Why Do We Love Cats? Not Just Because They’re Cute


Cats are the top pets in the United States, with over 90 million cats living in homes around the country. They’re really friendly, when they want to be, and they’re so fluffy! We can relate to them because they are small enough to fit anywhere—and unlike dogs and other animals, cats don’t need exercise or attention all day long. Yes, dogs may be more loyal than cats; however, we can keep our kitties inside where it’s safe for them (and us), rather than taking them outside for walks on leashes or letting them roam free in the neighborhood where there are dangers like cars or other animals waiting to attack them.

Cats are the top pets in the United States.

Cats are the most popular pet in the U.S., and they’ve been that way for a long time. The American Pet Products Association (APPA), which tracks pet ownership data, reports that Americans own more than 80 million cats—that’s more than five times as many cats as dogs! It’s an interesting statistic because while we know people love their pets, cat owners tend to be very passionate about their feline friends.

You might be wondering why this is the case. It could be because there’s something special about having a cat around; they’re independent but still very loving companions who will keep you company when you need it most. Maybe it’s also because they’re so cute (we can’t help ourselves when we see those big eyes). But whatever it is—and however much you may love dogs or other animals—it seems likely that your cat has earned its place on top of this list by now!

They’re really friendly, when they want to be.

Cats are very independent. They tend to do what they want when they want, with little regard for the needs or desires of their human companions. They are not needy like dogs are, and generally have a mind of their own—they will choose you, not the other way around. If you find yourself in possession of a cat that has chosen you as its owner, though, this is great news! It means that your cat loves being around you and wants to spend time with you because it makes him/her happy. Cats are also affectionate when they want to be; contrary to popular belief (that cats don’t like being touched), some cats actually enjoy affection from their owners!

It’s important to remember that despite all these wonderful traits we’ve discussed so far—even if your cat chooses YOU!—he/she still may not always be interested in spending time with YOU specifically. Whether or not your kitty decides he/she likes being around others depends on whether or not he/she feels comfortable around them; if someone else tries approaching your feline friend without permission first

They’re so fluffy!

How could you not love something that is so soft and cuddly? Their fur coats are the perfect level of fluffy to be incredibly cute and huggable, but not so much that it’s hard to pet them.

They’re also warm, which is nice on cold winter days when you want a snuggle buddy who can keep you warm without overheating the room.

Cats are also just plain adorable with their little paws, big eyes and cute noses. They look like they’re all smiley all the time (even when they’re being moody), which makes them even more endearing!

We can relate to them.

When you think of cats, what comes to mind? Chances are, it’s a cute little furball with big eyes and even bigger personality. But how can a tiny cat have so much personality? When we see our kitty friends doing something funny or goofy, it’s easy to think that they’re just being cute—but the truth is that sometimes they are just being themselves. They don’t need a reason or motivation to act like they do; they’re just doing their thing!

Because of this, we can relate to them in many ways: We’re independent, playful individuals who also happen to be cute, clean (well…some of us), and often quite talented at making people laugh out loud (or at least chuckle). Cats are truly one-of-a-kind creatures with unique personalities that deserve our love for who they really are—not just because there’s nothing else around right now that looks as good when photographed on Instagram as them does.”

They’re small enough to fit anywhere.

If you’re traveling, you might want to bring your cat with you. Cats are small enough to fit in many places, including:

  • your pocket
  • your purse
  • a car’s glove compartment (though don’t leave them there too long)
  • a backpack or other bag (but not too large of one!)

Cats may also be small enough to travel with in a suitcase and under the seat on an airplane if they’re properly secured with cat harnesses or carriers. You should contact your airline before deciding whether or not this is safe for your cat, as some airlines have specific regulations about traveling with animals.

They are clean animals.

Cat lovers know that cats are generally cleaner than dogs. Cats groom themselves, and they clean their fur with their tongues. Dogs lick themselves, but much of what they lick up is other things that are on them—like dirt or food! Cats also tend to be less prone to fleas and ticks, which can transmit diseases. It’s true that some cats can have worms and other parasites, but these are easy to control with a healthy diet and regular vet visits (and if your cat does have worms it’s not something you need to worry about because you’re not going to get them from petting him).

Dogs can be more likely than cats to spread infectious diseases like canine parvovirus or distemper during communal playtime at the park; many people don’t realize this until it happens once too often! If a dog bites down on another dog’s neck during playtime without realizing he has an infected wound under his skin then he could spread the germs through his saliva into somebody else’s blood stream (or vice versa). So if your friend comes over with their beloved pooch whom they’ve been taking everywhere lately—keep in mind they may not realize their pet has been around other animals who haven’t been vaccinated against these illnesses yet!

Cats enhance our moods and reduce stress levels, according to studies.

Most of us have experienced these benefits firsthand. The presence of a cat can help you feel happier and more relaxed, especially if you’re feeling stressed out. Studies have shown that cats lower blood pressure, reduce anxiety, and facilitate social interaction (especially for people who live alone). Cats can also make it easier to fall asleep at night—and if you get a cat before bedtime, they may want to sleep in your room with you!

Regardless of their age or breed, cats are known for their ability to provide comfort during difficult times in life. It’s easy to see why so many people love them: they are loyal companions who truly care about us as individuals.

Cats are playful and independent, making them great pets for people with busy lifestyles.

Cats are independent and love to play, making them a great pet for people with busy lifestyles. Many cat owners have a hard time finding time in their day to spend with their furry friends, but this isn’t an issue for cats! They will happily entertain themselves (and you) by chasing after toys, climbing on furniture and playing with other pets. They’ll even cuddle up next to you when you’re watching TV or reading the newspaper, because they want to be right there beside you at all times. Cats also don’t need much attention—they can easily entertain themselves while they nap or watch birds through the window—which makes them perfect companions for those who aren’t able to spend as much time with their pets as they would like.

Cats are low maintenance animals in many respects: they’re relatively quiet and clean; they don’t require any special training; they eat inexpensive food that doesn’t come from expensive stores; they use litter boxes instead of going potty outside which means no muddy paws next time someone comes over!

Cats make great companions because they are emotional, friendly, low-maintenance and easy to care for!

Cats make great companions because they are emotional, friendly, low-maintenance and easy to care for. They are not just cute little animals that sit around all day waiting to be fed; they are also very affectionate and loving towards their owners. Cats love to cuddle up with you when you’re watching TV or reading a book, which makes them the perfect companion when you need some comfort throughout your day!


What do you think? Do you agree with our reasons for loving cats so much? If not, why not? We’d love to hear from you in the comments below!

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