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Cockatiels are adorable little birds and many people would love to have one as a pet. However, there are some things that you should be aware of before deciding to get a cockatiel. If you’re thinking about getting one for yourself or someone else, here are some things that you should know about them first:
Because of their sweet nature, it’s easy to think that cockatiels are a good pet choice. But they’re actually really noisy.
Cockatiels are often described as “little parrots” because they’re small and colorful, but unlike regular parrots, they don’t know how to talk. This means that cockatiels can be pretty loud and sometimes annoying when they get excited or upset.
For example, if your cockatiel is startled by an unexpected noise or if you leave the room for a few minutes to grab something from another room (or even just go to the bathroom), he might start screeching loudly in protest. And if you don’t pay attention right away, his screaming may turn into a full-blown tantrum where he flaps his wings around wildly and pecks at whatever’s closest—usually your face!
If you want a pet who will sit quietly on your shoulder all day long without any demands for attention or affection from anybody else in the house (including other pets), then maybe a cockatiel isn’t right for you after all!
They can be very messy and there’s no way to stop them from being so. You will just have to deal with it.
They can be very messy and there’s no way to stop them from being so. You will just have to deal with it.
Cockatiels are not a good pet for everybody! If you don’t like having to clean up after your pet, then this is not the bird for you! They will make messes all over the place and there is nothing that can be done about it other than taking care of those messes as best as possible and making sure that they don’t get used to their surroundings being dirty because then when you try cleaning their cage or its accessories later on, they’ll freak out because everything is different than how they were used before!
If this sounds too much like work for someone who doesn’t mind doing chores around the house every now and again but would rather spend some time relaxing instead; then maybe a cockatiel isn’t right choice either since once again: THEY WILL MAKE MESSES EVERYWHERE!!!
The birds can live for 15 years or more, so you need to think about the long term.
One of the advantages of a cockatiel is that they can live for 15 years or more. If you’re not prepared to make a long-term commitment and commit to taking care of your bird for that long, then maybe you shouldn’t consider getting one.
If you’re thinking about getting a cockatiel because it would be fun to have one as a pet, but won’t actually be around to take care of it—then don’t get one! You should be prepared to spend time with your bird while he’s still young so he gets used to people and doesn’t become aggressive when older.
Your bird will want a lot of attention and if you don’t give it to him, he’ll scream for it.
If you’re not a social person, a cockatiel is not a good pet for you. Your bird will want a lot of attention and if you don’t give it to him, he’ll scream for it. If you work all day or have other things going on at home that don’t allow you time with your bird every day, then owning a cockatiel may not be right for you.
It’s important that someone else is available to feed your bird while you’re away at work or school because they need regular meals throughout the day. If they are hungry and there’s no one around to feed them regularly, they will start screaming loudly as soon as they wake up in the morning until somebody comes by with food. At this point I’ve had two birds (the first one was given away) and both times we’ve had trouble keeping them fed due to our busy schedules so we finally decided against getting another bird because we knew it would cause problems if nobody could take care of him/her properly
They make a habit of chewing on wood and other objects around the home unless you provide designated chew toys.
Cockatiels have a tendency to chew on wood and other objects around the home unless you provide designated chew toys. This may be more of an issue for birds that are not properly trained, but even well-trained cockatiels will still try to chew on things from time to time.
To prevent this from happening, make sure you provide plenty of safe chewing options for your bird. No matter what type of material you choose, make sure it’s not too hard or sharp so that if they do decide to chew on it there won’t be any injury or damage done. Also make sure there aren’t any toxic chemicals on the surface that could harm your bird if ingested!
Your bird will need to eat throughout the day and night, so make sure that you or someone else will be available to feed it at all times.
Your bird will need to eat throughout the day and night, so make sure that you or someone else will be available to feed it at all times.
Cockatiels should be fed a variety of foods, including seeds, pellets made for birds and fresh fruits and vegetables. If you notice your cockatiel is not eating as much one day or not eating at all, there could be many reasons: he might be too hot in his cage or he may have an infection. You should always keep some cuttlebone on hand in case your bird has an upset stomach because this can help relieve any discomfort he may feel. You should also make sure that each piece of food is small enough for him to swallow easily without choking but large enough that it doesn’t get stuck in his throat when he tries to chew it up into smaller pieces.
You should think long and hard before getting a cockatiel because they are not a great pet for everyone
If you are thinking about getting a cockatiel, it’s important to consider whether or not this pet would be right for your home. Cockatiels require a lot of time, attention and care. Their cages need to be cleaned daily and they need regular interaction with their owners. If you don’t have the time to devote to caring for your bird properly, then owning one may not be the right choice for you.
Cockatiels can also make some noise when they’re unhappy or bored which is inevitable if left alone too often. This is another reason why people might not want them around because they could disrupt other members of the household who require quiet spaces like study rooms or sleeping quarters at night time where there aren’t any distractions like loud noises coming from outside sources such as nearby construction sites etcetera (sic).
I hope this article helped you make a decision about whether or not to own a cockatiel. If you’re still unsure, it’s important to remember that the most important thing is to do some research. Find out what kind of care your bird will need and if it’s right for your family before making any decisions.