The Heart-Warming Story of Dog Who Saved a Shelter Puppy


These dogs will restore your faith in humanity. The video of the rescue is so sweet, but the real story goes further than that. It’s a heartwarming tale of two shelter dogs who have been given a second chance at life thanks to each other.

The dog, named Deedee, made a very unlikely friend.

Deedee was a shy dog with a heart of gold. She had been rescued from the shelter and adopted by a loving family. Her new home was just what she needed to find herself, but Deedee was still timid around people and other animals.

She wasn’t sure how to react when her owners brought home an adorable puppy named Hope for her to meet—this little girl was so small and cute!

According to the shelter workers, Deedee was “vocal and withdrawn.”

According to the shelter workers, Deedee was “vocal and withdrawn.” By this they mean that Deedee barked a lot, but couldn’t stand it when anyone tried to touch him. He’d also growl at strangers (though he was very friendly with his fellow inmates), and would bark at them until they left his sight. The workers didn’t think much of this behavior; after all, dogs tend to be territorial about their kennel mates. But then one day Deedee did something no one expected: he befriended a new inmate named Bella.

Bella was a puppy who’d been taken from her home by animal control officers earlier in the week—a sad story that’s not uncommon among shelter dogs. She was only 11 weeks old and weighed less than 10 pounds—too little even for most kittens! And yet she had already experienced enough trauma for ten lifetimes: being abandoned by her family; being taken away from her home; living in cramped quarters with dozens of other dogs (some of whom were aggressive); eating food that wasn’t fit for human consumption…

That’s when Deedee met a two-week-old puppy named Hope.

That’s when Deedee met a two-week-old puppy named Hope.

When Hope was just a few days old, she had been living in a shelter with her mother. But then their owner surrendered them because she couldn’t afford to care for them anymore. Luckily for Hope and her mom, they were rescued by Pawsitively Pets Rescue & Adoption Center in Saint Louis Park, Minnesota—the same shelter where Deedee lives! The staff of this rescue center knew they needed to do something fast if they wanted to keep both puppies alive: They separated Mom from Baby and put them into different cages so they could get proper medical attention without getting sicker still.

As you can imagine, being separated from your mother at such an early age makes life hard on puppies like Hope. So when Deedee’s human saw that little puppy lying alone in her cage…

The moment when Deedee first laid eyes on Hope was caught on film.

You might be wondering what Deedee and Hope were like when they first met.

The moment when Deedee first laid eyes on Hope was caught on film, and it is absolutely adorable.

Watch as Deedee tries to sniff out the new puppy’s scent in this video:

As soon as their eyes met they knew that they were in love.

Deedee was a shy dog who had never been in a home before. She met Hope at the shelter, and their love story is a great example of the power of love.

Hope was a puppy, so Deedee had to be patient with her. It was love at first sight for Deedee, so she made sure that everyone saw how cute Hope was!

hope was feeling a bit under the weather, so she needed someone to look after her.

A few days after Deedee came home with us, we noticed that Hope was feeling a bit under the weather. Her nose was wet, and she didn’t have much energy. We decided to take her to the vet for a checkup.

The doctor told us that in addition to being overweight and stressed out from being at the shelter, Hope had also been exposed to kennel cough (kennel pneumonia). This makes sense since she spent so long in a cage at the shelter—she wasn’t allowed outside or given any toys or treats because she wasn’t up for adoption yet! The doctor gave us some medicine for Hope’s cough and told us about an animal hospital where they could help treat her allergies as well as get her other vaccinations done (she hadn’t received any since coming into our lives). He also recommended feeding her better food than what we were currently using so I bought some good quality dry dog food from Whole Foods Market nearby my apartment building.”

It’s hard to believe that anyone could reject these two cuties.

It’s hard to believe that anyone could reject these two cuties. They’re both dogs, and they’re both great in every way. Dogs are man’s best friend, loyal, loving and great companions. If you have a disability or health condition that makes it difficult for you to train a dog yourself, there is no shortage of organizations out there that can help train your dog for free!

If you’re looking for an animal companion who will become part of the family but won’t require too much work on your part — like a cat would — consider adopting one of these canine cuties instead! And if you already have children living with you (or even if not), making sure they are comfortable with dogs before bringing home one is always recommended as well!

This is what happened between the photo and video shoot.

While the story is still amazing, it’s even more so when you know what happened between the photo and video shoot.

Deedee was adopted by a family in California. Hope was adopted by a family in California as well.

They’re still friends!

Deedee saved Hope’s life!

A litter of puppies born to a stray dog named Deedee are the lucky ones. Their mom, Hope, was rescued by Animal Humane Society in Golden Valley and taken to their shelter. She had been pregnant with puppies when she was found but soon had her pups. Unfortunately, complications related to giving birth led to Hope’s death, leaving her pups orphans!

Deedee met them for the first time when they were about 10 days old as part of AHS’ Puppies Up Front program which pairs shelter dogs with potential adopters in hopes of finding them homes faster. The staff hoped that having Deedee around would help keep Hope’s puppies calm and encourage bonding between litter mates that hadn’t yet formed bonds themselves (since they were separated at birth).

Sometimes, dogs can be our best friends!

Dogs can be our best friends. They are loyal, compassionate and caring. They are empathetic, intelligent and loving.

Their loyalty is unmatched by any human being! They will never let you down no matter what happens in your life or what mistakes you make. Dogs forgive us for everything we do wrong or neglect them sometimes when they need us the most. Dogs are playful animals who would always want to play with us until they get tired after a long day’s work at home or at work outside the house!


We hope that you’ve enjoyed reading this heartwarming story of Deedee and Hope. The love they share is truly amazing, and we hope that you can find joy in their friendship and the message it sends. We know that things can be difficult at times, but remember that there are always people—and animals—who have your back!

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