How to tell if your dog is overweight


Have you noticed that your dog is looking a little bit rounder than usual? If so, it might be time for them to visit the vet. An overweight dog can cause problems with their joints and heart and even affect their lifespan. However, if your dog has gained too much weight, there are some easy ways to help them lose it. In this blog post we’ll discuss some of these signs that your dog may need a diet!

You can’t pinch your dog’s waist.

If you can’t pinch your dog’s waist, he is overweight. This method is known as the “pinch test” and has been used since ancient times to determine if a dog is carrying too much fat. The pinch test should be done by someone who knows what they’re doing, like your veterinarian or someone who has taken a pet nutrition course from an accredited institution (like Harvard).

The procedure for the pinch test goes something like this:

  • Make sure that your dog is standing on all fours and not lying down
  • Have someone hold onto his front legs while you get behind him to pick up his back end with both hands while keeping one hand on top of the other at all times – don’t let them overlap!
  • While holding onto him firmly but gently (don’t squeeze!), try to pull him in such a way that his spine curves inward toward his belly button until you feel some tension along its length; when this happens, stop immediately because it won’t be much longer before he yelps in pain! If he doesn’t yelp, then congratulations – he probably isn’t overweight!

Your vet says so

If your dog is overweight, it’s likely that your vet has told you so. A veterinarian can spot an overweight dog from a mile away and help you create a plan for getting them back in shape. They’re also able to diagnose any health problems that may be causing weight gain, like hypothyroidism or hyperadrenocorticism (Cushing’s syndrome).

If you’re still not sure whether or not your pet is carrying too much extra weight around with them on their daily walks and trips outside in the yard, there are some signs to look out for when determining if they’ve reached the point where they need to lose some pounds. The most obvious sign of canine obesity is a change in their energy level; if they seem more lethargic than usual after waking up from a nap or lying down for bed at night, this could be one indicator that something isn’t quite right with either their diet or lifestyle. Other changes like decreased activity levels due to pain caused by being overweight should also raise red flags with owners who’ve noticed these symptoms in their pets before making any drastic changes such as switching up what foods they give off leash time with treats!

Your dog isn’t as active as he used to be.

A lot of dogs are lazy. They like to sleep, they like to eat, and they don’t like going for walks. If your dog has started falling asleep more often than usual or gained a little more weight around the belly region, that could be a sign that he’s getting too much food and not enough exercise.

If you’re feeling guilty about this because you believe your dog should be able to go for walks by himself (and maybe even enjoy them!), don’t lose hope! You can still get out there with him if you put in the effort: find ways to make it fun for both of you such as taking along toys or treats so he’ll stay motivated during your walk together!

Your dog has trouble exercising.

If your dog has trouble exercising because of its weight, it may be overweight. If it’s overweight, they’ll have trouble exercising and that will lead to even more weight gain.

The best way to tell if your dog is overweight or not is by measuring them. You can do this at home with a tape measure or a body fat caliper (if you want to pay for one). Once you know their numbers, use those measurements as a baseline for future checks of their progress toward a healthy weight!

Here are some easy ways that you can help your pup drop pounds:

Your dog is fond of the couch.

If your dog is overweight, they may have a hard time getting off the couch. That’s because they’re just so comfortable! If your dog has been enjoying the sofa and you’re looking to help them lose weight, it’s important to keep them off the furniture.

The best way to encourage exercise in your pup? Set up an agility course in your backyard or living room and set them loose on it for 30 minutes each day. You can also go for walks together every night before bedtime!

Your dog has excess weight around its middle.

The first thing you should look for is an excess of fat around your dog’s middle. If your dog has a lot of fat around its middle, it is overweight. This is a sign that your dog isn’t getting enough exercise. You should take your dog for walks more often and make sure that they get regular exercise so they don’t become overweight.

There are some clues that your dog has gained too much weight and you should take steps to help them lose it.

  • Weight should be proportional to height.
  • Weight should be proportional to age.
  • Weight should be proportional to activity level.
  • If the dog is on a restricted diet, it’s important that they are not overweight because they may not be able to lose weight through exercise alone and could develop health problems from being overweight, such as joint pain or high blood pressure (which can lead to heart disease).


If you’re concerned about your dog’s weight, talk to your vet. It’s important that you do so as soon as possible before the extra pounds become a problem. It will also help if he or she can recommend some strategies for getting your dog back on track. In the meantime, keep an eye out for these signs of excess pounds and try to exercise more often with your pet!

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