Why hamsters make the best pets


Hamsters are the best pets. You should get one of your own today!

Hamsters are tiny

They’re small, but not “so small it’s hard to hold” small. Hamsters are the right size for a child’s hands—not too big and not too heavy. This makes hamsters an excellent pet for teaching kids how to care for animals: they can easily pick up their hamster and play with them without hurting them or themselves.

Hamsters are also light enough that you can take them anywhere with you! They make perfect travel companions on road trips or plane rides, especially if there is no other option available (e.g., because all flights are full). You can bring your pet along as much as you want!

Hamsters make gentle little squeaks sometimes

Hamsters make gentle little squeaks sometimes.

The squeaks are cute, not loud and not annoying to anyone else in the house.

Hamsters are fairly inexpensive to take care of

Like most animals, hamsters are not cheap to take care of. However, they’re not extremely expensive either. Most people who get a hamster will need to buy food, bedding and other supplies for the creature. If you decide to go with a male or female hamster (which can be done at most pet stores), you’ll also need some cages and other items for them as well. But overall, the costs aren’t that high compared to other pets like dogs or cats that require larger homes and more space in order to live comfortably in your home

Hamsters can be cute

Hamsters are adorable. They have huge, curious eyes and cute little noses, fluffy tails, and soft fur. If you’re looking for a pet that’s easy to take care of and won’t take up too much space in your apartment, then hamsters are a great option.

You should get one of your own.

If you’re looking for a pet and haven’t yet decided what kind of animal to get, hamsters are a great option. They’re small, cute, easy-going, and don’t require much space or care. If you live in an apartment or have limited outdoor time, getting a hamster is an option that will allow you to feel like you have your own furry friend.

Hamsters also make good first pets because they don’t need lots of attention—you can set them free in their cages and not worry about whether they’re happy or bored. If you want something with personality but aren’t sure if you’ll be able to give it the attention it needs on a daily basis (or maybe even at all), then getting a hamster might be right up your alley as well.


Hamsters are great pets. They’re easy to take care of, they don’t take up much space and they can be really cute. If you want to get yourself a furry friend, then why not get a hamster?

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