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Puppies are so cute and funny, but sometimes they do things that make us laugh. There’s nothing like a puppy video to brighten up your day, so we’ve collected some of the best ones here for you to enjoy!
- They’re hilarious.
- They’re mischievous.
- They can be really silly, too!
This is the second time I’ve written this post. The first version was deleted by a moderator, because I’d accidentally copied and pasted the title of another blog post into mine. This time around, I’m being careful not to do that again!
I don’t know about you guys but puppies are the greatest things in the world. They’re so cute and funny, aren’t they? I mean look at how cheeky these dogs are! It’s like they know exactly what they’re doing…and boy do we love it when they do!
You might find that your dog will want to run away from you when they see you coming. This is a good thing, because it means they’re smart enough not to let you catch them (and if they do, then there’s no point in trying).
In this video, the dog tries to get past his owner by running under the bed. The owner goes on top of the bed and back into the hallway while following him around. After a while, he jumps down from the bed and runs into another room where he hides from his owner until he realizes that he’s been found again and starts running away again! They repeat this process for about 20 seconds before stopping at the end of the hallway with both of them laughing hysterically because neither wants to be caught yet again!
The fourth video is a classic. It starts by showing you the puppy being scared by a loud noise and then running away, which is funny. Then the video shows him coming back, but he gets scared again, which is also funny. So basically all of the footage in this one is literally just two things happening over and over again: him getting scared by something and then running away from it as fast as he can, but that’s not even close to being enough because it still makes me laugh every single time I watch it!
Puppies are the best, and this video proves it! Watch as a little pup flips around in a box full of packing peanuts. It’s so cute and funny to see him rolling around like that. We hope you enjoy this video as much as we did—it will certainly put a smile on your face!
Puppies are the greatest things in the world.
Puppies are the greatest things in the world. They are so fluffy and cute that it’s hard not to fall in love with them. They’re playful, they’re funny and they have so many different personalities. It’s really amazing how much puppies can do when they grow up!
Here are some of my favorite puppy videos:
- Puppy chases her tail for hours on end (
- Puppy having a food fight with his owner (
- Dogs playing tug-of-war with their favorite toys (
We hope you enjoy these videos as much as we do. A little bit of puppy cuteness never hurt anyone, right?