Why Your 1-Day Ticket To Fun Isn’t Enough For Your Hamster


Hamsters are some of the most popular pets people have. They’re cute, small and easy to take care of. However, there is a lot more to owning a hamster than just buying them a 1-day ticket to fun then leaving them in their cage for the rest of their lives. Hamsters need lots of open space to explore and run around, at least 3-4 square feet (2 ft x 2 ft) is needed. Boredom can cause health problems in hamsters, they are prone to obesity. A wheel is not enough, neither are balls or exercise apps. What your hamster really needs is a large cage with lots of toys and time outside the cage everyday to do more exploring.”

Hamsters love to go exploring and play, but many times their owners buy them a 1-day ticket to fun then leave them in their cage for the rest of their lives. Hamsters are actually very curious animals and love to learn new things.

Hamsters are very curious animals. They love to go exploring and play, but many times their owners buy them a 1-day ticket to fun then leave them in their cage for the rest of their lives. Hamsters are actually very social animals and need to be kept with another hamster or at least a few hamster friends. Hamsters also have an incredible amount of energy, so they need a large cage with plenty of toys and levels for them to climb up on and down from.

A good rule of thumb when looking at pet stores is if it’s not fresh food, toys or bedding don’t buy it! Hamsters love having new things around them; they are never bored! So make sure you get yourself some new treats like vegetables that you can give your hamster once in awhile so it doesn’t get bored looking at the same old stuff all day long.”

Hamsters need lots of open space to explore and run around, at least 3-4 square feet (2ft x 2ft) is needed.

Hamsters are very active animals and need lots of open space to explore and run around. It is recommended that you get a cage with at least 3-4 square feet (2ft x 2ft) of floor space for one hamster. They love to explore, so it’s important to choose a cage that has enough room for them to run around and play in.

If you have multiple hamsters, make sure your cage is big enough for them! Hamsters will fight each other if they don’t have enough space or if they’re not used to being together before you bring them home together as pets, which could lead to injuries or death.

Boredom can cause health problems in hamsters, they are prone to obesity.

So your hamster is bored? Well, that can be a problem. Hamsters are very notorious for getting fat and lethargic when they’re bored. Keeping them healthy means keeping them busy!

Hamsters are extremely active animals, but they also need time to relax and rest. An ideal situation would be one in which the cage has plenty of space for running around and climbing around as well as places where she can sit back and relax while still having access to her food and water dishes, toys, hiding places etc.. A wheel will help keep your pet healthy, but you don’t want it so big that she’ll use up all her energy going around it too fast or so small that she doesn’t go around it at all!

A wheel is not enough, neither are balls or exercise apps. What your hamster really needs is a large cage with lots of toys and time outside the cage everyday to do more exploring.

Hamsters are often sold in small, plastic cages with a wheel and some bedding. It’s tempting to think that this is enough for your hamster to have fun, because it’s all they’ve known up until now. But if you want your hamster to stay healthy and happy, you’ll need to provide plenty of space for exploration outside his cage.

If you don’t have a large enough cage or room in your home (and most apartments don’t), then I would recommend getting a second small cage so that both can be used at once. Then, let the two hamsters spend time together when they’re not being moved around or cleaned out. They’ll get along better with another friend than alone!

You also need to make sure that there are plenty of toys inside each cage as well—this will keep them entertained longer so they won’t tear up their bedding too quickly!

The following items are essential for your hamster’s well-being: a large cage with three levels (platforms), two exercise wheels, and various toys. Please note that different toys can be substituted by items you already have; such as old toilet paper rolls or boxes, old socks (as long as there’s no string attached), cat or dog toys like chewable logs or balls, rocks and sticks from the backyard (as long as they’re not treated with anything), etc..

The following items are essential for your hamster’s well-being: a large cage with three levels (platforms), two exercise wheels, and various toys. Please note that different toys can be substituted by items you already have; such as old toilet paper rolls or boxes, old socks (as long as there’s no string attached), cat or dog toys like chewable logs or balls, rocks and sticks from the backyard (as long as they’re not treated with anything), etc..

Some hamsters love to climb up the sides of their cages so they will need something to sit on while doing this. If you only have one platform in your cage try lining it with cardboard instead of buying another piece of plastic furniture–this will save money! It also helps keep things tidy if you’re trying to sell your home later on when all those toys start getting scattered across every surface possible…if not done properly this could cost thousands more dollars than buying some packing materials at Wal-Mart!

Your hamster needs a lot more than just a wheel and they deserve better than being stuck in their cage all day.

Hamsters are highly active and curious animals. They need plenty of open space to explore, with lots of things to climb on, run around, and chew on. Your hamster needs more than just a wheel! You can find many interesting toys for your hamster at our online store. We also have a wide selection of supplies for sale such as food dishes, beds and tubes that will keep your pet entertained and happy all day long.


Hamsters are very intelligent and can be taught to do tricks or perform simple tasks. They love to explore, chew on things, and play games so it’s important to give them plenty of enrichment activities such as toys and hiding places outside their cage. If you want your hamster’s life to be fulfilling, then provide them with everything they need before buying any other supplies for them (like food). The more toys and activities there are available in one place, the happier he or she will be!

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