Why Do Gerbils Make Great Pets?


Have you ever considered getting a pet gerbil? If not, you should. Gerbils are amazing animals who are fun to watch and easy to care for. They make great pets for people who live in small apartments because they don’t require much space, and they bond easily with their owners. Gerbils were originally bred as pets in Germany and Czechoslovakia in the early 1900s by Mary Douglas, who named them after a desert rodent found in Africa called “gerbil of the desert”. Today there are many different types of fancy gerbils (also known as dwarf hamsters or Mongolian jirds) that come with interesting colors such as white-bellied rexing creamsicle cinnabar fawns panda dalmatians browntails tortoiseshell calico monochrome etc

Gerbils are good for people who live in small apartments

One of the biggest reasons why gerbils make great pets is because they don’t take up much space. While some people may prefer to have dogs or cats, those animals do require a lot more space than gerbils. Gerbils are small creatures that only weigh about 18 grams on average, so you can keep them in an aquarium or cage without taking up too much space in your home.

Another reason why gerbils make good pets for apartments is because they are nocturnal animals, meaning they like to sleep during the day and wake up at night when it’s dark outside (or in your apartment). They won’t need any light during the day since they’re asleep, so you won’t need to turn on any lights while they’re awake either! This means less electricity usage which saves money over time!

Finally, since gerbils are clean animals who aren’t messy eaters (like dogs), there isn’t much mess made by these critters either which means cleaning will be minimal compared to some other types of pets like hamsters or mice which tend not be as tidy as others when eating their food pellets or gnawing at wood blocks inside their cages.”

Gerbils bond easily with their owners

Gerbils are social animals, and they love to spend time with their owners. In fact, they can easily bond with humans.

This is good news for anyone who wants to own a gerbil! Gerbils are easy to tame and affectionate; you won’t have any trouble winning over your pet’s heart. They’re also not aggressive at all, so it won’t take much effort on your part before your gerbil begins following you around the house like a puppy dog (but without the slobber). As long as you provide him/her with plenty of space in which to roam around freely, he/she will likely stay close by your side rather than run off exploring on his/her own—and this makes bonding even easier!

They’re more friendly than hamsters

Unlike hamsters, gerbils are more friendly and social with humans. This means they’re more likely to bond with their owner rather than being independent. The reason for this is that gerbils have been domesticated for centuries, while hamsters have only recently been domesticated. The latter is generally reserved for research facilities or the occasional zoo exhibit.

Though many people think that gerbils might bite or scratch them because of their powerful jaws and claws, these animals are actually quite gentle and affectionate pets that enjoy being handled by their owners. In fact, you should be able to pick up your pet without it running away from you or showing signs of fear—if it does either of these things then there could be something wrong with your pet!

They’re really fun to watch

Gerbils are fun to watch because of their inquisitive nature and active habits. They run around the cage, exploring and investigating their environment. They can also be trained to do tricks! A gerbil can learn to run a wheel on command, or perform other tricks if you have time to train him or her.

Gerbils are clean animals

Gerbils are clean animals, and this means that they don’t smell. They have a very high grooming instinct, which means that they keep themselves clean and neat. They are also not messy eaters or drinkers, so you won’t have any messes around your cage from their food or water dishes. A gerbil’s fur doesn’t fall out like a dog’s or cat’s would if it was brushed regularly; instead, if you groom your pet gerbil at all (which you shouldn’t need to do), it will just require occasional brushing for its health.

Gerbils don’t need to be bathed regularly either—they stay clean on their own! If you’re looking for an animal that doesn’t require as much pampering as other pets might give you, then consider getting one of these little creatures as your new pet!

Gerbils make great pets for children

Gerbils make great pets for children because they are gentle and easy to handle. They don’t bite or scratch, so you don’t have to worry about your child getting injured by them. Gerbils can also be easily trained to use a litter box, which can help keep their cage clean and odor-free. If you train your gerbil to run on a wheel, it may even get used to running when you call its name in order to come running when needed!

Gerbils make great pets because they’re fun, easy to care for and interactive!

Gerbils make great pets for children because they’re fun, easy to care for and interactive.

If you have a child who has a lot of energy, gerbils are a great option. They don’t need much time out of their cage, but are still entertaining enough to keep your child engaged all day long!

Gerbils can be fed in their cage which makes it easy to give them food at the same time every day without having to handle them too often (which can be stressful for them).


Gerbils are great pets for people who don’t have a lot of space for big animals. They’re easy to care for and super friendly, so they’ll make your heart go pitter-patter when you see them!

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