Table of Contents
For years, I was content to be a dog person. But then I had the chance to adopt two adorable kittens and it changed my life for the better. Now, every day is filled with cuddles, purrs, and joy. If you’re considering getting one of these fluffy babes yourself, I hope this blog will convince you that it’s worth the effort!
Get Ready To Have So Much Fun
- Cats are fun and playful. You’ll have a new best friend that will love you unconditionally, especially if you give them love in return.
- Cats can teach you to be more patient, loving and focused on the present moment. In other words, they help us escape our own worlds for a few minutes at a time by teaching us how to relax and enjoy life more fully by having fun with them.
- They also inspire creativity because they’re so much fun! If we get tired of playing with our cat or watching them chase their tail (which is pretty hard), we can always draw/paint/write about cats instead!
You Will Never Be Sad When You Have A Cat Around
- Cats are great stress relievers.
- Cats are great companions.
- Cats are great at giving you cuddles.
- Cats are great at making you laugh.
And these are just a few of the reasons why owning one will make your life so much better!
Cats Are Not Too Much Trouble
You might think that cats are too much trouble. And you’d be right, if you have a dog. Or a hamster. But cats are not like that – these furry little angels don’t need a lot of attention, they can look after themselves and they don’t need constant supervision to make sure they are safe and healthy.
Cats come with all their own equipment – they have claws (that will be removed by the vet when your cat is neutered or spayed), teeth, digestive systems and brains! They also have opposable thumbs for using cell phones so you won’t always be on call for them 24/7 (just when it’s convenient).
Cats are low maintenance animals who prefer to do their own thing instead of asking you constantly whether everything is fine because there’s nothing wrong in the first place anyway so why bother?
Kittens Are Even More Adorable Than Cats
The best part about kittens is that they’re even more adorable than cats. I know you probably already love cats and have a pretty good idea of why you do (or why you don’t), but I’m here to tell you that kittens are the best.
- They’re so playful!
- They’re so cuddly!
- They’re so funny!
- And oh, so affectionate.
I’m so glad I got a cat!
In this section, I’m going to tell you about all the reasons why getting a cat is a great idea. And don’t worry—I won’t be using the word “purrfect” in all of them!
Here we go:
- Cats make great companions. They listen when you talk and are always available for some cuddling and snuggling. And who doesn’t love having someone to talk to who understands everything you say? A cat knows how it feels when your day was tough but then it was also nice to have a break from work/school/family life afterwards with maybe going out for dinner or seeing friends at the park on Friday night. That’s exactly what happened last night—I didn’t feel like cooking so I went out for sushi with my parents and brother; then after dinner we watched some movies together! It was so fun! No matter what happens throughout your day (or week), there’s one thing that always remains true: Your cat will be there waiting patiently by its food bowl just waiting expectantly when you return home from work or whatever else might fill up your day unexpectedly…and sometimes even when there isn’t anything specific planned either.”
I hope that this post has helped you see just how wonderful owning a cat can be. It’s not just about being cute, loving and loyal. It’s also about having fun with them every single day of your life. You don’t have to worry about any of the things mentioned above because they will take care of themselves automatically! In fact, I think they are so much better than dogs because they are quieter and smaller so they fit into your home perfectly without taking up too much space (especially if it’s tiny).