Keeping Your Kitty Safe Tips for Keeping your Kitty Safe at Home


As a cat owner, you have an important responsibility: to keep your kitty safe. Cats can be great companions and bring a lot of joy into our lives. However, it is important that we take the proper precautions when dealing with them in order to ensure their safety as well as ours! Here are some tips on keeping your feline friend safe at home:

Keep your kitty indoors.

It’s best to keep your cat indoors for several reasons. Cats that stay inside are safer, happier and healthier than cats who roam the neighborhood. They are less likely to get lost or stolen if they are kept inside, as well as less likely to be attacked by other animals. Felines that have outdoor access also tend to have higher risk of fleas and ticks, which can potentially spread disease.

It can be hard being an indoor cat with all the temptations outdoors like squirrels or birds (or mice). If you want your kitty friends to enjoy their time outside without leaving home completely (without a leash), make sure there is an area where they feel comfortable playing in your yard without any risks for them getting lost or hurt by an animal attack.

Get a cat harness and take your cat outside, it’s more fun for both of you

If you have a cat that likes to explore, they can be a lot of fun when they are with you. But it’s important to keep them safe at home. A cat harness is more effective than a collar and much better for your cat’s overall health. When walking your cat outside, it is best to get them used to wearing a harness so that if something ever happens, like being attacked by another animal or getting tangled in something dangerous like wire, they will be able to get free safely on their own and not panic.

To fit a harness correctly:

  • Start from underneath their front legs, then cross it over their shoulders and under the chest area (where the breastbone would be)
  • Tie the straps together behind their neck

Never leave your cat in a car, even if the windows are cracked and it is only for a couple minutes.

Leaving your cat in a car, even for a few minutes, is not acceptable. Cats can overheat very quickly and can start to experience health problems very quickly. If you see a cat trapped in a car, call the police immediately. The cat may have been left behind by its owner or might be lost and looking for help. Either way, do not approach the vehicle yourself—call 9-1-1 immediately!

Never leave windows or doors open unless there is a screen to prevent them from falling out.

  • Never leave windows or doors open unless there is a screen to prevent them from falling out.

Cats are curious, brave and athletic creatures. They will try to climb out of windows and fall if they can’t get back in. This is especially true for kittens who will want to explore their world as soon as they are able. A cat that falls from a second story window could be seriously injured, or worse yet killed by the impact with the ground even if it lands on something soft like leaves or snow. Cats also have been known to escape through open doors and windows when no one was paying attention.

There are many ways you can keep your little buddy safe while still giving him some freedom:

Keep things such as hair ties, rubber bands and other small objects away from your cat.

It’s important to keep things such as hair ties, rubber bands and other small objects away from your cat. A cat can get tangled in them, choke on them or swallow them. Cats can also get sick from eating these items and may become injured from chewing on them.

Never give chocolate, caffeine or alcohol to your cat.

  • Alcohol
  • Caffeine
  • Chocolate: Chocolate can be very toxic to cats. As little as a single ounce of baking chocolate or the equivalent amount of cocoa powder can be deadly to your cat. In fact, most vets recommend that you not give your cat any chocolate at all because it’s simply too dangerous.

Don’t feed your cat grapes or raisins, these can be lethal!

One common mistake people make when feeding their cat is giving them grapes and raisins. While we all know that these fruits are perfectly safe for humans, they can be lethal to cats!

Cats have an enzyme called glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) which breaks down the toxin in grapes and raisins, but only after a long time. This can lead to acute kidney failure in your pet if it eats even one grape or raisin.

Raisins are much more dangerous than grapes as they contain up to 10 times as much of the toxic substance oxalic acid compared to wine grapes and table grapes (which come from the same plant).

Other foods you should avoid include onions, garlic, avocados, chives and leeks.

There are several other foods that you should avoid giving to your cat. These include onions, garlic, avocados and chives. If your cat eats too much of these foods it can develop anemia.

Onions, garlic and leeks are also toxic to humans but they are more harmful to cats than they are to us because cats have a higher sensitivity level.

Never feed uncooked meat or raw eggs to your cat.

This is one of the easiest ways to ensure your cat stays healthy and safe. Not only can raw eggs contain salmonella, but they also have a high risk of causing an upset stomach or diarrhea in cats. Raw meat has its own set of problems, namely that it can contain bacteria and parasites that can be harmful to cats.

If you want to give your furry friend a treat (and who doesn’t?), stick with cooked eggs or cooked meats instead!

In addition to being safe for them, this will make sure they’re getting all the nutrients they need in their diet without any unnecessary risks involved.

Keep cleaning supplies away from cats. Just like with humans, ammonia can irritate the lungs and the eyes, so always keep cleaners away from your pet and make sure they are safely put away after use.

Your cat is a smart animal, but you need to make sure they are safe. For example, don’t let them play with cleaners. Cleaners such as ammonia can irritate their eyes or lungs if they get too close to them. They can also cause burns on their paws if they lick the cleaner off their paws after playing with it or spraying it on the floor around where they are playing.

Keep all cleaning products in a place where your cat cannot reach them, and always put away after using them so that there is no chance of accidentally spilling any chemicals onto yourself or your pet when cleaning up spills around your home!

Keeping these tips in mind will help ensure that both you and your cat have many happy years together 🙂

Keeping your cat safe is important for both you and your kitty. Here are some tips on how to keep your kitty safe at home:

  • Make sure that all toxic substances are out of reach of cats, including household cleaners and medications. Keep them in a high cabinet or locked away when not in use. Remember that even products labeled as “safe” for pets can be dangerous if ingested by a curious kitten or cat!
  • Keep food and water dishes clean, as well as the surrounding area where they are kept. This will help prevent bacteria from forming in their bowls and make your home more hygienic overall!
  • Avoid using scented air fresheners (like candles), which may be toxic to cats when inhaled directly into their lungs over time—especially if left burning for long periods without being blown out first—so always put these items away safely before bedtime so no one gets hurt accidentally during an evening nap 🙂


Hopefully these tips have given you some ideas on how to keep your cat safe and happy. Pets are a big part of our lives, and it is important that we give them the best care possible.

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