This Is How To Treat Fleas On Dogs


Fleas are a common problem for dogs. If your pet has fleas, it can be hard to tell if they’re just scratching themselves or if they actually have an infestation. You should definitely check your dog’s fur for fleas and eggs after taking them out for a walk or visiting the park. If you find that they do have flea bites on their skin, there are some things you can do at home to treat them effectively!

You need to find the source of the fleas.

This is a critical step in getting rid of the fleas, because if you address the problem at its source, it will be much easier to quickly get rid of them.

If your dog has an infestation in his yard or his home and you don’t pay attention to this, chances are that he will have another flea problem soon enough.

Medicate your dog.

The next step in treating your dog’s fleas is to medicate it. Flea medication is available at most veterinarians, and can be given orally or topically depending on what works best for your pet. Some flea medications have side effects, so you should always consult a vet before giving them to your furry friend. Prices can also be expensive; however, as a general rule of thumb: the higher the price tag on flea medication, the more effective it will be—so if you’re looking for something cheap but not very effective (for example), then this may not be right for you!

Treat your home.

After you’ve treated your dog, you’ll also want to treat your home. This is because fleas can lay eggs in carpets and rugs before they hatch into larvae. So if you don’t clean the house properly, the fleas will still be able to spread throughout the home pretty quickly.

Here’s how to treat your home for fleas:

  • Wash all pet bedding (pillowcases, blankets etc.) in hot water with laundry detergent that contains insecticides. Make sure these items are washed on a hot cycle or dry cleaned instead of machine washed because high-heat temperatures will kill any living fleas or eggs on them. If possible try not to use bleach as this may destroy any natural fibers in the fabric of your pet’s bedding which could cause discomfort for them when sleeping on it again later!
  • Wash all pet toys too! This includes anything that comes into contact with their fur (or yours) such as tennis balls or squeaky toys – it’s best not leave anything around that could be picked up by either party since they tend have lots of nooks and crannies in which larvae might hide away until they become adults again! . . . . .

To make sure everything is cleaned thoroughly enough after washing/drying place inside freezer bags along with mothballs overnight so ensure no live eggs survive during this process; moths are known predators against both adult & larval stages so this step has been included here due…

Clean everything!

Here are some things you can do to help keep your home clean of fleas:

  • Wash all bedding, towels, and bathmats in hot water. Make sure to wash any toys that your dog plays with as well! If you have carpets, be sure to vacuum them frequently. You should also clean the floors underneath your furniture and any pet bowls on a regular basis. If you have a yard or play area for your dog to run around in outside of the house, be sure that it is regularly cleaned as well! It’s important to remember that while fleas don’t live off of people themselves (they’re not parasites), they do like living indoors where there are lots of things for them to hide behind like couches and tables!

Fleas can be a big problem if you don’t treat them effectively.

Fleas can be a big problem if you don’t treat them effectively. Flea infestations can cause serious health problems for your dog, including skin allergies and anemia. They may also transmit disease to humans and other animals in the household.


In conclusion, fleas are a very common problem in dogs. You should be able to treat them easily if you follow these steps and make sure your home is clean.

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