Why You Should Get A Dog


Dogs are great. If you don’t have a dog, maybe it’s time for you to consider getting one!

Dogs can help prevent depression.

And then there’s the fact that dogs can help prevent depression.

Dogs are naturally social animals, and they can be great for kids and adults alike. If you’re lonely or depressed, having a dog around may provide comfort and companionship, which is key to preventing a downward spiral of depression. You might even find yourself laughing more if you have a dog around! The same goes for stress: the physical benefits of petting your furry friend will bring joy to your life as well as happiness in general. If someone offers up their excuse that they don’t want a dog because they live alone (and thus don’t need one), tell them that this isn’t so—dogs are great for single people who want an easy way to meet new people!

Dogs are great for families.

One of the best reasons to get a dog is because they’re great for kids. Kids love dogs, and dogs love kids! The two can be a perfect match if you’re considering adding to your family.

Dogs are known for being extremely loyal and loving creatures, so they make great companions for children. Having a dog around can help teach your child responsibility, empathy and how to be active in their daily lives. Dogs will also help them learn about the world around them by opening up new experiences that they might not otherwise have without having this furry friend by their side!

Dogs are great for single people.

If you are single, there are many benefits to getting a dog.

  • They will be your best friend and provide you with a great source of affection and love.
  • You can take them for walks and play with them outside.
  • If you live alone, they will keep you company when it gets lonely or quiet in the house.

A dog will make your life better.

A dog will make your life better.

It is a fact that dogs can help you feel better and enjoy life more, which is one of the most important things a pet can do for people. Research shows that having a pet can improve your mood, soothe depression and anxiety, and even fight loneliness. Dogs are great companions to have around when you need them to be there by your side in good times or bad (or just because). They are always happy to see you whenever they see you – whether it’s at 11AM on a Wednesday or 5AM on Sunday morning: they’re ready for some love no matter what day of the week it may be!

You’ll get exercise

You’re probably tired of hearing this, but dogs are a wonderful way to get exercise. A study done by the American Heart Association found that owning a dog increases your physical activity by at least 30 minutes per day. A similar study conducted in Australia found that people with dogs walk more than those without them (and they were also less likely to have high blood pressure).

Why is this? Well, there are several reasons: one is because most pets need to be walked every day for at least 20-30 minutes; another reason is because dogs will play with you and encourage you to be active; finally, many pet owners find themselves adopting other hobbies such as hiking or even swimming with their pets!

If you’re worried about your health and don’t have time for regular exercise then getting a dog could be the perfect solution!

You’ll have fewer allergy problems

  • If you have allergies, dogs can be a great companion for you. For example, when the dust mites in your house are getting out of control, your dog will help to get rid of them by eating their dead bodies after they die. Also, if mold is growing in your home and making it hard for you to breath or even see sometimes, your dog will eat that too!
  • Dogs also love pollen and pet dander as much as they love eating dead dust mites and mold spores. And since dogs are so good at digesting these things quickly and efficiently (like all living creatures), they won’t cause any serious problems for people who suffer from allergies like me!

You don’t have time to train them properly.

You don’t have time to train your dog properly.

This is one of the most common excuses I hear when people tell me they don’t want a dog, and it’s also one of the most easily overcome. You don’t need hours and hours every day to train your dog—in fact, having them in the same room while you’re watching television or checking email can help tremendously! In small increments over time, you can get them to respond to commands like “sit”, “stay”, and “come here”. If you want an even easier solution, just use treats as rewards for good behavior.

Your apartment’s too small to have a dog in it.

A lot of people say they don’t want to get a dog because their apartment is too small and there is no place for the dog to run around and get exercise. This is a common misconception. Small dogs are very good at finding small places they can fit into, and they love running around inside your apartment! Just look at this video of a Pomeranian who lives in an apartment with his mommy:

If you do live in an apartment, you may be wondering if getting a dog will make any difference when it comes to noise making. In fact, most small dogs are not loud at all! Some breeds even have been bred specifically for their quietness so that their owners could live comfortably with them in apartments or condos where there isn’t much space between buildings (think NYC). If your tiny apartment has thin walls and noisy neighbors already, then you should definitely consider adding some canine companionship by adopting one yourself

You have kids who will mistreat the dog.

If you have kids and are thinking about getting a dog, make sure they know how to treat the dog. If your child is young, it’s important that he or she learn how to be gentle with the pet. If your child is older and isn’t kind to the animal, then you should get rid of it. But if your child is older and knows how to care for an animal like a responsible adult then go ahead and get yourself one!

There are so many reasons to get a dog, if you have one you know some of the reasons and if you don’t you don’t know what you’re missing out on!

There are so many reasons to get a dog, if you have one you know some of the reasons and if you don’t you don’t know what you’re missing out on!

If you are lucky enough to get a dog, then this is all the reasons why it’s worth it:

  • You’ll have a friend for life. Your dog will be there for anything and always listen when things aren’t going well. They’ll be there after your break up or job loss; they’ll help put things into perspective when times are tough. Dogs are loyal companions who love unconditionally with no strings attached. They may not say ‘I love you’ but they show how much they care by being there whenever we need them most!
  • It helps keep us active by walking or running with our pets every day which keeps us fit without even trying too hard! If this isn’t enough exercise then take them swimming instead – just make sure they’re ok in water before trying any new activities with them though! It’s fun getting out together as well as being healthy too so why wouldn’t we want that kind of relationship? Plus it saves money on gym memberships which would end up costing more than taking care of our pets anyway…


If you’re still on the fence about whether or not to get a dog, I hope that this article has helped you see the light. Dogs are great for people of all ages, they can be very helpful in your life and they really do make the world a better place. So if you’re on the fence about getting one or not I would say just go ahead with it!

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