Top 6 Ugliest Dog Breeds in the World


Dogs are man’s best friend and we love them for it. As humans, we don’t always make the best decisions when picking out a pet to bring into our homes. While dogs can be cute and lovable, not all breeds are created equally. Some dogs just look better than others even if they have great personalities! In this blog post, we’ll discuss the top 6 ugliest dog breeds in the world and why they earned their place on this list of ugly-duckling pooches:

Let’s see if you agree with these dog breeds being the top 6 ugliest dogs in the world:

It’s time to find out which dog breeds are the ugliest in the world.

Let’s see if you agree with these dog breeds being the top 6 ugliest dogs in the world:

1. Poodle

  • Poodles are known for their curly hair, which is considered a sign of beauty in this breed. They were originally bred as hunting dogs but have now become popular pets around the world. The poodle is very intelligent and can be trained for many different tasks such as search and rescue or as a therapy dog, while they are also very loyal to their owners. However, they do have a high energy level so they would need plenty of exercise every day if you want them to behave well when at home. They aren’t good with children so if you’re thinking about getting one then make sure your family has older children who are responsible enough not to tease or play rough games with them!

2. Chinese Crested

The Chinese Crested is a hairless dog breed. They are a toy breed, companion dog, lap dog and guard dog.

The Chinese Crested is an ugly dog because they have no fur and their skin looks like it’s falling off. It looks disgusting because it’s not moving like normal skin would be if you touched it with your fingers or hands! The Chinese Crested can be useful if you want to scare people away from your house because they look so scary when they bark at strangers!

3. Bedlington Terrier

  • Bedlington Terrier

This is the third ugliest dog breed in the world and another terrier breed. The Bedlington Terrier originated in Bedlington, Northumberland, England. It’s known for its long silky coat that can be blue and tan, wheaten (golden brown), red or black.

4. English Bulldog

If you think the English Bulldog is cute, then you’re in for a rude awakening. This breed of dog has been called “cute” and “adorable” by some people because of its low-set tail and stubby legs. However, if you take a closer look at this breed, you can see why it made the list of ugliest dogs in the world:

  • The English Bulldog has a large head and short muzzle that gives it an overall round appearance.
  • It also has bat ears, which are usually folded over their head when they are calm or relaxed. When they get excited, their ears stand up straight like two periscopes!
  • Their body is compact but they have a short snout that makes them appear even shorter than what they really are (about 15 inches), making them seem more like puppies than full-grown adults!

5. Neapolitan Mastiff

Neapolitan Mastiffs are a large breed of dog that originated in Naples, Italy. They are known for their massive size and strength as well as their short coats. These dogs have been selected to be used by law enforcement agencies because they have explosive power and can deter criminals with a single bark.

The Neapolitan Mastiff is one of the oldest dog breeds in existence, dating back over 2,000 years ago. It was bred for the purpose of protecting livestock from predators such as wolves and bears so that farmers could sleep at night without fear for their animals’ safety.

6. Pug


Pugs are a small breed of dog with a wrinkly, short-muzzled face and curled tail. The breed has a fine, glossy coat that comes in a variety of colors, most often fawn or black, and a compact square body with well-developed muscles. They typically weigh between 9 and 11 kg (20–24 lb) but some dogs can weigh as much as 15 kg (33 lb).

The American Kennel Club says the skull should be large, rounded and broad with eyes set to the sides of it; this gives them their characteristic look. Their tails are carried up like those of monkeys and their dewlaps (the loose folds of skin under the neck) should be seen only when excited or moving fast. They also have dark lips which give them an appearance similar to that of human beings suffering from dermatitis around their mouths due to excessive licking

These are truly uggly dogs

You might be thinking that these ugly dogs are not attractive at all, but they’re actually really cute and cuddly. Not everyone can appreciate their unique looks, but if you think your home is the right place for them then adopt one now!


Whether you agree with this list or not, these are still dogs that need love and care. It can be hard to find a home for these breeds because people often have preconceived notions about them being ugly. But if you are willing to look past their appearance, then you’ll soon discover that they make wonderful pets who will always be loyal and loving towards their owners.

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