Why Go To A Veterinarian Clinic vs. A Pet Store


Do you have a fur baby? If so, then you know how much fun they can be! They’re loyal, affectionate and always ready to play. However, when it comes to taking care of them there are some things that only a veterinarian can do.

Pet care is one of the largest industries in America.

  • Pet care is one of the largest industries in America. In fact, pet care makes up one of the top two largest industries in America (along with food).
  • Pet care is an important part of our lives. We all love our pets and want them to be healthy, happy and safe. They are members of our families and deserve proper care just like our human family members do.
  • Pet care is a major part of our economy. Pets provide us with joy and happiness, which translates into money for businesses that sell pet products such as toys, beds and food!

With pet care growing and evolving, some pet owners are questioning if they should still visit a veterinarian clinic over a pet store.

With pet care growing and evolving, some pet owners are questioning if they should still visit a veterinarian clinic over a pet store. With so many options available to consumers, it’s easy to get confused when deciding where to take your dog or cat for their annual checkup.

Pet stores have been around since the 1950s, but their popularity has only been rising since then. Today there are more than 12,000 pet stores in America alone! On average, these stores each receive over $700K per year in revenue (which doesn’t include online sales). But what are the pros and cons of visiting one over going straight to your local veterinarian clinic?

Reasons to visit a vet.

There are many reasons to visit a veterinarian, such as:

  • Location: Vet clinics tend to be located in the city and not in some remote area. This allows you to easily access them for any emergency needs that may arise. Additionally, it will save you time and money if you had to travel far away from home or work just because of an emergency situation.
  • Expertise: Veterinarians have years of experience working with animals, so they can provide professional assistance on how best to treat your pet’s condition or illness. They also have access to medical equipment and drugs that are not available at pet stores or supermarkets, which makes them better equipped for treating animals than other medical professionals (such as doctors).
  • Boarding services: If you’re planning a vacation but still want your dog around while you’re away from home, then board him at the vet clinic instead! Most veterinary clinics offer this service so that your pets won’t have trouble adapting after being boarded away from their home environment; aside from providing basic care like feeding and walking/playing with dogs who aren’t used to being left alone all day long during normal business hours when most people go out during lunch hour before going back again later on after work has ended.”

1. Location.

  • Location:

Vet Clinics are usually located in a more central location than pet stores. They are also open for longer hours, and during weekends. You can find a vet clinic within walking distance from your house or workplace, whereas with pet stores you may need to drive there and back on the weekend if you have work commitments or other things going on during the day. In addition, many vet clinics offer evening appointments that suit those who cannot visit during regular business hours due to their own schedules (i.e., working adults). Finally, for those who need assistance getting around town due to disabilities—whether it be physical disabilities or visual impairments—vet clinics will often provide wheelchair access and/or service animals trained by professionals specifically for assisting people with these needs.”

2. Expertise.

Pet store employees are not veterinarians. There’s a lot of things you can get done at the pet store, but when it comes to your pet’s health, they will be unable to diagnose or treat your pet. Veterinarians have studied for years and have advanced training in order to diagnose and treat animals’ illnesses. They also have access to expensive machinery that allows them to do things like give vaccines, perform surgery and more easily identify illnesses with their patients. Pet stores don’t have these resources available for customers or their pets; they’re simply not equipped with this kind of equipment or expertise!

Vets are trained professionals who know what they’re doing—and should be the ones taking care of your animal!

3. Boarding services.

  • Boarding services.

We’re all busy, and sometimes it can be difficult to find time to take our pets out of the house or have them travel with us when we go on vacation. That’s why veterinarians offer boarding services at their clinics. If your pet is getting a checkup or surgery, they can board him while he recovers so that he doesn’t have to stay alone at home and can get used to being around other animals again. Some vets even have playrooms where dogs can socialize with each other while they wait for checkups or surgery!

4. Vaccination schedules and immunizations

The next step in taking care of your pet’s health is to get vaccinated. Vaccinations are a great preventative measure against illnesses, and can keep your pet healthy throughout its life. There are different types of vaccinations that work on different parts of the body, but all have the same goal: helping to keep your pet safe from diseases.

Vaccines can help keep cats and dogs from catching illnesses such as distemper, parvovirus, rabies and more by preventing them from ever being exposed to these viruses in the first place (and getting sick). Getting preemptive treatment like this also means that if you do happen to come across one of these viruses while on vacation or at the park where other animals are around then there’s no need for concern because it won’t affect them either!

There are many different kinds available out there today depending on what illness(es) you want protection against; ranging anywhere between $15-$30 per shot depending on where you go for service/purchase too.”

Reasons to visit a pet store.

Pet stores can be a great source of information and products. They often have knowledgeable staff who will be happy to help you decide what pet supplies you need and how to care for your animal.

If you’re looking for a new pet, it’s always best to visit a veterinarian clinic first so they can make sure the animal is healthy enough to bring home. Once they’ve given their stamp of approval, then it’s up to you.

Pet stores are also great places if you need assistance with training or behavioral issues with your pet since most offer this type of service as well as grooming options like nail trims, baths and brushings among other things as well.

1. Grooming Salon

Grooming services are offered at many pet stores and can be a great option to maintain your pet’s health. Pet grooming services are usually cheaper than veterinarian clinics, but they are not always less expensive. For example, if you take your pet to a groomer who charges $45 per hour, you will pay the same amount of money as if you took your dog to a vet doctor and paid by the minute or hour (depending on how much time was spent).

2. Pet supplies on-hand (food, treats, leashes, toys, chews, etc.)

The second reason is that pet supply stores can be very helpful in finding the right products for your pet. Most stores will have a wide variety of food, treats and leashes that are specifically designed for dogs or cats of different sizes and ages. They’ll also have harnesses and collars to keep your animals safe when you’re out on walks together. If you’re looking for something specific but don’t know where to start, ask an employee at a pet supply store if they can help find out what products would work best with your animal’s needs.

3. Toys! Many have an assortment of toys (indestructible, squeaker and plush). They also sell clothing (such as booties for snow paw protection) and accessories like collars or harnesses many times being more affordable than the same items at a vet clinic or specialty shop/boutique.

  • Toys! Many have an assortment of toys (indestructible, squeaker and plush). They also sell clothing (such as booties for snow paw protection) and accessories like collars or harnesses many times being more affordable than the same items at a vet clinic or specialty shop/boutique.

Toys are not only important for mental stimulation; they can help with behavior problems, training and making your dog more comfortable when you are not home.

4. Treats! Your dog can be treated with many different kinds of treats such as dog bones, edible treats for teeth cleaning or even dental sticks or crunchy chews that helps scrape away plaque in your dogs mouth helping protect their gums and teeth from infection (such as Gingivitis). You can also find rare treats and new products at the pet store before they become available at your local vet clinic!

Treats are a great way to reward your dog, but you shouldn’t give them more than one or two treats per day. If the treat is very high in calories, it can cause obesity and other health problems for your pet. Treats should be used as a snack between meals rather than an addition to their diet.

  • Do not give human food to dogs unless directed by a veterinarian as some foods are toxic for dogs such as raisins (which can cause kidney failure), onions and garlic (which can lead to anemia), grapes/raisins (can lead to kidney failure), chocolate (can cause toxicity in dogs) or alcohol.*


So, where do you go? At the end of the day, it’s your choice. Both options have their pros and cons but ultimately it comes down to what you need at the moment (especially if you’re looking for something specific). While a pet store might not be able to offer certain services like shots or boarding (at least not yet), they are still an important part of our lives and should be treated as such. Plus, who doesn’t love puppies?!

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