Top 3 Dangers to a Shih Tzu and How to Prevent them


Shih tzu dogs are a popular breed of dog, and they have been for many decades. However, they do have some health issues that you should be aware of before getting one. Here are three dangers to shih tzu dogs and how you can prevent them:

1. Dental disease.

You might think that your cute little Shih Tzu is too small to have dental disease, but unfortunately, this isn’t true. In fact, they are susceptible to it more than other breeds because they have a small mouth and short teeth that are prone to decay.

Dental disease is caused by the buildup of plaque, tartar and bacteria in your dog’s mouth. This causes irritation in the gums and infection that can lead to tooth loss or even death if left untreated.

How do you prevent it?

Brush your dog’s teeth regularly with a soft-bristled brush designed for dogs or baby wipes moistened with water or a 50/50 solution of water and vinegar (to remove any remaining debris). You could also use toothpaste designed specifically for pets’ use on their paws before bedtime every day; this will build healthy oral hygiene habits from an early age and give them something fun to look forward too!

2. Eye ulcers.

Eye ulcers are a common problem in Shih Tzus. Shih Tzu eyes are prone to getting caught in the strands of dog hair that they drag around on the floor, which can cause an infection in their tear ducts. Eye ulcers may also be caused by trauma, genetics or inflammation caused by allergic reactions to dust mites or other allergens like pollen and mold spores.

Eye ulcers are painful and can lead to blindness if left untreated. To prevent eye infections from occurring on your Shih Tzu’s eyes, you should regularly clean his face and make sure he has plenty of fresh water available at all times so he doesn’t have any trouble wiping away tears from his irritated eyes. You should also keep him out of dusty areas since indoor air pollution is another common cause for eye infections among dogs (and humans too!).

If you suspect your dog has an eye infection then take him to see the vet as soon as possible so they can diagnose what type of infection it is so they know how best to treat it!

3. Extreme temperature sensitivity.

The Shih Tzu breed is very sensitive to extreme temperatures, so it’s important to keep your shih tzu cool during the summer. If you live in a hot climate and don’t have air conditioning, consider getting a cooling pad for them or taking them out on evenings and mornings when the weather is less intense. In addition, it’s vital that you provide shade and water for your dog at all times when they’re outside.

This breed should never be left in direct sunlight or in an enclosed vehicle without ventilation (the heat can build up quickly).

Shih tzu suffer from dental disease, eye ulcers and temperature issues, but there are things you can do to prevent these problems.

Shih Tzu suffer from dental disease, eye ulcers and temperature issues, but there are things you can do to prevent these problems. Like all dogs, regular brushing is important for keeping your shih tzu’s teeth clean and healthy. Shih Tzus also need regular teeth cleaning by a veterinarian or at a pet dental clinic every six months or so.

Eye examinations are also important for Shih Tzus because they’re prone to eye ulcers if they’re not cared for properly. To prevent this problem, avoid leaving your dog in direct sunlight without shade or sunscreen on hot days – especially when you go out in the sun yourself! It’s also important to give them plenty of access to fresh water so they don’t become dehydrated (especially when it’s hot).


We’re sure you have questions about how to care for your shih tzu, and we want to help you. If you have any other questions or concerns about dog health, let us know in the comments below!

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