Table of Contents
Not all dogs are good boys, but these 100% are. These videos feature your favorite furry friends doing everything from farting at their owners and bouncing in slow motion to helping little kids put together train sets and unloading dishwasher after dishwasher after dishwasher. So sit back and enjoy!
A dog that wakes his owner with a fart.
In the video, Kilo wakes his owner with a fart.
Kilo’s owner, Josh Elser, has since made more videos that have been viewed hundreds of thousands of times. He also has a Facebook page and a YouTube channel dedicated to Kilo.
Meet the best bumper.
Meet the best bumper.
This is a dog that is not happy with his toy. In fact, he’s pretty angry at it, and he’s letting us know about it by barking. He doesn’t like that it won’t stop squeaking, or maybe he just wants to sleep? Either way, this video will definitely make you laugh!
Dog bites man.
A man is bitten by his own dog.
He’s not hurt badly, but it still looks painful.
His dog was a rescue and wasn’t used to being around people yet.
So he wasn’t aggressive; he just got scared when the man reached out to pet him because he didn’t know what was going on!
Someone found the zoom button.
- Someone found the zoom button.
- Dogs are really funny when they zoom in, out and in again.
The only time you’ll see dogs running in slow motion.
Some dogs run in slow motion. Some dogs run in fast motion. These dogs? They run in both.
It’s a strange sight to behold, but it makes us feel like the world is full of possibility and wonder. When we watch these videos, we can’t help but think: “What if I were a dog running in slow motion? How would that be?” And then we watch another video where they’re running in fast motion and think: “What if I were a dog running in fast motion? How would that be?”
And so on and so forth until our hearts are full of joy and our brains are full of candy-flavored gummy worms
Puppy loves being shot out of cannon, also loves landing in kiddie pool.
This puppy loves being shot out of a cannon and landing in a kiddie pool.
It’s hard to tell if he was laughing or crying, but one thing is for sure: it’s hilarious!
Dog dances to “Who Let the Dogs Out?”
- Who Let the Dogs Out?
- This French Bulldog named Frida, who has a great sense of rhythm and enthusiasm for her song choice.
- You can tell she’s having a good time dancing to this song because she keeps going back to it when it ends and starting over again!
How to get your dog to unload the dishwasher for you.
Dogs are great at helping out around the house, and they can be trained to do many things. They can be taught to fetch your slippers, hold doors open for strangers, or unload the dishwasher for you. The best part is that they don’t complain or get paid minimum wage! Dogs are perfect for those who want assistance but don’t want to spend hours training a human being how to do their job (not unlike yourself). And it doesn’t matter what kind of dog you have—from dachshunds to Pomeranians—they’re all up for learning new tricks.
The world’s most patient dog helps little boy put together toy train set.
This dog is the best. He’s such a good boy, patiently waiting until his human finishes putting together his train set. Then, when it’s all done, he gets rewarded for his hard work with some chewy treats that he loves so much. It’s clear that this dog understands what it means to be helpful, because not every dog would have such patience!
That awkward moment when your dog isn’t actually your dog.
This video is one of the funniest dog videos on YouTube. It features a dog that looks exactly like your own, but in reality, it’s not actually yours. In fact, this dog has been missing for a few days and its owner is happy to have him back. You can see him arriving at home with his owner and he seems to be healthy and happy as well!
You’ve got 10 minutes to kill? Watch these videos of funny dogs now!
The internet is full of interesting, entertaining and informative things to watch. But sometimes you just need a break from all that. Sometimes you just want to get away from it all, kick back and relax for a few minutes—and what better way to do so than with some silly dog videos?
Here are 10 of the funniest dog videos on YouTube, each sure to make your day brighter (or at least give you something funny to watch while waiting for dinner). You may even learn a little something about dogs along the way!
Whether you’re looking for a quick laugh or just want to waste some time, our list of the best funny dog videos on YouTube will not disappoint. We hope you found some inspiration in there somewhere and that your day is better for it.