What does it mean if my budgie is holding its’ wings out? a blog about budgie health and care.


Are you a new budgie parent? If so, one of the first things you will notice is that your bird isn’t always flitting around like a normal, healthy little budgie should. In fact, sometimes they can seem downright lethargic or sleepy! While this is nothing to worry about most of the time, there are times when it could be an indication of serious illness or other health problems in your bird. So let’s take a look at some common causes for why budgies might hold their wings out and what it means if they do:

Drying off

Budgies are not waterproof and will get very cold if they get wet, so you should always make sure your budgie is dry after taking it outside or if you give it a bath. You can use a towel to dry them off, but it’s best to put them back in the cage as soon as possible.


A budgie’s wings are the primary source of heat for the bird. If it gets cold, they want to keep their wings warm by drying them off or cooling them down. This can mean that your budgie is indicating that you need to make some adjustments in your home environment.

If you live in a place with long winters, it’s important to be aware of how changing weather conditions may affect your bird’s health. Budgies are very sensitive to changes in temperature, so even slight fluctuations can cause problems if left unchecked over time.


If your budgie is holding its wings out, it could mean that it’s sick or in pain. Budgies are very delicate creatures, so if you notice that your pet is acting unusually, bring him or her to the vet right away—this may be a sign of illness or injury.

It’s important to note that there are many reasons for budgies holding their wings out other than illness. For example, some birds will hold their wings out when they’re feeling stressed or frightened by something in their environment (like loud noises). This can happen when there are new people around who aren’t familiar with how to interact with birds; make sure you don’t touch them too quickly when trying to show affection!


Budgies will often relax in their owner’s presence by spreading their wings out. This is a sign of trust and affection, though it can also be a result of being cold or scared. Budgies who are relaxed will also sometimes stretch out their necks (pictured below).

This can be a normal behavior for your budgie, or it can be a sign that it is sick.

It’s important to note that this is a normal behavior for your budgie, and it can be a sign of illness, stress or fear. Your bird may also do this when they feel threatened by another bird in their flock. The budgie will either hold its wings out as if it is trying to protect itself or it will fold them back behind its head.

There are other signs that your budgie may be feeling uncomfortable or stressed:

  • They pull their head feathers into a tight “crown” on top of their heads;
  • They droop their wings;
  • They bob their heads up and down in an exaggerated manner;
  • They shake or tremble slightly when held tightly by the hand (this does not apply if you’re just handling them normally);
  • Their eyes look unsteady, like they cannot focus properly


If your budgie is holding its wings out, it could be a sign of illness or stress. It’s important to watch for changes in behavior and pay attention to the way your budgie feels. If you think something might be wrong, take her to the vet as soon as possible so that she can get the care she needs!

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