The Best Way To Make You a Better Person


Adopting a pet is one of the most rewarding things you can do. It’s also one of the best ways to become a better person. If you’re on the fence about adopting, let me tell you about my experiences with three rescued animals: Sifter, Blue, and Sophie.

It makes you more thoughtful.

By adopting a pet from a shelter, you are giving a second chance to an animal that may have been overlooked by others. When you adopt, you will have to learn about your new pet’s needs and personality so that they can thrive in their new home. This means that being thoughtful of what kind of pet would be best for the lifestyle you live and making sure the animal is compatible with any other pets or children in your home.

It makes you more vigilant.

You’re going to be more alert, aware, and vigilant. This is because you need to be. You’ll have a new pet (or two) and it’s your responsibility to make sure that they are safe and happy. In order for them to thrive in their new environment, you will need to pay attention to how they’re feeling at all times. If something seems off or if there’s unusual behavior going on then it’s up to you as the owner of this animal or animals (that’s what we call them now) to address those matters immediately so that your pet doesn’t get hurt or worse! A great example of this was when I adopted my dog Monty from a shelter – the first few days were rough because he was still adjusting but eventually he became very loving towards me which made me feel pretty good about things 🙂

It makes you a better listener.

When you adopt a pet from a shelter, you’re not just getting a new friend. You’re also getting an expert in animal communication. If you don’t know how to listen and understand what your new pet is trying to tell you, then you will never be able to properly care for them. In order to be the best owner possible, it’s important that you learn how animals communicate through their body language and vocalizations.

This can help make sure that they are being properly exercised and fed, as well as ensure they have all of their basic needs met (like health checks). Taking time out of your day or week-long vacation can make all the difference in ensuring that your new friend feels loved and cared for!

It teaches you patience.

The best way to make you a better person is adopting from a shelter. This can be a hard thing to do, but it’s worth it in the end. And one of the biggest reasons why is because of how much patience you will learn when adopting from these places.

You need patience when training your pet, especially if they’re still young or aren’t used to being around people all that often. You may find yourself repeating tasks over and over again until they get them right (or at least close).

You also need patience when getting your pet used to their new environment–especially if they’ve been living with other animals before coming into yours! It might take time before they feel comfortable enough around everyone else in the house so that he/she can start acting like himself/herself again, which makes sense since he hasn’t lived alone since birth like humans do most often these days (except those who grow up alone).

Lastly: patience while waiting for him/her to learn new skills like walking down steps without falling every single time takes some getting used too as well; but eventually everything becomes second nature after awhile…and it’s all worth it because now both humans involved know how much easier life has become since adopting!

It makes you more open and understanding.

You will learn about different cultures, ways of thinking, and ways of living. You’ll see that adopting a pet from shelters is not just about saving the life of an animal; it’s also about expanding your own horizons and becoming more open-minded.

Adoption is a great way to form bonds with people who are different from you in terms of race, religion, or background. For example: one time I adopted a cat who had been born in Japan but lived his entire life as a stray cat in America after being abandoned by his owners when they moved back home. While I would’ve never thought to adopt him myself if he hadn’t been available through my local shelter’s website (thank goodness for technology!), now I consider him one of my closest friends. He helps me understand how other cultures think because he has so many stories to tell me about his past life in Japan—and seeing how much joy it brings him makes me feel good too!

It makes you a better communicator.

Having to communicate with your new pet will help you become a more patient and understanding person. You have to learn how to listen to your pet’s needs, as well as understand their behavior, what it means when they do something and why they may be acting that way. This can make you a better listener in general because you’re learning how to care for someone who doesn’t always speak the same language as you do.

For example, my dog is not very good at communicating her feelings or needs through words but she has taught me so much about being patient with others by showing me when something isn’t working out for her – whether it be taking too long on walks or getting too hot during playtime outside in the summer months when there aren’t any trees around us yet (she loves being underneath them).

You’re not just building a relationship, but also helping to build something bigger.

When adopting from a shelter, you’re not just building a relationship with your pet. You are also helping to build something bigger—a better world for all living beings and a better future for our planet.

Adopting a pet can truly make your life better.

It can be a little overwhelming to take on the task of adopting a pet. You may have lots of questions about what life with a dog or cat will be like, and you may wonder if you are ready for the responsibility that comes with adopting an animal. But never fear! Because there are many ways in which adopting a pet from your local shelter can actually make your life better.

In this blog post, we’ll go over some of those reasons and give you some tips on adopting from shelters as well as other ways to help homeless animals out. You may even find yourself interested in volunteering at your local shelter after reading this!


Adopting a pet can truly make your life better. The best part is, it doesn’t just affect you—it affects everyone around you as well.

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