feed a Betta


The Siamese fighting fish, or betta, is one of the most popular household pets in America. They’re easy to take care of and have a variety of colors and fin shapes, but that doesn’t mean they don’t require any special attention! In fact, when it comes to feeding your betta properly and understanding their dietary needs you should always do your research on what food is best for them and how often you should feed them. Are you curious about what kind of food your betta should eat? Read on below to learn more about the proper diet for these little fishies!

Section subtitle: What to Feed Your Betta

You should feed your betta a high-quality pellet food or freeze dried blood worms once or twice a day, depending on their size. If you are feeding pellets, 1-2 pellets per day for every inch of length is sufficient. If you are feeding freeze dried bloodworms (which I suggest), 1-2 pieces per day for every inch of length is sufficient. You should also make sure to remove any uneaten food from the tank after 5 minutes so that it does not rot and pollute the water in your tank!

It’s important to remember that bettas eat live insects in the wild so if you have an empty stomach and see one darting around trying to catch his prey – feel free to go ahead and give it a try!

Section subtitle: How Often to Feed Your Betta

You should feed your betta fish twice a day. The amount that you feed your fish depends on their size and weight. If you don’t know how much to give them, ask the staff at your local pet shop for advice. It is important not to overfeed them or they will become overweight and unhealthy.

Section subtitle: What NOT to Feed Your Betta

When you’re first getting started, it’s important to remember that bettas are carnivores. As such, they need a high protein diet with lots of food that will help them grow and develop into proper adults. It’s also crucial that you avoid feeding your betta any foods which may cause health issues or make them sick. This means avoiding human foods like cooked chicken or fish as well as dog and cat food.

Bettas can be very healthy and happy fish as long as you know how to feed them.

  • Feed your betta once a day, and only once a day.
  • Feed your betta high-quality pellets that are formulated for carnivores. (Even though they’re sometimes called “vegetarian,” bettas need animal protein to survive.) Look for pellets that have a lot of shrimp or other tiny critters in them—they’ll help keep your fish’s skin healthy, as well as its coat of protective slime. Bettas can eat flakes, too; just make sure they’re low-protein flakes.
  • Don’t feed your betta live foods or any other type of fish food—even if it says “for omnivores,” this means it’s not safe for a high-quality pellet diet! Live food will give your Betta parasites and bacteria such as Cryptocaryon irritans (aka “Ick”), which is fatal in most cases unless treated immediately by an experienced veterinarian.

Also avoid overfeeding: A healthy Betta will only eat what he needs within an hour or so after being fed; if you give him too much food at once, he’ll likely spit out the extra pieces at his leisure later on anyway!


I hope this article has helped you learn more about bettas and their diet. Bettas are wonderful fish, and I love them dearly! If you want to learn more about how to care for your betta, check out our other articles on the subject.

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