Top 3 Types of Betta Fish for Beginners


Betta fish are popular aquarium fish that make great beginner pets. There are many types of betta fish, but I’ve narrowed it down to just three for this article: Betta fish (also known as Siamese Fighting Fish), veil tail and crowntail varieties. These types of popular betta fish will be the focus of our discussion today.

Betta Fish

Betta fish are small, colorful freshwater fish that belong to the gourami family. They have been popular in Thailand for over 3,000 years and are also known as Siamese Fighting Fish. The name “Betta” is derived from an ancient language spoken in Thailand.

Bettas are native to Thailand and can generally be found in slow moving rivers and streams throughout the country. There are over 100 different varieties of Betta fish, each with unique patterns on their bodies and fins. Most Bettas have long tails with thin fins that flare out at the end. Some types of Bettas have short tails or no tails at all!

Veil Tail

Veil-tail Betta fish are one of the most popular types of Betta fish. The name says it all: the tail fins are long and flowing and can be easily distinguished from other types of betta fish.

They come in many colors, like red, blue, green and white. They are easy to keep as they require very small tanks to live in and their food is also very cheap compared to other types of betta fish as well.


Crowntail betta fish, also known as crown tail or crown-tailed bettas, have a caudal fin that looks like it has been dipped in ink. The coloring on this type of betta fish is very striking and eye-catching.

Crown tail betta fish are often confused with other types of veil tails but they do have some distinct characteristics which make them easy to spot.


The Half-Moon is known for its long, flowing fins and vibrant colors. They’re a great choice for beginners because they are easy to care for, but not as common as some of the other types.

Their body shape is similar to that of an Oriental Betta; their most distinguishing feature is the long fin that extends past their caudal fin (tail). This makes them prone to getting nipped by more aggressive species during feeding time or when fighting over territory – so keep an eye on yours!

The types of popular betta fish with beginners.

  • The Crowntail Betta Fish: This type of betta fish has a long tail and a short body, making it one of the most popular varieties among beginners. The tail is more rounded at the end than that of other types, and can be up to 1/2 inch long. These fish are known for their intense coloration and vibrancy in shades like red, orange, blue or green with yellow fins. These colors can be mixed together as well!


These are the most common types of betta fish for beginners. They are easy to care for and will give you years of enjoyment.

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