Is Your Pet Sick? What to Do if Your Pet Seems Suddenly Ill


Most pet owners know when there’s something wrong with their beloved animal. But if you’re not sure, here are some basic signs that can help you decide whether your pet needs to go to the vet.

Is your pet listless?

If your pet seems listless, it’s possible that he or she is suffering from a number of illnesses. If you notice this symptom in your cat or dog, look for other symptoms (such as fever and vomiting) that can help pinpoint the problem.

If your pet is listless, try to figure out what could have caused it. Is there anything new in his environment? Is there something different about his routine? If you’ve recently moved, has he been exposed to any new animals or people that might be causing stress? These things could all be contributing factors if they’ve changed recently. If a change like this has occurred recently and doesn’t seem to be improving over time, take him/her to see a vet right away so they can be properly diagnosed and treated!

Is your pet refusing to eat?

If your pet is suddenly refusing to eat, it could be a sign of illness. Check their mouth for sores or swelling. If your pet is not eating and you suspect they are ill, contact your vet immediately.

Is your pet acting agitated?

Agitation is one of the most common signs of illness in pets. If you notice your pet acting agitated, it may be a sign that he or she is experiencing pain. Agitation can also mean that your pet has an infection, an allergic reaction, poisoning or heatstroke. This sign is particularly important to watch for if you have recently moved into a new home with carpeting and think that your cat could have ingested something toxic on the carpet (such as glue).

Is your pet having trouble breathing?

  • If your pet is panting, wheezing, or has trouble breathing, it’s time to call your vet.
  • Does your pet have a fever? A high body temperature can be a sign of illness in pets.
  • Does your pet have a cough? If so, contact your vet immediately as coughing can be an indication of pneumonia or other respiratory issues.

Is there blood or is something broken?

If there is blood, or if your pet seems to be in pain, you should take them to the vet as soon as possible. If they’re bleeding and it’s not obvious where it’s coming from, take them to the vet immediately. If they’ve broken a bone, take them to the vet immediately.

There are a few signs that help you know what to do when something happens to your pet.

If you notice any of the following signs in your pet, it may be time to see a veterinarian:

  • Listlessness. If your furry friend usually loves to play but suddenly doesn’t move around much or seems tired, he might be sick.
  • Refusing to eat. If your pooch or kitty hasn’t eaten his usual meal for two days or more and is generally lethargic and sleepy, this could be an indication that something’s wrong with him.
  • Acting agitated for no reason at all (or for some seemingly minor reason). For example, if your cat normally loves to be brushed but starts jumping up on furniture when you approach him with a brush in hand, something might not be right! This same principle applies if a dog that normally sits quietly while being petted suddenly starts barking at nothing and running around like crazy—especially if he seems scared out of his mind by whatever object he just encountered on the floor! It might just be one thing off-kilter in his world causing him stress; however, it could also mean there’s an underlying health concern making him feel uncomfortable enough that he can’t even relax when trying to rest!


If you notice any of these signs, it’s important that you act quickly. A veterinarian will be able to tell if your pet is sick and prescribe treatment. If there’s not an emergency situation, they can also help you prevent future illness by making sure your animal stays healthy through regular checkups and vaccinations.

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